Is This Improper Use Of An Accented

Is there a proper way to speak english?

American English (Northern states) has a better accent than British English in terms of its accurate pronunciation. Proper English is also based on the area because words in the American dictionary are not in the British dictionary, and vice versa. Whichever country speaks more slang (I believe that's Britain) has the most incorrect usage of the English language. Accents don't really matter, but proper pronunciation is taught here in America. If it's not taught in Britain (beyond basic pronunciation) then it should not be considered, but it is my belief that saying gotta go, rather than got to go, is incorrect pronunciation, even though I do it all the time. In fact, I think several of the sentences I have just typed are improperly formatted. For writers, an implied subject and preposition makes the word "Go" a sentence on its own, as long as the context and sentence materials are all implied. It's called an improper sentence, but it is technically still correct in certain circles. Just an example. So it depends on the country you are in. However, I still feel that America teaches the most correct English. In terms of practice, the Southern States cause America to be the worst. Overall, pronunciation and slang is worse in Britain (based on English's Germanic and Saxon origins).

How can I get my southern accent back?

Regarding a previous response...I don't think having a southern accent is "speaking improperly". Poor grammar usage would be speaking improperly. Anyway, i'm sure you'll gain back that southern drawl just as easy as you lost it. I recommend gathering around a bonfire and drinking beer with your southern buds at least once a week until your condition has improved.

How is pronunciation different from accent?

Pronunciation is simply the way one produces sounds, individual sounds or combinations of sounds. It can refer to an individual's exact manner of producing a certain sound or a chain of sounds (a word, for instance); but it can also refer to a standard way of producing a certain sound in a certain language.Accent is the way of pronouncing words and sentences that somehow gives away where you are from. This is due to small deviations and errors in pronunciation, and because it's quite difficult to mimic a native pronunciation in a foreign language. When I speak English, you can certainly hear that I'm not a native speaker. You might hear that my pronunciation is a little bit off, in some cases perhaps even wrong (I hope not, haha), so you can conclude I'm from somewhere else. Maybe you can even hear zat I heff a Germen eksent. ;)In the case of English, an accent is also the way different people from different places in the US speak (otherwise this is usually called a dialect or regional coloring). When someone has a Boston accent, they pronounce their consonants and vowels in a way typical for Bostoners. And it's not always just about consonants and vowels, it can be intonation and prosody as well.

Do americans sound improper to other people?

Yes, I speak British english because I am not from America, and when my family and I transported over to America for the holiday, we did not understand a word anybody else was saying.
British English - Proper
American English - Improper
In other words, we use different terms than Americans do ha ha. For example:
British: American:

Lift, Elevator
Biscuit, Cookies
Scones, Biscuits
Cat eyes, Reflectors
Baked Eggs, Fried eggs
Chips, French Fries
Jam, Jelly
Jelly, Jell-o
Pudding, Dessert
Motor, Car
Bicycle, Bike
Motorbicycle, Bike (As in Harley Davidson)

And our spelling:

Colour, Color
Honour, Honor

And a lot more (Sorry, I can not think of others right now)

This is not really perritive to me. British
This is not important to me. American
Hello, how are you? British
Hey, what's up? American
Hello everyone. British
Hello y'all. American


Is there a Los Angeles accent.?

Yeah,I noticed it when I went to Cali,it's actually really nice,it's not nearly as bad or annoying as other places.

Basically,you guys elongate the first syllble in words(ie caught and cot=same to a californian person.)
OR (this is more for SoCal people,you guys kind of slur your words together and say them faster.Like really fast. EX:"San Frnscisco" is the way they say it, nobody from there says "San FRAN cisco or San Jose as Sanozay"
I'm not sure if you guys still do it,but "hella" was a bbig word over there too, especially when I went.

So what are these features that constitute the stereotypic California accent? A group of linguists led by Leanne Hinton at the University of California at Berkeley studied the accents of a range of speakers in Northern California. In the speech of white people in California, as in many parts of the west, the vowels of hock and hawk, cot and caught, are pronounced the same—so awesome rhymes with possum.

Also notable is the movement of the vowels in boot and boat (called back vowels because they are pronounced in the back of the mouth). These vowels all have a tendency to move forward in the mouth, so that the vowel in dude or spoon (as in gag mewith a…) sounds a little like the word you, or the vowel in pure or cute. Also, boat and loan often sound like bewt and lewn—or eeeeuuw.

Finally, the vowel in but and cut is also moving forward so that these words sound more like bet and ket. These are all part of the commonly imitated California surfer speech.

But there are also a few vowel shifts that go by almost unnoticed: the vowel of black often sounds more like the vowel in block, the vowel of bet is moving into the place of bat, and the vowel of bit is moving into the place of bet.Some linguists refer to these coordinated changes as chain shifts—one can think of them as a game of “musical chairs” played by the vowels in the mouth.

It is different configurations of these games of “musical chairs,” as it were, in progress in different parts of the country that create regional accents. The chain shift occurring in California, although relatively early in its progress, will have a lasting effect on the system, eventually resulting in significant differences from other dialects.

The Ghetto Accent???

It's not just the accent, they also speak improperly. Ever seen "Akeelah and the Bee"? I used to be Akeelah - speak "ghetto" to fit in with my friends, and properly at home. (My moms was an English teacher.) I know what you mean, though. Where I grew up everyone talked like that, and the only reason I didn't was because I was taught at home. People don't talk the way they learn in school - they learn it at home.

If a British person said, "I be finkin' that's not right, mate" or something, that would sound wrong, too. Nothing to do with the way they said it, but what they said.

What is, in your opinion, the most beautiful accent to use/have when speaking in English?

I can’t honestly say I’ve found any accent beautiful spoken by a male. From a female, there are many to choose from; in the US, it would be one of the more attractive accents from the South, which means the southeast of the continental USA.In the UK, I would probably plump for a soft Geordie lilt, though there are many other contenders; certain Welsh accents, for instance. But soft and soothing is essential, and that can be heard in any accent, just like shrill and grating.The only media example of a soft Geordie lilt I can think of is the accent Denise Welch used as Spender’s wife in the eponymous TV series.

What's an example of Accent Fallacy?

Hi, Anna!

Accent is a fallacy of ambiguity due to the different ways a word is emphasized or accented. Here are a couple of examples:

It is illegal to give away FREE BEER!!

This can be used as an advertisement to give others the impression beer is being given away. A tactic like this is sometimes used to draw more people to an event or place of business.

Another example is:

Well, Ms. Jones actually came to work sober today.

The implication is, of course, that Ms. Jones has come to work, or has often come to work drunk.

The fallacy of accent is not merely a mistake in reasoning; it is a deliberate attempt to mislead others.

Best wishes,

What is the hardest accent to understand?

I can hardly understand Chinese accents sometimes, which sucks because my Professor has a really strong one!

to the 1st guy, those "ghetto trash" accents are not supposed to be for you people to understand! thats why some use made up words. lol