Is There Anyone Who Doesn

Is there anyone who doesn't like music?

Music has fascinated the human mind since ancient times. Even though in the present day society, the most “popular” music is going down in quality, content and everything else involved in the industry along with it, there are still great musicians being discovered day by day, sharing their talent and creations with the world.You won’t find great music listening to the top40 or people making music as an art. There are great artists in the top40, they just don’t all use their potential - not their fault entirely, since they have to follow what managers, record labels and people thirsty for money say.Having said all that, I don’t think there is anyone who really doesn’t like music. If anyone like that exists, and they say they hate music or it means nothing to them, it means that they haven’t found themselves in anyone’s music YET.Life begins with a rhythm we hear inside the womb, and that’s our mother’s heart beat. Everything around us vibrates on a molecular level, sound waves are even used nowadays to levitate objects or form perfect geometrical shapes using sand particles or a surface of water. Music is a vibration too. Complex and musical, but it’s based on sound which is a wave. Waves oscillate = vibrate. It’s in everything at every level, in science, in metaphysics, in whatever you may research on.Sound is in everything that represents our every day life. Music is just a use for it that man developed over the years.

Is there anyone that doesn't like bread?

Do u mean the sponge breads?
(They are made of bleached old newspaper mush)
Yeah those are disgusting

I buy farmers bread at a German Konditorei for over 30 years
Eating a buttered slice right now with Belgian Milk chocolate...
Yummy !

Is there anyone who doesn’t like Beyoncé?

Yes. There are people who dislike Beyoncé. Here are some reasons why people may not like Beyoncé.Beyoncé is a copycat. She has claimed many times she has written most of her songs, concepts to videos,, etc and has her own fashion. But there is so much evidence that she has indeed copied songs, music videos, clothes, style from other artists. She has paid millions in lawsuits to not well known artists for stealing their material. And her excuse is always I was ‘’inspired’’ by them.She is overly sexual. Beyoncé has used sex to sell her music more than a stripper or a porn star. She wears bodysuits to sing her songs, Everyone has seen Beyoces ass, crotch… cleavage. And she has beey very provocative in her dancing.She steals the spotlight. Beyoncé is always in a competition with everyone. She doesn't allow other artists to shine. She always has to be number one and she makes sure that she stays at the number one spot.Her music. Her music is very mediocre. She is a very talented performer. But her music is basic and often times meaningless garbage.Shes in the illuminati. There are so many occult symbolism in her music videos..and songs. She throws up the 666 hand gesture a lot. The pyramid sign a lot. And even has done a death dance and had a demon like creature in her videos.

Is there anyone who doesn't like music?

I can't imagine my life without music.

Is there anyone in the world that doesn't like pizza?

only that kid who doesn't like more money

Is there anyone here who doesn't lie or do you know of anyone who doesn't?

When I was young, I used to lie quite often. Unfortunately, something bad happened because of a lie I told, which deeply affected me. After that, I decided that I would do my best to always tell the truth. It has been 13 years since then, and it was actually a lot easier to stay the course in the beginning than it is now. I lied the other day for the first time since then. It stunned me afterwards and I'm still reeling from it. It has also reminded me of how gross it feels inside after you tell a lie. It has actually strengthened my resolve to continue being truthful, but it has made me realize that there is probably a human nature component to telling lies. It is definitely a struggle worth the effort, though.

In response to one of the answers I recieved; my decision to be truthful is not based on Christianity since I am not of the Christian faith.

Is there anyone who DOESN'T hate America?

Oh puhlease! Everyone doesn't hate America. At least not in my country, India.
But I do. And you know why??? Because Americans consume a lot of stuff. One person in America consumes as much as stuff that a few Asians consume. Or something like that. And that is causing global warming. Not fair! And it's not because of poverty or whatever, in case you thought it was.And Obama didn't agree to reduce his co2 emmisions in the copenhagen summit. India and China did.
But those who don't consume all that stuff and live in America, I have no problem with them.
And then there's the thing about obesity and unhealthy lifestyle and blah blah blah. But that doesn't really matter, because if someone is obese it's not going to to hurt the other person.
Otherwise America is good enough. I like it because majority of you are unorthodox and stuff and stuff.

Is there anyone who doesn't know what Trump would say in his SOTU speech?

If Trump were to give a State of the Union speech we all know it would be "I am great, everything I've done is great" and then he'd go into "The Democrats are horrible, they hate America, they want terrorists to come into the country" and he'd conclude with the whole "witch hunt" bit. Do we really need to hear that again? Couldn't he just do a SOTU tweet and save us all the time?

Is there anyone who doesn't masturbate?

Is there anyone out there age 17 or above who neither watches porn nor masturbates and does not have sex. And i'm talking about normal people, not monks or anything. Be honest.