Is This Actually Possible

Is it actually possible to throw up your guts?

I think I really did one night. I had a really fun night drinking, but the next day was horrible. lol


Is it actually possible to "melt" in acid?

The main danger of acids in the lab is from burns. When your skin comes into contact with say, sulfuric acid, the acid begins to absorb the water from your skin (this is called hydration and it is particularly stong in sulfuric acid). This process creates a lot of heat, which is what produces the burn.

The hydration mechanism can be witnessed by adding sulfuric acid to a little bit of table sugar, the acid will remove the hydrogen and oxygen from the sugar and convert it into water, leaving just the carbon. I like this experiment because it has the neat side effect of smelling like caramel.

Is it actually possible to choke on your tongue ?

While its is true the tongue is the greatest danger to the unconscious person, it is impossible to swallow or choke on ones tongue.

What happens when unconscious is the the tongue & the soft palate which are muscles, can block the airways, we also lose the ability to cough or swallow and if left on our back, our tongue & soft palate relaxes and obstructs the airways, and if the victim starts to vomit they are at risk of choking, hence we should always roll a ill/injured or unconscious person on to the their side, to open the airways and prevent them from choking on their stomach contents.

Is it actually possible to hold your baby too much?

I personally don't believe (after three daughters) that there is any chance of spoiling them this young, BUT I also don't believe that there's any particular age that spoiling can begin, either. I ALWAYS picked up my children within 30 seconds or so of fussing, not even crying yet, and I believe it's a good thing to do so, too, because it's the easiest way for mom and baby to bond, and for mom to learn what high-pitched squeal -vs- gradual whiny fussing means.

Baby's only means of communicating is to cry, therefore, your job as Mommy is to answer her call, and fix what is wrong. It won't take long before you know what she wants before she makes much noise. Anytime she cries, you'll probably have to pick her up to "fix her problem", anyway, whether it's to change her diaper, feed her, change her clothes, swaddle her, etc., so it will actually ensure her that Mommy (or someone) will always be there for her, and will make her more comfortable and independent in her own surroundings. On the other hand, I do think that many times it is harder to get a child to sleep on their own if you continually hold them while they sleep, rather than putting them down in their bed. But as far as being awake and spoiled, it's not possible.

My best advice when it comes to picking them up when they cry is this: When you start to feel comfortable that you and your baby have a good line of communication, and that she knows you'll be there when she needs you, start letting her fuss just a LITTLE bit more than usual, even if it's only by a few seconds each time. She won't notice a difference, and eventually, instead of expecting you to be there RIGHT when she cries, she'll have the patience to stay in her crib and play quietly for 5 or 10 minutes and still be confident that you'll be there. After all, once she's a few months older, and sleeping better daily and nightly, you can't always get away from a chore right away during naptime!

Good luck with everything!

Is it actually possible to love someone forever??

Yes, you can love someone forever. It isn't easy as you are finding out, but it is possible. Your right, cheating is not the answer and you are a good person who would absolutely be consumed by the guilt of doing so and never be able to forgive yourself. A long term relationship is a hard thing and it goes through a lot of ups and downs. It is so easy for it to get into a rut where everything about it is just so routine. You have to work hard to break out of that routine every once in awhile. You have to be sure that you still are taking every chance to show your spouse that you love them. Make sure holding hands, kissing, and teasing each other stays a part of your regular relationship. Be sure to make time that is just for the two of you to pursue your dreams and fantasies in life. Sometimes something as simple as a weekend trip to some place new can remind you how much you love each other and get you out of that normal routine. Keep fighting the good fight, it sounds like you have a relationship worth fighting for.

Is it actually possible to sweat Gatorade?

No. Gatorade contains sugars and other stuff that gets digested and sent to places of your body other than your sweat glands. All that really comes out of your sweat glands is water and salt, provided your body can spare it. Since Gatorade does contain water and salt, you are in a way sweating what you get from drinking Gatorade, but it has been processed by your digestive system, so it's not actually Gatorade.

If something is possible but will never happen, is it actually possible?

Toss a coin a trillion raised trillion times and every time it's heads. Is this possible or no?It is possible. Right?So, possiblity doesn't mean that it should happen.Felt that it is too good to be wasted in comment. LOL