Is This Manipulative Behavior And If So How Can I Deal With It

How can I deal with a friend's manipulative behavior?

Friends who manipulate you, are not your friends indeed, as another answer says already.So why would you want to deal with that behavior? Is it something that friend has, that you need? Chnces are that less manipulative people have that same thing, and even are willing to share it without manipulation.If you like being manipulated, keep the friend who isn’t one. But if you don’t like it, tell the friend to stop doing that to you. A true friend will try, although old habits are hard to kick.

How should I deal with a manipulative friend?

Please suggest how to deal with a friend who has manipulative behavior. I can't avoid her. I need to be very cautious when I speak to her. I can't trust her and I heard from someone that she talks about me to others. She acts very nice in front of me but she and it's hard to believe that she actually gossip about me. I am in a difficult situation :(. Need some positive suggestions on how to deal with such type of friend.

My dad bas controlling and manipulative behaviors - Is he also paranoid? Why?

Your dad, like mine is nuts. He needs help, but he's a grown man. He'll have to decide that for himself (which isn't likely to happen).

My father, although not of Asian decent, is very similar. It sounds like you are still living with them. If you are at all financially able, you should move out immediately. If you can't, I would try to be respectful, but also ignore his behavior. You are an adult. You are responsible for yourself. Don't ever let anyone else control you. It's a delicate balancing act when adults live with their parents. You have to understand that he feels "his house, his rules." But balance that with understanding that if they choose to let an adult live with them, the she is an adult and therefore answers to herself. It's not an easy place to be. .

I moved out as a teenager because it was the only way to keep my sanity. It made my life financially difficult at a young age, but it was better than being suicidal, which I had been since early childhood.

How do I deal with my manipulative girlfriend?

The real way to deal with manipulation is simple. Don’t fall for it. Just don’t care. You are giving into her tricks and so she keeps playing them. When someone is looking for a reaction from you, don’t give it to them.You might have a conversation where they will put themselves down and say, I don’t know why you’re with me, I’m not worth it.The expected response to this is for you to tell her that of course she’s worth it, she’s too hard on herself.She follows up with, I’m so ugly……Expected response, You’re beautiful! How can you say that you’re ugly. You’re the most beautiful…….You know the rest. Continue ad nauseum.The correct responses are as follows.I’m not worth it, I don’t know why you’re with me.Ignore this. It’s a fishing expedition. If you must respond tell her flatly. I am here because I choose to be. If you are going to question my judgement after I have told you that, it makes me think that what I say isn’t good enough reason for you. I have told you my reasons, and unless those change, you acting like I can’t make up my own mind is insulting.I’m so ugly…..Well, you know what I think about that. But if you disagree, that’s your choice. I can’t change your opinion, and you cannot change mind. But what we can change in the subject.Manipulation is about initiating a response from you. Whether or not you decide to give that response, that is up to you. Personally, I don’t bother, as it just brings them back to the trough for more. If she is using whether or not she contacts you as a method to keep you on the hook, then leave. Why are you tolerating this in the first place. If she wants to be with you, she will actively seek to be so. If she would prefer to play a game of chase, tell her to go suck a lemon.Now, you say that you love this girl but she manipulates you. Tell her that’s a non starter for you. She’s with you and you’re with her, or not. It isn’t going to be a game of cat and mouse. If that’s how she wants to run a relationship, that she’s welcome to do so with someone else.Why do you want to be with someone that yanks your chain whenever she can? It seems to me that while you have feelings for her that you understand, she sounds like she takes you for granted.

How to deal with an evil manipulative step daughter?

When I met my husband I was 24 years old, he had a daughter, in the beginning of the relationship she look and act apparently sweet with me, she was 15 and start to be very jealous of me, wants to sleep in our bed between her father and me, talking of her mother always in front of me, using the kitchen every time I need to cook, so I have to cook later when she is done, spending her vacations with us her father and I, so she always try to get his attention and all turns over her,I have talked to my husband about it but he always defend her saying that I need to understand her. Now I'm 31 and I just cannot tolerate her anymore, she only comes a few times to visit us and she is always encharge of making me feel that she is the only one and I don't belong there, so every time she appears my husband and I have to fight because of her, when her father is around she treat me well but when he is not around is another story, I'm affected about this situation for so many years of my husband saying to me, is all my foult she is my doughter and you have to understand her, and defending her, that I cannot be in the same room as her, what can I do? how can I deal with this situation?

How do I deal with a manipulative girlfriend?

I am a manipulative wife. First decide if you love her enough to work through it. If yes read onIf no, get the fuck out of the relationship. There are many reasons why people manipulate most have been covered already, some are positive some are negative.She clearly has an issue, address this with her, she should know that her gravitation towards manipulation to solve her issues is her problem. She needs to deal with it. If she agrees read on If she doesn't get the fuck out.  You need to find a way to deal with this too because she won't stop over night. Manipulation of our environment and the people in it is a lifestyle, it is hard to get out of it. It will take a long time, so in the mean time ignore it.  Take time to be yourself, enjoy spending time with people that don't do it. Make sure you are aware of what it feels like to not be manipulated (although all people do it to some extent, eg. If a new student arrived at your school and you fancied them would you tell your partner straight up? No you'd probably ignore your feelings until they slip away in to nothingness, protecting your partner from fear, worry, jealousy etc.) Be supportive, when you find out she has manipulated you ask why, really try to help her discover the root of her issue. Understand why she doesn't feel like she can be straight with you. Grow together.  Reassure her you are committed and that you want her to stop for you and for her and for your future together.  In conclusion: make yourself happy. Always seek out corroborable facts. Protect your self. Listen to her. Understand the issue.  Keep moving forwards. Enjoy your relationship. Seek out your own flaws and address them. If your both imperfect humans you can get better together.

How do I deal with an underhanded manipulative coworker who is trying to undermine me but acts all friendly and nice to others and they think she's great?

You get all passive aggressive with her. You act all nicey-nice to her face. Make it obvious you're being all phoney about it but not so much that you don't have plausible deniability. If something gets said about you being too nice, act all hurt or offended. Say something like ��Can't a person just be nice around here?”When the coworkers start singing her praises, join in. Point out something totally awesome about her that's not really awesome. Surely she does something kinda halfassed at work. Maybe she's not particularly good at one thing like talking to a disgruntled customer or her sales pitch is flat. Anything. If she does everything perfectly, invent something.When she comes out of the restroom, act like it stinks. Comment on what she eats for lunch like “man, I wish I could eat that much without getting heartburn” or “ew. What are you eating. Its giving me heartburn”Hover around her just out of her sight but she knows you're there somewhere. When she's getting her butt kissed by the other employees or the boss, say the exact same thing they say. Like make a bigger deal out of it than it really is.If you're having trouble with a co-worker and you feel you're being made to feel inferior on purpose to elevate the other person, give them what they want with a few extra helpings. Its like saying “Okay, you want to be the one who stands out at my expense, I'll just make damn sure you stand out”There's not much you can do in the situation to really change things but there's no reason you can't get a small jab in here and there. A manipulator will be surprised when a usually benign person becomes passive aggressive. It throws them off. Make eye contact to let her know you know what she is and don't give a damn.It also helps if you are better at the job than her so get better at the job so you can be superior.

How do you deal with manipulative or catty coworkers?

Often these kinds of coworkers feel insecure or threatened either by their coworkers or by their work situation. Being petty and vindictive is a symptom of insecurity or unhappiness with herself or her job position. For people like this, trying to change them or asking them to cut it out usually will just fuel the flame. You do, however, have every right to expect her to do her job.

If her behavior is directly or indirectly affecting your work you have the right to ask her to stop. If her behavior is still destructive it is appropriate to discuss the situation with your superior. Many managers are unaware of these sorts of issues between employees.

How do you deal with a dramatic and manipulative friend?

Ask them if you can talk to them in private about something important. Confront them, calmly, about this behavior and express how it makes you feel. It may help if you describe specific instances where their behavior was inappropriate and express how you felt in those instances.This friend may have no idea that they are being dramatic and manipulative. It may make them feel attacked to be confronted, so try focusing on using “I statements.”Instead of saying “you are ______” say “when you [specific thing they do], it makes me feel [how you feel].”(If at any point you start feeling unsafe in any way, walk out. You do not have to and should not put up with that.)If they’re unwilling to let you explain how their behavior is making you feel and/or don’t take you seriously, then I’d suggest finding a new friend. You aren’t obligated to remain close to someone who is unwilling to listen to how you feel, especially when you’re trying to convey that something they are doing is hurting you.Additionally, say you have this talk with them and they agree to make changes, but they don’t follow through on these changes. In that case, you should highly consider ending the friendship with this person. And who knows, maybe it’ll make them self reflect a bit if you do what’s best for you and leave a toxic friendship.Good luck. It can be hard to confront someone and even harder to cut ties, but you really need to do what’s best for you.