Is There Such A Thing As Movie Addiction

How can I get rid of the addiction of watching movies and TV series?

Two ways to tackle this addiction: a slow processed and a fairly faster process. (experienced both and hence recommend the slower one)A slow process: for the whole day try studying for 2 hrs.(initially and keep on extending this time) and then watch some movie. Keep telling your inner movie-buff that you'll get a movie only if you let me study i.e. try to strike deals with the devil (seems stupid but works). Gradually you'll let it go!!A faster process: Remove all possible connections to T.V., laptop, computer, or any way possible that allows you to watch something. Just block it all and LISTEN TO RADIO.Well, just like you i also could not control. What i did was the best of the both processes mentioned above and LISTENED TO RADIO, and that did the trick!!!!!!!

Is there any such thing like "getting addicted to horror movies"?

Umm... yeah.I can't find anything that points to it being medically recognized, but if you scan the websites and facebook pages, the excessive fandom points in that direction.It may present in different ways.  You can be addicted to always watching horror movies, or you might not watch it all the time, but only go for the most disturbing, shocking horror you can find.I have my addiction.  I watch a lot of other things, but horror is by far the most prevalent.  It has to be atmospheric, and supernatural, or else it does nothing for me.  Good ghost movies, like Oculus and The Haunting (1963) are like drugs to me.  Thankfully, it's a whole lot safer than heroin.

Is there a such thing as a "healthy addiction" (like books, movies, sports, computer games, etc.)?

I agree with the other answer given. Addiction implies loss of control and interference with other life areas so even addiction to something “good” can interfere with other life areas. Take for example reading - Reading is generally seen as a good thing but if someone read so much that they didnt take care of their children, for instance, that would be more like an addiction than a hobby and it wouldnt be so good. Still, with that said, some addictions are clearly worse than others though

How can I stop my movies addiction?

Give yourself a realistic schedule for watching movies, and stick to it. For example, only from 7-9 pm. Set an alarm for when movie time starts and ends, and be sure to do it even if you don't feel like doing it. Not depriving yourself of your legitimate movie time is important, because it will help you avoid binge watching. I'm sure it is a lot like over-eating, if you deprive yourself unnecessarily then you will crave even more of it later.

Is there such a thing as smart phone addiction, and if so, is there a cure? Is there even a need for a cure? What are the consequences of this addiction, if it is in fact, an addiction?

Yes, there is such thing as a smartphone addiction. It is called nomophobia (fear of being without a mobile phone). Smartphone addiction can encompass a variety of impulse-control problems, including: Virtual relationships, Information overload, Online compulsions, and Cybersex addictions.You can have addictions to other devices but the small size and convenience of smartphones means you can take them about anywhere and we are rarely ever more than 5 feet from a device. Like many other drugs they can trigger the release of dopamine.Heavy smartphone use can often be symptomatic of other underlying problems, such as stress, anxiety, depression, or loneliness. There is a “cure” for smartphone addiction.You can set goals for when you can use your smartphone, turn off your phone at certain times of the day, don’t bring your phone to bed, remove social media, limit checking, and use the phone stack technique (when your at lunch, spending time with family, or going for drinks you and your company can stack your phones so you aren’t tempted to use it.If you’re alone, simply put your phone face-down and leave it until you’re finished). In severe cases there may be a need for a cure. Smartphone addiction can negatively affect your life by increasing loneliness and depression, fueling anxiety, increasing stress, disturbing your sleep, and encouraging self-absorption.

Is getting addicted to movies a problem?

Not as long as you can separate fact from fiction. Going for movies as a form of relaxation or gaining interesting insights or as a way of temporarily escaping from the noise of everyday life is the reason movies are made. As long as you keep in mind the following to protect your thought-process -1. A lot of movies are made mindlessly just for the sake of drawing in viewers on the strength of popular actors inorder to make money. So if you can learn to discriminate and separate the wheat from the chaff, you're not in danger of messing with your thought-process and becoming a star-struck individual who can't distinguish quality movies from trash.2. So long as you don't get so obsessed with following the private lives of actors that you become unproductive in your own life, it can be a harmless, albeit expensive, past time. The film industry gets rich and media thrives on gullible viewers and star-struck fans, while the latter may end up losing their focus in life and faltering because of their unhealthy obsession with stars and their movies!

Can you be addicted to movies?

I'm not joking here. I mean, I watch up to three movies a day. I'm always quoting them, I'm constantly on IMDB researching them and on the boards discussing them, I constantly buy them (at least one a week), im always talking about them, as soon as I get done with one I start on another, if I'm watching tv im either watching a movie or looking for one (my addiction to television is another story), ALL my tattoos have to do with movies, and I actually get a feeling of withdrawal if I have a craving for a certain movie and don’t get to watch it for awhile. Oh and I'm watching a mmovie RIGHT NOW. Is this a real thing or am I just over exaggerating?

Why are horror movies so addicting?

Their main focus is fear, fear is a switch that pumps adrenaline into your veins, I don't know about you, but adrenaline is an addiction itself.

Is there such a thing as being addicted to travel, and if so, what are the warning signs?

I was A2A, but I am not perhaps the right person. I a believer that 90% of psychology is pure BS.That said, I suppose that one could be addicted to travel. I have traveled so much that I sometimes get jaded to the fact that the majority of people travel nowhere near as much as me.As I turned 50, I realized that though the wanderlust from my youth is still sort of there (I start getting antsy after a few weeks at home), it is becoming much harder to take the long trips I used to take, and I spend much less time wanting to “explore”. Perhaps it is getting old. Perhaps that my list of places to see is largely completed. Perhaps it is the fact that I travel so much and so often to the same places it becomes “been there, done that”.Yet, I still get a thrill when going to a new place. I still have a tendency to drive and see where the road takes me. I still cannot sit still at home.Is that addiction?Perhaps so.

I obsessed with buying Blu Rays. It is a major addiction. But movies are my comfort zone. is this a bad thing?

Nope. A positive thing actually. Lots of young guys and gals today get sex-obsessed, experimental with controlled substances and turn to various vices. Compared to them you're a saint. Just remember to keep a social life, constant contact with friends and families, and go out for at least an hour a day for fresh air and exercise. We don't want to develop obesity now don't we? Cheers.