Is This Actually True

Is this actually true?

If you're dumb enough to believe that crap then maybe someone should come and put you out of your misery FOOL!

Is this actually true or not?

Is it really true that prisoners pee in their pants while they are being electrocuted in the electric chair? I've heard that the electricity causes them to pee,electrocution is the only method I've heard of that happening,that all other methods of execution do not cause the prisoners to pee in their pants during the execution.

Why does it only happen during electrocution and not other methods?

Is this actually true in the real world?

If you are talking about CERN: "Each cavity uses a 8.3 tesla super conducting electromagnet on its barrier which makes the seal 100,000 times stronger then Earth's magnetic field" Is true, though the word "seal" seems inappropriate. "which means that it can hold meta-humans with super strength" Is something out of a Marvel comic at best.

Weird question is this actually true??

Does your Vagina actually get tighter when your pregnant ( sorry for the TMI)....I was just wondering b/c I have seen a lot of these on other peoples symptoms when they all think there pregnant is this true or untrue?

Is this actually true about Monopoly?

you found this on, correct?
click the little red link that says "facts", and you'll see that it is clearly an april fools joke.
it got me too.

Is this actually true will we all die tommorow or is this all made up?

Definitely true. How dare u think it was made up? There are no jobless people out there to crack such serious jokes…..-jobless person

Is what we want to be true actually more important than what is actually true?

Don't take it as negativism, rather realisim, but the truth is that we took birth years ago and after growing a bit we started chasing dreams forgetting harsh reality and inevitable death.Our minds has tendency to create great scenarios, but never seriously ponders the challenging question: why do I have to die and what will happen to me after death ?So what is true? No matter if you going to be successful with your pursuits or not, sooner or later you will be kicked out from great or miserable scenario.Vedic literature emphasises: athato brahma jignasa, now in this human form of life is time to inquire about who you are, what is your relationship with Supreme. You've been traveling through so many species of life, it's all gone like a dream you had last night. This life is very short, maybe 60+ ? Time flies and as you forgot your last night dream you will forget about present life.But if you inquire about your eternal nature and ways to get beyond cycle of birth and death your life will change.What is night for all beings is the time of awakening for the self-controlled; and the time of awakening for all beings is night for the introspective sage. Bg 2.69Source: Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2: Contents of the Gita Summarized

Is this actually true? (Justin Bieber news story)?

That's a video from The Onion's site. From that site: "The Onion is a satirical newspaper published by Onion, Inc. The Onion uses invented names in all its stories, except in cases when public figures are being satirized. Any other use of real names is accidental and coincidental."

In other words, that video is a joke. Try not to be so gullible, please.

What's an absurd statement that is actually true?

Trump is President of the United States.