Is This Some Kind Of A Allergy Or Just A Cold

Do Allergy Pills Work on Colds?

Most allergy pills inhibit the release of histamine in the brain. Colds hae nothing to do with histamine. Some allergy meds have other drugs in them that are found in some cold medicines.

Is this a cold? or allergies?

How are you feeling besides the head aches and stuffy nose? A cold will leave you feeling tired and just bad. That's because your body is fighting off an infection. Allergies wont leave you tired or feeling generally bad. Try some over the counter allergy medication. If it doesn't work, you may have some kind of infection. I can't imagine a cold lasting a couple of months without putting you in the hospital. Also try drinking more water. That will help with the headaches. If it is an infection,echinacea works wonders. You can pick that up in the vitamin section of any grocery store. Take that with an over the counter cold medicine to make you comfortable while it runs it's course.

What is the best medicine for allergies or a cold?

It's your IMMUNITY, which shows resistance against cold.  what is immunity? The ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.Now let us know about common cold.The common cold is a self-limited contagious illness that can be caused by a number of different types of viruses. To increase resistance against common cold is to increase your immune system. Don't call any antibiotic for help, common cold is caused by viruses, as we discussed above and antibiotic treat bacteria.We should go for the natural way to shift your body into prevention gear and fire up your immune system with cold-busting foods. And a revved-up immune system can stave off much more than just a cold.Here are some potent cold-busting foods to top your next shopping list. Turn up the volume on your immune system to combat colds before they knock you out.1 CHICKEN SOUPThe most requested food of cold sufferers. It may be the steaming broth acting as a decongestant, or a combination of some of the ingredients that elicit an anti-inflammatory response to the respiratory system.2 CITRUS FRUITThese contain a myriad of antioxidants, including the star power of Vitamin C. But it's not all in the juice. Most of the vitamin C in oranges is actually found in the peel (53 percent), while lesser amounts are found in the juice (23 percent) and the pulp and rind (21 percent).3 GARLICHas a distinctive role in enhancing immune function among its many health benefits. It has also shown promise in moderating healthy cholesterol levels, antitumor activity and antioxidant properties.4 GINGERContains several phytochemicals, including shogaol and zingerone, which have anti-tussive and anti-inflammatory properties. This means they bring relief for cough and congestion from a cold or the flu.5 ZINC-RICH FOODSZinc is a potent supporter of several different immune functions. Zinc- rich foods include mushrooms, fresh parsley, lean beef, low fat dairy and sesame seeds.Hope you boost your IMMUNITY against common cold and different viruses.

Why do people that have a dust allergy catch cold?

Allergies vary , depending upon immune system of person to person . that can be of many types like Drug allergy, Food allergy, Contact dermatitis, Latex, Allergic asthma, Seasonal allergies , Animal allergy , Dust allergy .Allergy can be minor or in some cases life threatening and in case of asthma it may be genetic .Symptoms : Symptom depends upon the substance that is involved, main symptoms of allergies are running nose , itching , watery red eyes , illness, cough , sneezing , shortness of breath , anaphylaxis and Allergies can occur at any Time and at any Age . Sometimes Allergies go way But they can also come back years later.Treatment : Best way to avoid allergies is to stay away from the allergens (a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease)if it is not possible then other option is available like medication in which antihistamine drugs are given and immunotherapy , In this aim is to prevent long term tendency of the allergen to trigger IGE production .Hope it will help you To see more Click

How do I know if I have a cold or allergies?

Oh no! That sucks. Take some Claritin or something made specfically for allergy relief and see if that works. If it doesn't, take something for cold relief. If the cold meds works, that's your culprit. Either way, MAKE SURE YOU TAKE SOMETHING FOR YOUR SINUSES prior to boarding the plane. I've flown with a cold and thought I was going to die. The pressure from being so high in the air wreaks havoc on sinuses that are clogged up.

Hope you have a blast!!!

What are the effects of taking allergy and cold medicine at the same time?

DON'T MIX ANYTHING IF YOU ARE UNSURE!! It really depends on what the actual medicine contains.  For example, if the pill is a single ingredient, make sure you are not taking a double dose of the same substance.  If the drug is for multiple symptoms it likely contains a combination of active ingredients.  A sinus tablet might contain ibuprofen, phenylephrine, and caffeine.  An allergy pill might contain chlorpeniramine maleate and pseudoephedrine HCl. But a cold tablet might contain acetaminophen, diphenhydramine HCl, guaifanesin and dextromethorphan hydrobromide.It is not recommended to stack any two drugs that have the same purpose. For example, you need to make sure you only ingest one from each group per dose: analgesicsAcetaminophen (Tylenol)ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)aspirin (Bayer, BP Powder)naproxen sodium (Aleve)antihistamines Chlorpeniramine maleate (Chlor-Trimaton)Diphenhydramine (Benedryl)Loratadine (Claritin)Cetirizine (Zyrtec) Fexofenidine (Allegra)Cough suppressantsDextromethorphan Hydrobromide (Robitussin)DecongestantsPhenylephrine HCl (Afrin, Sudafed PE)Pseudoephedrine HCl(Sudafed)expectorantGuaifanesin (Mucinex)If you are not sure you can call the pharmacist and ask directly if your meds don't mix. You can also type them in together at | Prescription Drug Information, Interactions & Side Effects.  With the drug interactions checker. This will give you a list of interactions, how severe, and what happens if you mix them.

Is it bad to take allergy medication for a cold?

Im not really sure what i have, whether i have allergies or just the flu (cold).. all i know is that my nose is really stuff, my sinus are clogged and i can't breathe really well through my nose, my eyes tear from the pain that occurs in my nose for some reason and pretty often, i get some pretty bad headaches, and i sneeze often. I get sick a lot so it might be a cold, but i always get sick in the fall and spring.. point is with all this said i decided to try to take reactine instead of cold tylenol extra strength (what i was on before) and it did help for the first couple hours (first 3 or 4 about) then i felt really bad again.. i decided to try reactine because i looked at the medical ingredients of both tylenol and reactine and saw the ingredient pseudoephedrine hydrochloride which is the thing in tylenol (and basically what reactine is made of) that is used for decongestion and help runny and stuffy nose problems. Thing is tylenol contains 30mg of this ingredient while reactine contains 120mg, so i figured why not concentrate on the nose issues since this is basically the only thing i got for now (my throat is fine and i dont cough). But is this a bad decision? and if i do actually have a cold and its not allergies, will reactine still help treat it?
p.s. what im currently doing is taking the reactine pill in the morning and take two extra strength cold tylenol night time pills for when i sleep, is this bad?

Can allergies develop into a cold?

Don't worry. Some years I can have like 5 colds, and some years 1 or none. It's normal. I used to freak out about that too, but sometimes you are just more exposed to germs than other times (in college i got sick SOOO much). I realized as i get older, the less colds i have. (i'm 24 now)

Allergies can turn into a cold, but for the most part, as someone said, they mimic cold symptoms. A cold is caused by a virus (rhinovirus), but if you get congested enough with allergies your body might react and produce more mucus, etc.

I've had allergies for most of my life, and i'm an expert at distingushing allergies vs. cold. It's hard, believe me! You just have to learn your body, and the way it reacts. I know that when my eyes are itchy, along with runny/stuffy nose, itchy throat/ears then I have allergies. But, if I just have a sore throat and the other symptoms GRADUALLY come along, then I know i'm getting a cold.

Good luck!!!! Feel better! Try some Allegra D if you have bad congestion with your allergy symptoms. I swear by this!