Is This Girl Helpful To Me

What should I do? guy and girl advice can be helpful.?

it depends on if this other guy likes you? does he know you like him? there is a saying : "a bird in hand is worth two in the bush"

Most helpful and supportive zodiac sign girl?

Cancer, Leo, and Aquarius.

Tips on fingering a girl.. Girls please be helpful.. ?

So.. For the first time ever I fingered a girl and I think I done a crappy job. She did climax within a couple minutes but how can I improve my skills? Any tips you can give me? Thanks..

I’m a skinny girl. Will going to the gym help me gain weight?

Yes! You'll surely see a different you in 6 months time. But, never in the world think of leaving the squat rack for any reason even after you have put on some weight.Follow a decent diet. Calculate your carbs(50–55% of your total calories), proteins( atleast 1 gram of your bodyweight in pounds), vitamins and minerals. Do not skip meals. Have three large meals and 2–3 small meals.Sleep for 7–8 hours. They'll repair your cells for the next day's workout.Drink plenty of water. Eat whole foods all the time and processed foods once in a blue moon.After joining the gym, concentrate onUpper body/lower body splitsCompound workouts (Squats, deadlifts, and other barbell workouts)Limit your cardio. Do dynamic warm-ups before your workout and static stretches after you finish your workouts.Talk to your gym instructor and make them vary the intensity for every week or atleast every month.Don't lose hope. SQUATS and DEADLIFTS will pack you with quality muscles…Get Big soon!

This girl has been really nice to me. Does she like me?

I'd say there's a chance she's into you, yes...  Have dinner with her, enjoy it, talk to her as long as you can talk to each other.  If she just brings it to drop it off and motions to leave, ask her to stay and enjoy it with you.  If you have a fun night together, go ahead and show interest in doing it again some time.  Maybe ask her out again that night, see if she wants to do something just the two of you.**Edit**:  considering the new information, I would not pursue it any further...  It sounds to me like she was hoping for help if you were a TA in her class, and she may have been using you.  At least she's being civil, but girls will sometimes say how busy they are so they don't hurt your feelings by just outright saying no.  It can be misleading, and it can confuse...  It's bullshit, really.  If I were you, I'd continue to be friendly, but I would not pursue a relationship with her.  If a person is not willing to make time for you, they're not the right person for you.

Can someone help me on a realtionship promblrms (girls more helpful)?

Okay so there's this girl and we went out for 10 months were 15 okay but she decided to give me a chance something happend nothing serious but there's this guy I really hate an its her friend I guess snd ehen we were going out she avoided him but were not anymore can I get jelous still to show I still care or stop because we're are done,???

Girl says I'm her favorite?

haha i say that a lot. normally when i like a guy i will say that, but sometimes just if i want to be friends with him. but yeah sounds like you probs have a chance because she def likes being around you. Also i like: "I like this girl that I like" hehe

This girl really likes me but im shy..?

The only way to get over your nervs is to get used to her company. The more you hang out with her, the more comfortable you will be talking to her! In the meantime, don't be too worried about impressing her. If you try to make someone like you (or in your case, try too hard to keep her affection toward you) you will most likely lose them. Just try to remember how you act with your friends or family and try to channel that part of you when you are around her. When you see her, don't say "Oh my gosh, here she comes. I'm so nervous! What am I going to say?!?!". Instead tell yourself, "Oh there she is! I can't wait to go and talk to her! She is such a nice girl." Trust me, if you tell yourself this, you will automatically a lot more comfortable around her. Tell yourself you WANT to talk to her and get to know her. Don't let your worried thoughts get to you!

Signs that a girl does NOT like you?

Answers from both girls and guys would be helpful.

Hi, I have a crush, and I'm having a hard time telling whether she likes me or dislikes me. This is because she's normally very talkative, but she gets quieter around me. I can't tell if it's because she likes me and she's shy, or if it's because she doesn't want to talk to me.

So, if someone that you actively disliked tried to talk to you, how would you subtly let him/her know that you didn't like him/her?