Is This Ridiculous Attempt At Thinking You

How to stop a ridiculous crush?

When you have a crush it's just a slang word for being infatuated, like being possed by an attraction or unreasonable passion. In this case " that Senior" I take it you don't want to be involved with him or for reasons known to you, Senior and you are an impossible couple? First your not suffering from stupidity. Your by far from being the first or last to have a crush on someone. Well a crush is also allot like a fire and your asking where is the fire extinguisher? I can give you some advice.1) avert your gaze when he gets on the bus and don't attempt any peeks. 2)When you get off don't look his way. 3)You have friends on the bus start a conversation. 4)Whenever your thoughts bring up his imaged them attempt to engage yourself in a meaningful activity. Your annoyed right now stay annoyed. What I probably passed to you in fact all worthless advice. A crush is a crush and only time can heal it now the fire will go out but the embers may retain there heat for years. Ask any older person and they'll tell you about their first crush. My answering isn't very reassuring but that's all I got.

How do I stop worrying about ridiculous thinking?

By realizing they are ridiculous and they come without your consent.Using slightly different words for it: don't fuel it with your belief and don't fuel it with identification.Try not thinking for a minute: you can't do it! Things that come without your consent have nothing to do with free will. So, instead of fighting it or indulging in it, simply start observing it, as from a distance. This is what is called meditation.The parts of our brains that become active and start “talking to you” whenever you are not performing a task, is called the Default mode network - WikipediaHere are the basics of meditation:

Why do theists attempt to troll atheists with ridiculous hypotheses?

Because one of the features of all religions is faith - and faith requires that you believe what you are being taught is true without question. This means that you can't accept any world view that doesn't include faith and therefore will ask questions such as these. Some are trolls, certainly - but many are asking because they genuinely don't understand how people could think that way - their belief system completely prevents them.I used to be a part of this, and when I look back I wonder how on earth I could have thought this way - but I did, and certainly asked the same sort of questions.The "ontological argument" for the existence of god is a classic example, as is "Paley's Watch" - the basis of the much of current Christian evolutionary apologism (e.g. "creation science"), although they have now moved on from the arguments of Paley to other complex systems.If you want a good example of a synthetic version of this, download the Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster - which has many great arguments from a faith basis. This gives, if read in this light, quite a lot of insight into this sort of thinking.They also have the reason that because they believe we are condemning ourselves to external hell by not believing - so must, ethically, from their view, try to convert us - and even death isn't as bad as what awaits us on the other side. This thinking is what led to the crusades, the inquisition, the rise of militant Islam - there are hundreds of examples.

Dating Advice: Is it ridiculous to fall in love with someone you never met in person but talked to and shared a lot with over the Internet?

No, I don’t think it’s ridiculous. You can’t choose who or when or where to fall in love with someone after all. If you think that s/he is the best person for you, it’s not impossible to fall in love with that person even though you two live far away from each other.It happens to me too. To be precise, I’ve fallen for an internet friend of mine. She lives in Europe and I live in Asia, but I have hope that we will meet someday and we both are excited about it.We didn’t meet on Instagram nor dating applications. We met on Wattpad instead. I’m a writer and she’s a reader of my story, so she followed me and one day, when I was having a breakdown, I ranted on my profile and she messaged me immediately. We’ve never talked to each other before, but she really sent me a long message telling me not to give up and that she could understand what I felt.I thought, if she could do such thing to a stranger, she must be a nice person, and I was right. She’s even more than a nice person, she’s really amazing and I love her so much. Since then we talk on daily basis and I feel so thankful to have her in my life.We’ve exchanged selfies a few times before and for me, she’s perfect. But, the thing that makes me fall in love with her is not her physical appearance, but her personality instead. She truly is beautiful inside and out. She’s very adorable, she never judge me even once, she’s the sweetest person I’ve ever known in my life. She’s also a hardworking person and she’s very, very kind.I have insecurity about my body; especially since my boyfriend used to judge my physical appearance and told me to go on a diet every time. He told me I’d be prettier if I become more skinny (I’m a little bit chubby but I’m not fat at all) . But this girl, she told me I don’t have to change anything, she told me I’m beautiful just the way I am and I have to love myself more. Ah, I love her so much.She’s really an amazing person and she makes me fall for her again and again. We live far away from each other but it doesn’t stop me from falling in love with her. Sometimes, the most beautiful love story is the most unexpected one.Good luck!!

Teachers, what are some ridiculous ways students have cheated/plagiarized?

I’ve had a couple of absurd (to say the least!) ways that students have cheated in tests, but these are some of the most memorable ones.Using Older Sibling’s Reports: I may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but 9 times out of 10, I know when you’ve stolen an older sibling’s report. But, Mr. Jorgensen, how do you know such things? Usually, the only students that attempt these things are the lazy ‘cool kids’ who think that they can outsmart their teacher. So usually they prepare it the night before, making no attempt to change the document. Here’s some advice. Want to use your older sister’s report. Change the dates and names. Because, unless your transgender (which I’m totally cool with), why would a guy called Mitch sign off as Katie, who is ‘coincidentally’ also your big sister.Programming Answers on Calculators: This technique is only really possible in a Maths test, and you also need to be super nerdy to be able to do it. So, what’s the point in doing it if you probably know all the answers anyway? I’ve never seen it being done, but I’ve heard plenty about it in the Maths Staff Base.The Pen-Note: More of an old-fashioned one here that was around when I was doing tests in the early 90s, but still fairly popular. What you do is your write notes on all parts of your pen, so that when your hour of need comes, you can just dissect your pen, and you have an answer.

Do you think some people commit suicide for attention and not because they want to leave this earth?

Genuine suicides are usually carried out quietly and with great determination, with no possibility of the person being rescued.

If a person shoots themselves in the head, jumps off a tall place, or hangs themselves - you can be sure they didn't want to be rescued, no cries for help there.

The wrist-slashers, the over-dosers, the self-drowners (amongst others) usually want to be found and helped - yes they want attention, of course they do.

Some would-be suicides are hugely attracted to landmarks from which to commit suicide; for instance your Empire State Building guy. I have no problem with that, they feel it is their destiny.

The Twitter/Tweeter who committed suicide publicly - the site itself should've shut all that down, that's pretty disgusting, dangerous too for unstable onlookers. Sometimes suicides can happen en masse, for instance the place in Wales, UK, where teens were killing themselves one after another.

One problem with suicide is that IF it starts out as a cry for help, yet no-one turns up TO help, you're in big trouble. So many of them forget or don't understand that they won't SEE their loved ones weeping and wishing they'd helped more.

The graveyards must be FULL of people who, if they could, would never have done such a thing with hindsight.

What are your reasons for attempting to pick apart the Bible?

You're right--nonbelievers' reactions to Christians are often hateful and rude.

Picking apart the Bible is a different matter, though. Being honest, when something is presented as fact that is so far outside the realm of reasonability, I can't consider rejection of it as "picking it apart."

The cult that believed aliens were hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet, Heaven's Gate, is a good example. Everyone reveled and carried on about what kooks those people were. Nobody needed to run a series of studies to reject the cult's claims; they were unfounded, preposterous, and presented with no shred of evidence whatsoever. Yet, those cultists really believed what they professed--so much so that some of them voluntarily castrated themselves, and they committed mass suicide in accordance with their beliefs.

So, the rejection of Christian doctrine is not meant to be hateful or rude. The enthusiasm with which it is sometimes rejected is just reactionary. The rudeness you see from nonbelievers is, more often than not, a reaction to Christians attempting to influence their beliefs, or attempting to legislate their beliefs into law. When a religion tries to mandate that their version of the creation story is taught to my children, or that "under God" needs to be added to the Pledge of Allegiance, or that certain demographics can't enjoy certain rights because God doesn't want it that way, we take issue.

Hopefully, things get resolved one day, and everyone learns to stop pushing their beliefs (or disbelief) on one another. It's been a few thousand years so far, though, so I doubt your or I will live to see that day.

What do black people think about white people acting black?

I know white people that grew up and lived around Black people. They usually lived in areas that were known as hood. They naturally spoke and dressed like Black people. They understood hood culture.On the other hand, I know white people that watch a few Black movies, listen to hip hop, watch BET and basically pantomime the worst aspects of what it means to be Black. They don't realize that Black culture isn't only hood culture. To me, they usually come off as corny or wack.I grew up in an upper middle-class white environment. We had white kids in high school that watched Boyz in the Hood, New Jack City, or Colors and tried to emulate that lifestyle. They would try to talk like Snoop Dogg and wear Fubu or Cross Colours. They even went as far as driving with a gangsta lean, only playing Death Row Records or gangster rap, and smoking marijuana but calling it chronic. They felt they were Blacker than me, but they didn't know Blackness isn't a being ghetto template.Finally, we had white people in my neighborhood that only knew bits and pieces of Black culture. They knew how to say “what's up?” or that a 40 (also 40 ounce or 40 oz.) refers to 40 ounces of beer. They would try to sneak in those bits and pieces into conversations with me. It always came off as being very inauthentic and cheesy. I didn't understand why they would use hood language to talk to a Black person mostly raised in predominantly white areas.I don't care if white people act or talk Black. I just don't want to be around it. I'm like Robert Strickland when it comes to avoiding certain types of behavior. I'm even the same way with Black people or any other ethnicity of human beings.Update: I used what's up for simplicity sake to make my point, but there are other ways to express it that are clearly Black influenced. For example, “What's good my dude?” “What's popping?” “What's cracking?” “Sup Joe?”. Joe is a Chicago thing.

Do your parents ever act stubborn/Suicide Attempt?

That's a stupid thing to do... When i was like 12 i wished i was never born and i regret saying it.. people who commit sucide there soft and cant hand life.. there's a joke my dad told me but it's kinda raicst but it's funny here it goes
you know the sucide line when someone want's to commit sucide they call that number and tell them there problems but they moved it to Pakistan because it's much cheaper there so there's a man about in his 40's and he want's to commit suicide and he phone's that number saying "he wants to commit suicide and that he's sick of his life and his kid's have grown up and married and there's no reason for him to live" and then the Pakistani man say's "i want to ask you a question" but he say's "Why i want to kill myself and you want to ask me a question" but the Pakistani man say's "Do you know how to fly a plane?" do you get it lol? if he want's to kill himself then he could make himself usefull lol it's a racist joke but i thought it was funny... : - )
Hope i helped!