Is This Something To Be Ashamed Of

Is incest something to be ashamed of?

There is nothing wrong with consensual incest. If both people want to do it and no one is being forced then there is nothing wrong with it...however, the two of you are kind of young to be having sex with anyone. Wait until she turns 18 and if you the two of you still want to have sex.....go for it.
Also you should not have hit her. Hitting a girl/woman is NOT cool at all.

Is nudity something to be ashamed of?

No, nudity is not something to be ashamed of. Rather I believe it’s psychologically and socially damaging to feel that way about what you and others naturally look like, and what you simply are. And I’ll throw this in… What are you saying about how God made you? We’re made in his image and we’re told that his work was “good”. If you care about such things, your feeling that way probably offends him. And frankly, it offends me that people feel that way.

Is having HPV something to be ashamed of?

Let your friend know that like 75% of men carry HPV.... and it generally doesn't affect them, so they don't know they have it.... and don't get tested for it..... It's not something to be embarrassed about, but it is something to be careful about.... HPV leads to cervical dysplasia, which leads to cervical cancer, which can lead to major problems.... There's not much she can do about it now.... but she should have pap smears done every six months from now on just to make sure

Is dandruff something to be ashamed of?

i have dandruff and i am not happy....

i feel like i am the less fortunate bcuz my sister doesnt have it...
People might make fun of me what do i do????

I am really ashamed of myself now bcuz of this problem......

plzzzzzz help me

Is a 5 inch penis something to be ashamed of?

I have a 5 incher 3 sons and 5 grandchildren and 3 out of 5 look like me ! Go figure ! it is all about the love my first wife was 17 and I ate her up in dark places like a dog would do ! after that orgasm she wanted me inside her and enjoyed all my 5 inches into another orgasm. We got married a year and had 2 sons. The divorce was because of money not my 5 and sweet and dog licks ! worry more about keeping your money in place and less about your 5 incher . if you had 10 inches and could not pay the bills she would leave you for a 5 incher with money !!!!!

I get cold this something to be ashamed of?

Ill get a cold sore like 1-3x a year, is this bad?? I dont go around making out with anyone and I hardly share my drinks, but I do get them. Ive never been with a girl when Ive had one, so I dont know what their reaction is. Am I doomed? Seriously...


Is it something to be ashamed of... to be attracted to your stepdaughter?

I am 47 and my wife is 41... she has a 21 year old daughter... Really cute, long legs, milky thighs, perky breasts... total hottie! I am happy with my wife, but cant help getting aroused when my stepdaughter walks around the house half naked... or especially when she starts srubbing the floors... Sometimes we fool around and I jokingly spank her... I feel kind of guilty, should I? Or is it kind of normal?