Is This Case Not An Example Of Just How Large A Problem Misandry In The Family Court System Really

Why do anti-feminists think that feminism equals misandry?

I have to agree with Jonathan Roberts here (who writes his points so damn well). What he wrote has been my own experience as well; it’s quite common for me to debate feminists on here who use strawman counterarguments against me. This is what makes debating them so difficult. Look at how Cathy Newman consistently twisted Jordan Peterson’s arguments during their interview, and this example is just a microcosm of the norm. And the few times I did get a feminist to address my actual points they cherry pick by special pleading and ignoring inconvenient data.There are other reasons why I’m sceptical of feminism too. Look at what happened in Spain when leftists took over (they likely won probably due to fears of terrorism). Seriously, look at these super-biased laws against men (link provided just below). More disturbing yet is how these laws parallel the laws under dictator Franco’s regime Oh but wait; hey men, at least you can cry according to feminism — because if you’re a guy and live in Spain you’ll probably need to.The problem with many movements that spring from rigid ideology is that they tend to become corrupted over time because different people with different agendas take over. And many times the ideology behind such movements gets modified (for example, going fron second wave feminism to intersectional feminism). This is why no matter how right you think your ideas are there needs to be a dissenting viewpoint, and I mean this for everything and not just feminism.Furthermore, it does not help when many feminists and their supporters (not every person who supports feminism calls themselves a feminist — James Fell is just one example of this) do everything in their power to either censor or disrupt men and women who try to discuss boy’s and men’s issues outside of the scope of feminism. This misandry has got to stop. (Whispering here — we’re trying to tell you why many men feel this way about feminism but yet many of you apparently don’t want to hear the answers given to your own question.)

What problem do you find with the American court system?

I particularly loathe the lawyers. Money grubbers, the lot of them. If they see a chance to make money, they will jump all over it. The most infuriating case of this was when my grandfather’s car was struck by a mobile home that blew a red light. Of course, the man had a lawyer, and when the lawyer found out that my family owned an apartment complex, money signs popped up in his eyes. He advised the guy who t-boned my grandfather to sue him. As the lawyer predicted, my grandfather’s insurance company decided to settle rather than fight in court. The scumbags walked away with several thousand dollars, and the injuries from the crash killed my grandfather six months later.

What happens if you file a motion in family court.....?

"What happens if you file a motion in family court and the opposing party fails to show up to fight the motion? The motion is won and is signed by the Judge and becomes a new court order. Can the other person OBJECT to this court order? Or is their failure to appear pretty much a "too bad, too sad situation - you loose?" You should have came to court? What if they claim they never received notice of the court date?"

The quick answer to your question is "The party filing the motion usually receives a default judgment in their favor."

If the motion was heard "ex parte"-- with only one side given notice for emergency reasons or due to extenuating circumstances, then the default judgment can usually be modified or vacated after a full hearing on the merits- if one is requested within 30 days.

If the other side was not given notice, then the default judgment will usually be vacated upon a showing of that. (If a "Notice of Hearing" was not filed with the Clerk of the Court, then that generally means the Court will rule-- absent no other evidence-- that notice was faulty.)

Even if notice was properly and timely served, the losing party can move to vacate a default judgment within 30 days for cause-- some reason beyond their control that they or their attorney couldn't show up. Being hospitalized after a serious car accident, for example, is a good reason to miss court....

And, as if that wasn't enough, the losing party generally has at least one year to file a motion to reconsider for various procedural and circumstantial reasons (assuming no new motions have been before the court on the same matter since) and up to two years for a motion to reconsider for things like fraud and other serious procedural issues.

However, if the issue was related to child support, the order for support will likely stand until modified prospectively (from the date you receive notice that the opposition is challenging the order).

[This is not legal advice. You should consult a licensed attorney-at-law for legal advice and representation before making decisions that may affect your legal rights.]

Feminists: How do you react to this article?

Particularly to the following quotes:
"Many female criminals are victims of abuse such as domestic violence, she said. Sending them to jail means they lose their home and children." - the usual crap, if a woman does something wrong it's not her fault

"Women and men are different. Equal treatment of men and women does not result in equal outcomes."
If this were applied to other areas of life such as competitiveness in business the feminists would ROAR about it.

"Women also never be sent to jail to "teach them a lesson"." - Isn't that why most men are sent to prison?

""Vulnerable women who are not a danger to society should not be going to prison."" - why is it then that I can face prison time for not paying a parking fine or my TV license?

UNBELIEVABLY ****ing misandry. The fact that this is being seriously considered by the government is terrifying. Absolutely terrifying.

Do you think Misandry is more acceptable than Misogyny?

Yes, very much so.. There are various laws and policies that only benefits women and blatantly discriminate against men (VAWA law). We're living in a gynocracy and gynocracy is a result of strong feminist influence within the political system.

Are there as many misandrists as misogynists?

Probably. Hate is very easy in this world. Its very easy to hate something or someone. However, the bigger issue in society is, since women are seen as "weaker" sometimes, it makes it more okay to hate men and less okay to hate women. So there is a far greater backlash against misogyny than there is against misandry. Hell, misandry can even be socially accepted in society without anyone batting an eye (many feminists, if not most of them, are misandrists, in my opinion. The whole "patriarchy" BS is hatred against men).Let's put it this way. When is it ever okay to call women "idiotic, bumbling buffoons and morons?" To call women "cheaters and liars?" To describe women as "so dumb, they'd lose their heads if it wasn't attached to them?" Rarely ever, if not never. Yet how often do you hear men get called this on a daily basis by women?Let me make one thing clear. Both misogyny and misandry are bad. They fucking suck. However, only misogyny gets taken seriously, thus, is more of a social issue and is heard about more often, the same as domestic abuse is heard about more with female victims, even though there are almost as many male victims. And as I said, with many feminists, misandry is their way of life. And no one dares speak against that. So, I should add in, both misogyny and misandry are equally bad and both equally fucking suck. Misogyny is not "worse" because its women getting put down, that's for sure. However, society doesn't tend to think this way, in that regard. So you'll hear more about angry men who beat their wives than angry feminists who seek to castrate the male phallus.

Are more people waking up to how androphobic and misandrist modern feminism is?

Feminism is about breaking gender roles. It’s about allowing people the freedom to be who they want to be and still be treated well, no matter their gender.[1]Statistically, it appears that the family courts in the United States are biased against fathers.For example, 83% of mothers receive custody of their children in divorces. Additionally, men are awarded less support on average than mothers who are awarded support.There is also plenty of anecdotal evidence citing situations where mothers were awarded custody in spite of fathers demonstrating interest and potential to provide and care for their children.[2]Here's a feminist talking about how the high male suicide rate is a feminist problem.[3]“But I also felt unhappy in my role as a man. I also felt distressed by the struggles of the women I cared about. I’m sharing my story because I think the reasons I became a feminist might resonate with you. Do you want to better support the women around you? Are there parts of being a man that don’t sit right with you? If so, believe me when I say that feminism is for men, and feminism is for you.”[4]Feminists fought for gay rights, which involved a hella lot of men.[5]But you're toootallly right, we're just putting up a front, and spending money, time and energy spreading awareness of these issues is frivalous, because we're clearly scared of and hate men. Eventually someone is going to wake up to our tricks, aren't they?[1]A Guy’s Guide to Feminism: How Feminism Helps Men, Too[2]The Truth About Father Bias in Family Courts - Everyday Feminism[3]SUICIDE, AN ISSUE FOR FEMINISTS - Campaign Against Living Miserably[4]How I Became A Feminist Man -[5]Religion and Same Sex Marriage

Have you ever heard of anti-feminist murder?

Apparently, in the Soviet Union in the 1920s, so many feminists were murdered that the government had to increase the sentence to the death penalty...

"In Uzbekistan alone, there were 203 cases of anti-feminist murder in 1928. In the first half of 1929, such cases amounted to 165...

Women members of the Soviets were also murdered in the regions of Samarkand, Bergand and Andizhan, and an attempt at murder was made in Khojent in the Tashkent district. Here the Chairman of the Village Soviet of Dargomsk, one Gaziskhanov, was murdered by assassins hired by the big landowners, because he had worked zealously for the emancipation of women in the village."

Anti-feminists often say that feminism is akin to the KKK, man-hating, etc - but when have you ever heard of feminists going on a rampage and murdering hundreds of men? :-)

Misogyny is to patriarchy as misandry is to what?

Feminism. Feminism is the essence of misandry. Take all the misandry that is seeped into society since centuries, concentrate it like a perfumer concentrates essential oils , and what you get is feminism.If you really had a good look, you’d have noticed that the patriarchy, is really a matriarchy wearing pants and a stick on mustache and beard. Because if patriarchy was a conspiracy by men to oppress and enslave women, then it would be women fighting wars and men staying back home. You don’t really expect an oppressor to put his own life/safety/comfort in harm’s way to protect those he seeks to oppress, do you?