Is There Any Easy Way To Keep Safe From Dog

How do I keep a small dog safe from hawks?

If you are experiencing problems in your area, you will need to keep your Yorkie on a short leash when out walking. I would put the Yorkie on a leash attached to your waist so he can't wander that far away.

People walking small dogs in SoCal have taken to carrying golf clubs to protect them (even while on leash) from coyotes.

You can build him a protected run with either a sturdy or opaque top on it for outside. You can build one out of PVC piping if you don't want to get one built out of cyclone fencing.

Luckily he is small so he can get lots of exercise inside.

How to keep my dog free from flea/ticks?

Use Frontline to treat your dog.

Help prevent fleas indoors by vacuuming your home thoroughly and frequently, paying close attention to corners, cracks, crevices and basements. Dispose of vacuum cleaner bags conscientiously, as adult fleas can escape. Also, choose your pet's friends wisely; avoid animals you suspect may carry fleas. Dog parks are fun, but a move-able feast for fleas!

Wash pet bedding in hot, soapy water weekly; this is the most likely site for flea eggs and larvae.

Prune foliage and keep grass trimmed short to increase sunlight, as flea larvae cannot survive in hot, dry areas. Remove any piles of yard debris close to your home.

Look into chemical flea-treatment products to apply by hand around the environment in spray or powder form. Ask your veterinarian for a recommendation on the best product and how to use it.

What is the most effective, but safe way to keep fleas and ticks off dogs?

When it comes to keeping fleas and ticks (parasites) off your pets, you’re faced with the same old problem as usual. How can you balance the risks posed by insects with the risks of the repellents (chemicals)?As per pet parent's recommendation, many flea and tick products are not cross-species intended. Always make sure that a product is safe for both dogs and cats. There are few popular and effective flea and tick products available like : Frontline Plus, Advantage Multi, Bravecto, Nexgard etc.So what can you do? First, talk to your pet consulting vet before you make any decisions about flea and tick control for your pet.He or she can examine your pet and then help you make the best selection for your furry pal and family.

How can i keep my dogs safe after fumigating my home?

i am fumigating/bombing/spraying my house to get rid of roaches and i'm afraid that the chemicals may be harmful to my dogs. They told me that i could let my dogs back in after 4 hours or so.. but i'm a little skeptical. the chemicals are going to be all over my furniture and carpet so i'm pretty sure my dogs will ingest them some way or another. i have a baby french bulldog and he always licks everything he can get his mouth on. i was thinking that i might leave the house for a week with my dogs.. but i don't know if the chemicals would be gone by then..

also, i am a very clean person. i throw away my trash everyday, never leave food out, vacuum everyday. but somehow i keep getting roaches.

please help.

Is it safe to play with stray dogs?

Thanks Abhishek Sharma for the A2A.Yes. Nowadays dogs are more civilized than us :). Especially in India there are too many street dogs, most of them are abandoned dogs. May be evolution, they are all very adjusting to humans. They understand commands. Dogs are territorial but against other dogs not with humans. I have lived in 3-5 different places in Bangalore and everywhere I see most of the people feeding these street dogs and these dogs behave like adopted ones. They bark at strangers coming to your house to protect you. They follow you till the end of the street wherever you go. I know of a friend of mine who feeds and plays with these dogs that he found at a tea stall he usually goes to. Dogs infected with Rabbies are very hyper and voilent. They isolate themselves from others. These can be identified easily and its advised to keep away from them. As far other dogs, you can play with them with caution. Do not let them lick( even home dogs can be trained with this), just by touching with a rolled newspaper on their nose every time they try to lick you stops them from licking. They get what you like and what you do not like. Take care that they don't scratch or bite you by mistake while playing. If they do immediately wash you hands with detol and consult a Doc. Apart from that you can play fetch, chase etc with them.

Keeping eagles and hawks away from my dog?

That actually happened to me a year or so ago. A hawk flew down toward my little dogs. I was flapping my arms like a mad woman! (I'm sure some thought I was ready for take-off!)

Don't leave her outside alone or unattended. Both Eagles and Hawks are equally dangerous for your dog.

The only eagle I am able recognize in flight is a Bald Eagle.

Is it safe to have dew claws removed on an adult dog?

Yes, while it is a more complicated procedure. For most dogs it is safe, it will require pressure bandages however and very very close watch to ensure the wounds dont bust open and begin to bleed...its loads more dangerous when they are grown and you are talking about open wounds on weight bearing legs....makes it more difficult to heal, plus if they lick it, it will aggravate it, so you also might need an can be done and done safely, you just have many many more precautions than with newborn pups. I had an adult done, she was a recuse and one of hers had we think been previously ripped, so it was half on the other was pretty well attached, when I had her spayed we went ahead and chopped both dewclaws too... she was a Shih Tzu..might be alot more difficult with like a St Bernard or something tho...