Is There Something Wrong With My Speech

Is it normal to feel like you did something wrong as a parent when you find out that your kid has autism?

Trust me, autistics are born that way. Autism is not a learned condition. [My grandson is autistic.] It's not the result of anything you or the wife did. To use the lay term, it's the way your son's brain is wired.

But the good news is that caught early proper therapeutic training can condition the autistic person to live a normal productive life. [Again the grandson.] Five years old should be early enough, but you need to get started with proper care ASAP.

One of the key issues with autistics is socializing. They can become the kid whose school report card says "Does not get along with others." And they'll live with the incorrigible label for their entire time in school...and after.

So you and the wife have to ensure whatever school your son goes to is well versed in how to handle autistic kids.

And that might take a lot of encouragement on your part to convince the school to properly handle your son. It might even come to threatening to sue the school system if they don't cooperate. [Personal experience of my daughter in law.]

Anyhow rest assured it wasn't anything you or the wife did. it was just the luck of the draw. But on a parting note...both Bill Gates and Albert Einstein were autistic (Asperger's) and they seemed to have done alright...don't you think?

My autistic grandson...he's running for Class President at Lewis and Clark University this year. He's learned to get along with others I think.

Is something wrong with me? Difficulty finding words, slurred speech, etc?

More recently I've been having trouble speaking. My mouth just doesn't seem to work sometimes. My words get slurred or mixed up, like dyslexia. I can't find words as I'm talking and I forget things all the time now, including names of people I see very often or even birthdays (my kids', hubby's, my OWN, family's, etc) I'm extra clumsy and feel braindead sometimes, like not wanting to do anything or think too hard on anything. What can this possibly be? I'll probably go to the doc eventually, so please don't just say, "go to the doctor." I'm trying to get a vague idea of what can possibly cause any of this.
I'm not on any meds. I've never had alcohol. I've never smoked anything. I did have a baby two months ago but this seems to have been going on before I had him.

Can I use 'something else like that' in speech ?What is the better alternative?

Yes you can; as Viviane Blais pointed out in her example, using the expression is not unnacceptable when making a reference to something similar. I would add that the expression is best used in speech when the comparison is made to something present, taking full advantage of the demonstrative use of the pronoun "that". In other words... Something like that.... [while pointing to whatever that may be] A good alternative to use, if speaking formally, would be to omit the expression altogether and replace it with: For example.....

Is it wrong to ban hate speech? What is your reasoning behind this?

LegalFirst, let’s see how feasible it is to moderate Hate Speech.Hate speech is speech that threatens or insults a person or group on the basis of national origin, ethnicity, colour, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.[1]That is the definition of hate speech on the internet but the problem with this is that almost any speech can be categorised as hate speech. If I say the single motherhood rate is higher in the black community by the definitions standard this is hate speech because it is insulting to a group. Even though it’s just a fact.That’s the true problem with Hate Speech, itis so poorly defined and how are you supposed to regulate something which so poorly defined. the interpretation of such a law could be disastrous and as varied as possible. So to ban hate speech is frankly a very tough job because how vaguely it is defined.MoralAs the question asks is it wrong let me say this:Banning any speech is flat out incorrect. The answer to the question, what is the best way to combat hateful speech? is not by regulating or banning it but it is with more speech, with speech speaking against that. That is the only way to combat hate speech.Moreover, people should have the right to say whatever they want no matter what. Yes, that includes, Neo-Nazis and Communists. I don’t like any of the things those extremists say but that does not mean I will squander their right to do so. You see hate speech speak up about it but as far as government regulation goes it is morally incorrect to do so.ConclusionAnother major problem with banning Hate Speech is that it will always be driven by political agenda.It can never be universally agreed upon what Hate Speech is and even if it is why should the people not have a right to say what they want?Many claim it is not a nice thing to say, I agree it is not but I also agree that for the progress of humanity and constructive dialogue, we have to risk offending people; and in my view that is a small price to pay for freedom.I write more about politics and various other things on my blog, The Fifth Estate if time permits please do check it out. Thanks in advance.-Abhirup Thakur 14/11/2018Footnotes[1] the definition of hate speech

Is using the wrong word in speech a new symptom of ADHD? I had a conversation with someone, and meaning to say mayonnaise, I said Mexican. I tried to correct it, but said mustard. I have no idea why I kept getting words wrong. Should I be worried?

Not necessarily. It sounds like you had a lot on your mind, and subconsciously you were hungry. It really is as simple as that. However, if this was a frequent problem, you would have to consider that your thoughts process quicker than you speak. It is similar to thinking faster than you can type. It does not mean that it is a symptom of ADHD. If you are struggling with focus, where you simply cannot focus on one thing, and find yourself jumping around from topic to topic or tasks to tasks without competing anything, then consider getting tested for ADHD. Otherwise, you're fine.

Grammar: Why is it wrong to say that something is "more better" than something else?

Adjectives ( and sometimes even adverbs) take three forms of degrees of comparison; the Positive Degree, the Comparative Degree and the Superlative Degree.To express the comparative degree, the adjective undergoes a change - either the “-er” suffix is added to its original form ( mostly in the case of monosyllable words, like, “taller” is the comparative degree for “tall”), or the quantifier “more” is added in front of the adjective ( mostly in the case of long adjectives having two or more syllables, like, “more beautiful” is the comparative degree for the adjective, “ beautiful”).For certain words, however, there are totally new words, very different from the original adjective, which do not conform to the above rules, to express the comparative degree.E.g. “Better” is the comparative degree for “Good”“More” is the comparative degree for “Much”The rule is, you have to follow any one of the above rules, depending upon the restrictions, and no combination is allowed.So, when you say, “more better”, more is redundant here, and you are breaking the above convention of not clubbing two comparatives.Therefore the correct sentence should be:“Something is better than something else.”

How to stay calm, during a speech?

hey man i know how ya feel...i'm the right person to answer this for ya...i currently struggle with this problem...i don't only get shaky...i passed out once when i was reading on the announcements. whenever the teacher calls on me to read out loud from a book i am so overwhelmed with fear that i cannot even speak...that was a few years ago though and now i am a "little" better. i still can't read out loud or do speeches but i can at least answer questions if the teacher calls on me...i guess i'm just telling you this because i know that deep breaths, practicing, and telling yourself it's gonna be alright doesn't work. i'm telling you this because it feels good to knowk that your not the only one. good luck with your anxiety man.

Is there such thing as speech dyslexia?

Whenever I find myself talking with someone I'm always having trouble finding the right words. im always forgetting words but not like train or simples words, more like vulnerable or accustomed. also when I'm talking I will pronounce something wrong a lot even though in my head I know what it is! I have a 4.0 gpa and have no problem with written English but when it comes to talking that's when the problems enhance. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just because I've come to worry about it so much that it's affecting my speech?

If someone could help me better understand what is wrong with the transitions in my FBLA speech, I would greatly appreciate it!?

I have a speech written for FBLA. If anyone doesn't know what that is, it is a club at many school all over the nation that offers many opportunities for students to better themselves through business related actions. My speech is about FBLA and the speech itself is great, I just would love help on transitions since it cost me 30 of my 300 points. Here is my speech:

I'm so scared to make my 5 minute speech tomorrow?

Im sure you will be fine. I have a speech tommorow in front of class (5 minutes also), and while i am nervous i find it helps to not think about it. Im almost exactly like you, or i used to be. I would begin to hyperventilate and stuff before i went up, and used to skip school in an attempt to not having to do the speech. Know what you are talking about, but don't actually focus on having the speech until the time comes. I find the hardest part is to start off a speech when all those people are looking at you and you can practically feel your heart beating a thousand times a minute, but half way through you sort of get the jist of it and dont really feel nervous. It happens usually after all my speeches, i mean im sure you have gotten up there before and towards the end gone 'what was i so worried about? this isnt as hard as i thought it would be' And the moment when you say that word 'thankyou' its like all that stress and worry will have vanished. All you really have to do when thinking about that speech tommorow is imagine the awesome time afterwards where you will be like OMG im soooo HAPPY thats over.
Hope this helps, and we both have a speech tommorow so wish us both luck.