Is This Ethical . Or Something Else

What are some things that are illegal, but ethical? Also, what are things that are legal, but unethical?

It is illegal to run a traffic light or speed even though it is ethical if someone's life depended on it.. like if you had to rush them to the hospital.

It is illegal to work "off the clock" (voluntarily or not) if you are an hourly employee even though it might be the ethical thing to do in order to help the company progress forward.

It is illegal to let someone else use your perscription athsma inhaler even though it might be the ethical thing to do if they are having an attack.

It is illegal to lease a car or an apartment in your name for someone else who otherwise would not qualify but it is an ethical thing to do if it is going to help them succeed in life.

It is legal to mislead people when selling a product or service provided that you did not directly lie about it even though it is unethical to make them believe that what you are offering is not what you represented it to be.

It is perfectly legal to operate multi-level marketing and pyramid-type operations even though it is unethical to promise people that they will make $40,000 a week.

It is perfectly legal to initiate a hostile takeover on a small business yet it is unethical to forcibly acquire what someone had worked so hard to build.

It is perfectly legal to "pump & dump" stocks even though it is unethical to con people out of their money.

What are the ethical theories of stealing or something that you feel is morally wrong?

This question may bring the theory of "relativity". But wrong is wrong and there is nothing to do based on your FEELINGS.

Is it ethical to gift a person something which was originally meant for someone else?

If the other person doesn’t find this out, it is ethical.but when he/she does… then it is definitely unethical.And also the intention with which you are sending to other person also matters.. If that is true, then even if the other person finds it out.. it won’t be unethical.. But yes it might be unethical for that person.

Ethics... How do you determine if something is ethical?


How is virtue ethics different from the other ethical theroies considered . what are the strengths and weaknes?

To answer your question, the first element would be to define what is a virtue ethics and from who are those ethics from. The second part of your answer would be to define what are those other ethical theories considered and from who are they.

Since we don't know those elements, I am going to give you a random answer.

The ethical branch of philosophy was mainly promoted by Socrates when he gave his definition of philosopher and when he searched the nature of the good man. Most of the prominent ethical theories of the western civilization come from his. One of the later theories comes from Aristotle ethic's in his books on Ethics and other ethics could be from the sceptic school of philosophy promoting the suspense of judgement. The Cynic and Stoic schools also have their own ethics theory.

The theory of Socrates is the best because he gives a method for finding ethic truth and his main weakness is by giving a method to find new ethic theory but not an actual ethic theory ( see the Maieutics practise of Socrates).

What is an Ethical Vegetarian?

An oxymoron, a hypocrite....
It's someone who is vegetarian supposedly because they care about the treatment of animals raised for food or simply that animals shouldn't have to die for their pleasure. As opposed to someone who is vegetarian for health or religious reasons, or anything else.
Most so-called "ethical vegetarians" either don't realize, or ignore the atrocities in the dairy & egg industries. They'd actually be better off eating meat and abstaining from eggs and dairy if animal welfare/rights is their main concern.

Are some jobs more ethical than others?

I think the reply is Yes though some people may not agree.Though in all jobs you have to follow the ethics however the jobs which are related to the welfare of general public and where unethical practices affect the masses and general citizen directly , importance of ethics is more.In services like civil services, police service,medical services, education,judiciary, law , army,security srrvices and such other services highest ethical and moral values must be maintained and practiced.

Is it ethical to disclose other offers?

This isn't a question of ethics. Your job offers aren't confidential -- or at least they shouldn't be. As a candidate, it's up to you what you disclose and to whom.I've been on both sides of this negotiation. When I was negotiating a job offer with Google back in 2009, I let them know how much someone else was offering me. It didn't hurt that it was significantly higher than Google's offer. Conversely, as a hiring manager, I've asked candidates to share offer details with me. I never do this with the goal of giving them lowball offers. Rather, it tells me whether the offer I'm prepared to give is going to be competitive. If it isn't then, I have to decide whether my offer is below market or the competing offers are above market. If it's the former, I try to justify a higher offer.I believe that an open dialogue works best for everyone. Information eventually gets around, and employees who know they are being underpaid either leave or check out. Conversely, overpaid employees eventually get themselves fired or managed out. For the most part, markets work things out.

What is an Ethical Imperative?

Something that overrides everything else because of ethics.

It was illegal to hide Anne Frank. It was an ethical imperative to do so anyway.