Is There Residential Segregation Between Communities Where You Live

What's the cause of residential racial segregation???

How about economic stratification and racial preference (of all groups wanting to live with others like them) together? I think they're both important in this case. If you're looking at other ethnic groups besides just 'white' and 'black' you might also consider factors like language barriers, ethnic business and service locations (who wants to drive a long way for their Korean Methodist Church, their French International School, or their Punjabi restaurant? Once those are established, people of the same ethnic group just keep moving there), patterns of life (like holidays, ideas about where children should and can play safely, attitudes about what day of the week businesses should be closed, etc), and avoiding harassment for not assimilating (like the harassment of muslim women who want to wear headscarves or Hasidic Jewish men who dress in suits and hats with specific hair cuts, to give two examples).

Residential Racial Segregation?

Baggy pants and a hat tilted to the right or left is prison culture and gang culture, not black culture. Do you agree or disagree with this?

Would a white community be more accepting of a black person moving in if they were dressed in a polo and jeans as opposed to baggy pants and hat tilted a certain direction?

Is it wrong to ask black people to try to change the image of black culture and stop associating black culture with prison culture and gang culture?

I used to have long hair and wear grateful dead tye dye shirts. I found it hard to get a good job and sometimes got bothered by police. I decided to cut my hair and dress a little more conservative and that solved these problems. Is that any different from asking black people to stop emulating gang and prison culture?

I would like serious and thoughtful answers please as I am going to use your thoughts for a debate I'm having in an urban problems class. I'm interested in all viewpoints on this.

Does segregation still exist?

why are U.S. neighborhoods so divided? Every where I go in the US, residential areas seem to be heavily divided amongst races, always with the majority of whites being in the better of neighborhoods. It makes me sad... could it be that whites feel disgusted living side by side with someone who does not share their same skin color, even in today's day and age? Hopefully one day this will change. I just hope one day people of color don't feel disgusted living side by side someone who does not share their skin color. Otherwise things will never change. God bless America.

What is a "Gated" Community?

is just like a nazi town that keeps black ppl with a gate what is it?

ive not familiar with gated communities living in new york/chicago etc

what does it mean ive lived in cities suburbs never heard this word in my life why do republican make these gated segregated communities with neighborhood watchmen?

How can we combat neighborhood segregation?

We combat neighborhood segregation by refusing to live in a segregated neighborhood; by refusing to live a segregated life.Since I'm a semi-invalid, I don't see many of the people in the hundred – house complex in which I live. I do know that my neighbors in the 12 house subsection include a family from an Arabic country in Africa; two families from someplace in Central America; three black American families; two white families; and a few neighbors I haven't met yet.In my previous apartment complex I had neighbors from Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Congo, Rwanda, and the American South, both black and white. I still keep in touch with three of these families, and help them to the extent that I can. Sometimes that means bringing over a bag of fruit for the children, sometimes it means filling out an income tax return, and my favorite time is when it includes filling out the first FAFSA.I don't live in a segregated world because I refuse to live in a segregated world. On my business web page, which I'm not allowed to advertise here, I have a picture celebrating my clients. I think I can paste that picture here without copying the website:When you're willing to live in this world, there is no segregation to combat.

Were there any northern states that practiced racial segregation?

There were northern states that had slavery. In 1740 20% of the population of New York City was black slaves. Many of the wealthiest New England families made their money in the African slave trade, including the most prominent of them (the Saltonstalls). Slaves worked the harbors and farms throughout the north east. The North wasn’t innocent of enslaving others; they just changed from owning people to enslaving them economically by the early 1800’s. But the Connecticut census included 17 black slaves on the rolls in 1840.And nearly all Northern cities were segregated. Black people who wanted to live in New York City had to live in Harlem. Those who wanted to live in Chicago had to live on the South Side. The first Jim Crow laws were passed in Massachusetts.The notion that the northern states were bastions of equality and freedom are based on myth, not fact.

Why is there still segregation in America?

Racism and racial segregation are different. America is now a segregated society. If you don't believe me, go to a residential area in any major city in America. You will see probably 70+% racial minorities. Then, drive in any direction until you leave the city limits. Then park your car in a busy area and see the people walking by. Guarantee they will be almost all whites. If you go to the downtown of the city, you will see a mix of people, giving you the illusion that it's a multiracial city, but there is a very slim chance two people of different races are going to be talking to each other.
Nowadays in America, the white people live in bedroom towns drive to work in the big city in their SUVs, clog up the roads, don't talk to anybody who doesn't either
A. Work near them or
B. Live in the same white community as them
Now it's making the kids growing up in bedroom towns paranoid of the inner city from the lies their parents feed them about crime rates and bad schools, so they won't live there either. I live right in downtown Milwaukee and I don't even own a car, and some of my friends who don't live here think it's horrible that I am planning to raise a family here. Why is there so much racial segregation in America?

What is the difference between living in an Amish community and living in a Mormon community?

I’ve only visited the Amish, so I can’t say that much about it. I have, however, lived my entire life as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Utah and four other states, plus Europe and Asia.Unlike the Amish, Latter-day Saints blend in with the broader community, and on purpose. We do not seek to be a community apart. We are so integrated, that some people make the mistake of assume that we are just another denomination, if a bit quirky, and not a covenant people, the Kingdom of God on earth.Latter-day Saints are not trying to preserve an old way of life as much as advance toward a brighter future. We promote higher education and seek to make a living wherever we can.When we send our young people out into the world, it is not to sow their wild oats, but rather to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.Although we might dress a little more conservatively than many, it is not noticeably so.Latter-day Saints have been the inventor of television, a NASA administrator, and a pioneering heart surgeon. We’ve also had the commandant of the Coast Guard and a general in the U.S. Air Force. Technology is something we embrace.Advances in technology represent our Latter-day Saint outlook that the future is going to be brighter because we can find ways to work better together, push forward the limits of knowledge, and most importantly, accept the new revelations that God is sending to earth in our era.Latter-day Saints do have some things to learn from the Amish, particularly with regard to Forgiveness.To see vignettes of individual Latter-day Saints within the community, I would suggest the following link: Who Are Mormons?