Is This Normal For An Ankle Sprain

Is it normal for ankle sprain to pop?

Well usually when you sprain your ankle you injury a ligament or some cartlige tissue but with good rest and ice it should heal, I would recammend you buy a ankle support only cost a few bucks to protect it from further damage. And yes it is normal for your ankle to pop when injured. Trust me I know what your going thru.
I broke my ankle in two places and had to get surgery on it got two screws into my ankle and a cast for three months, yeah sucked. And its been a little less then a year and it pops about every 5 minutes.
So yeah just take care of it.

Sprained ankle with bruise is it normal?

I've sprained my ankle twice. The first time I had a bruise, the second time I didn't. It depends on how you sprained it, really. If you fell hard on it, yeah, a bruise will probably show. But if you twisted it, it's probably not going to bruise. I suggest you keep off of it, don't walk on it or you'll stress it more. Then it will take longer to heal. Trust me, I've been very...naive with injuries and they last longer than they should. Boost it up on pillows and wrap it with a bandage or get a brace.

Is it normal to have a sprained ankle with no swelling?

Depends on the “Grade” of the sprain. It’s certainly possible with grade 1. Grade 2/3 are less likely, due to the extent of the injury.It could also be a bad ‘bone bruise’ which will hurt quite a bit, for quite a while. (a bone bruise is when you hit a bone hard enough for fluid to build up within it. It’ll feel like a bad bruise without any skin discoloration)

Is bruising on the other side of a sprained ankle normal?

I sprained my right ankle towards the outside severely.X ray showed no broken bone.But severely bruised ankle and foot. Now after 3 days a mild bruising is showing on the other side of the ankle( the inside of the right ankle) it normal...? It started to become yellow(the bruising) and showing signs of healing and's bruised on the other side. haven't walked on it only mildly not to damage it normal to bruise on the other side of the directional sprain?

Is it normal for a sprained ankle to bruise a day or 2 later?

We were at Six Flags on Saturday. While standing in line I shifted my weight and while doing that my ankle rolled over pretty hand. The ground was uneven. I didn't know that until after my ankle rolled.

I ignored the pain. I have many chronic illnesses so I am never without pain. It was fun day for my kids & I didn't want to ruin it for them. The injury happened around 5-6pm. I kept walking in it until we left the park at 10pm. But every time I sat down I'd feel my ankle hurting more & more.

Later that night I took a good look at my ankle & I saw some bruising under my ankle bone. I've had many sprains and never had my ankle or foot bruise. I noticed if anything slightly touched the bruised area it hurt pretty bad. I iced my ankle on & off that night and Sunday. I'd ice it, rest it the ice it again.

So this morning I looked at it and the bruising is now still near the ankle bone but also seems to have spread to down to the middle of my foot. It isn't bad bruising but you see it is discolored some. My ankle isn't to swollen but it is normal size either. My toes and foot are cold too even plus I have some tingling in the foot too almost like when your foot goes to sleep. I took some Excedrin for the pain but it didn't help much.

Is it normal for the bruising to spread a day or so later after the injury?

Is it normal for sprained ankle to change it color like bruises? is it something serious?

I sprained my ankle for morethan 24 hours now, i can walk better now than 12 hours ago, but i just notice there is bruises appeared on the swollen part.. is it normal? or is it something to scare of? it's not painful all. its kinda itchy actually, but still, the bruises concern me a LOT

How long does it take for a sprained ankle to heal?

The truth is it depends on what you do to heal it? If you just use rest and ice and wait for it to heal itself, it could take a very long time. The average healing time using rest and ice is about 4 - 8 weeks for the most minor of sprains. However, up to 30% of people who use rest and ice still have pain 1 year later.The problem is that the ankle will still be weak and unstable after it "heals". I put that in quotes, because even though you can get back to normal activities, your ankle won't really be healed up. It will still be tender and at a high risk for another sprain. That's why so many people keep re-injuring the same ankle time and time again. It's weak, unstable and has a poor range of motion. Not only does this negatively affect the ankle, but also the areas above it (the knees, hips and low back).I have found that in order to heal a sprained ankle quickly and fully, you need to do a good rehab or healing program for the ankle. Then, it usually takes about 3 - 7 days (for grade 1-2 sprains... for grade 3 sprains- the most serious kind, it takes about 1-3 weeks vs. 2-6 months or longer with rest and ice). In order to do a good ankle rehab program, you can either go see a Physical Therapist or try a good at home ankle rehab program (I recommend the H.E.M. Ankle Rehab System), which is designed to help you heal a sprained ankle fast (about a week for most sprains) and protect you from future sprains without the need for ankle braces, wraps, and tape. It is simple to follow 3 step system backed by the latest scientific studies and does not require any equipment.If you do a good ankle rehab program, your ankle will heal fully and that means pain-free, strong, stable ankles that improve overall movement and reduce the risk of future injury.Thanks!

Skin discoloration after ankle sprain?

I sprained my ankle 2 days ago. I went to doctor and didn't need crutches or anything. Just had to do "R.I.C.E", which I did. It's a grade 1 sprain so I can walk on it. My ankle was really swollen but after 2 days, it probably reduced to half the swollen size but now a 3'' x 1'' dark purple spot.
Big Question: I'm wondering if it's normal to have skin discoloration after an ankle sprain or just after swelling and how long would it take to go away.