Is There Something Wrong With My Tongue Piercing

What should i do if my tongue piercing is in the wrong spot?

Right after I got mine done, my tongue felt paralyzed and I couldn't stick it out of my mouth. I remember because I couldn't lick my lips, and so I had to carry chapstick for the first few days or else they'd dry up. Wait a little while, and if after the pain and swelling have gone away this problem remains, check with the piercer or see a doctor. Ultimately, the piercing shouldn't really affect how you can move your tongue.

Can you drink tea with a tongue piercing?

You can drink it, no worries. Athough cold drinks (colder the better - ice cold = perfect) are reccommended to reduce swelling - hot drinks do the opposite unfortunately. So drink it luke warm if you have to.
Make sure you salt water/mouth wash afterwards though!
The tongue going white is absolutely normal.
& the bleeding is also fairly common if it's a new piercing.
Ring or visit your piercer if you experience any serious discomfort or pain.

What Can I eat with my tongue piercing?

mash potatoes were a fav of mine for the first day or so, soup, or anything soft. In about 2 days or so you will start to feel more comfortable with a lot of foods. After a week you should be back to normal but it will feel weird for a while and it just takes some time getting used to. Stay away from gum for a while, I can;t tell you how long it took me to chew a piece without it getting stuck to the piercing lol.

Plus no matter what you drink or eat, with the exception of water, always rinse with a 50/50 solution of water and listerine. This goes too if you smoke cigarettes, always rinse after!! Don't do 100% listerine, this will irritate the piercing. Good luck!

What's your opinion on tongue piercings?

I loved mine, I got it around the year 2001. I was just turning 18. I just liked the way it looked. After a few years of having it, I had to remove it when a dental hygienist noticed that under my tongue, I had a receding gum line. Portions of my bottom teeth were showing, the constant tugging of the metal bar caused it ( which is what I was told). I had to see a specialist to eiether take the skin off the roof of my mouth ( which would feel like an oven burn for two weeks). Or, I had the more expensive option of choosing cadaver skin. I chose the latter because the oven burn option sounded really painful. The doctor was adamant that she wouldn't perform the surgery if I wore it again. This surgery was going to cost me $420.00, there was no way I would put in back in. I remember looking at the bloody skin out of the corner of my eye as she stitched it in. I was a vegetarian back then, so it grossed me out, but what are you going to do? I had to wear a sealant over it that resembled bubble gum. I had people telling me, " You have some gum stuck there." The specialist told me no chips, or anything of the sort. I made the mistake of going to Taco Bell, I gently attempted to eat my taco and the sealant popped off, now that hurt. I am now 34 and sometimes I have dreams that I still have it. I wouldn't recommend people get a piercing there, because I was told by the doctor that gum line recession was a common occurrence. If I knew back then what I know now, I never would have.

What is normal with a tongue piercing?

More than likely it is from the ball on the bottom of the barbell putting pressure on the part of your mouth underneat your tongue. Tongues are pierced with jewelry that is typically 1/4" longer than the thickness of the tongue to allow for swelling. These longer barbells are generally uncomfortable to the wearer for the first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks you should return to your piercer (as long as all swelling has gone) and have them change it to a shorter barbell. By having it changed you're taking the pressure off the roof and bottom of your mouth, and you're reducing the risk of biting it and possibly chipping a tooth.

Why did my tongue turn white after my tongue piercing?

Both of the answers you have had are sensible but what is lacking is a course of action to remedy the condition, if it is indeed a pathological state. One possibility is to try an over the counter treatment for oral thrush added to which you could use a probiotic to try and restore the normal oral flora. If the condition worries you, spreads or does not resolve you may wish to seek the opinion of a healthcare professional. Furthermore, if you are receiving treatment for asthma, specifically inhaled steroids, this could be contributory. Lastly, if all else fails you could try removing the piercing.

I just got my tongue pierced and my throat is hurting. What's wrong?

I just got my tongue pierced yesterday and everything went fine and I've been taking good care of my piercing but last night my throat started hurting. It's the front of my neck at the base on my left and it's like someone punched me in the throat. It feels like a deep bruise but there's no discoloration or anything. It just hurts when I move my head or touch my neck. I'm not having any issues with my piercing. I have no idea what could be wrong. I'm going to call the parlor if it gets worse but for now I'm just going to figure out what I can. It might just be something stupid, you know? Thanks for your help. :)