Is This Speech On Social Media Good

What social media platforms are for free speech?

For the people that don’t get (or pretend not to get) what the asker of the question means by “freedom of speech”, here’s the meaning:What society desperately needs is a free marketplace of ideas, where the best ideas win (or, if we can’t do that, then we at LEAST need a marketplace where the dystopian ideas and the apocalyptic ideas are guaranteed to lose).That’s not what we have today. Today we don’t have free marketplaces for ideas. Today we have centrally controlled dictatorships, that are getting worse with every passing year. Dictatorial power corrupts everyone. I don’t trust anyone with it, and that includes the corporate executives at Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.So what’s the solution? Switch over to platforms where people can speak freely. Here are the best examples, in my opinion:DissenterMindsGabBitChuteAll four platforms are in the early early stages right now, i.e. there’s not many people there, and the percentage of people with extreme political views is annoyingly high (roughly 10% at this point). But if we get more “normal” people to start using those platforms, then the extremists will be vastly outnumbered, as they should be.

Is social media good or bad?

Social Media is great. We are using it in a wrong way.Social media is great because it helps us connect with friends and family. An introvert is an extrovert on social media -everyone is an author, a photographer, a storyteller. Social media provides an open platform to contribute your voice and express an opinion on every issue. We chat. we tweet. We post pictures. Though out the day.ButWe need to realize Internet is not all about social media. Internet is a sea of information and social media is a pond. We are addicted to social media and that is hampering our productivity. We start our day by checking our social networking accounts and its repeated after every interval of time. I hate the scene when people around me sit next to each other and rather taking they stare at there smartphone screens.And our addiction is taken advantage of. Not only our friends are aware of our likes and dislikes, so does companies who pays for your data.I realized this during 2nd year of my engineering that posting pictures, viewing status, messages and photos is not an intellectual activity. It just occupies my brain and distract my attention.So i would suggest that limit your time using social media rather subscribe to some useful and productive networking sites such as:Quora - Best platform to gain information and have intellectual opinions on every topic. ( Helped me lot during my job interview)Stack Overflow - A website to learn and clear there doubts related to coding languages. ( All my doubts related to MATLAB and Neural Networks were cleared here)TED: Ideas worth spreading - Motivation and thoughtful talks on technology, entertainment and many other art forms. ( The motivational videos at least kept me motivated for few hours.)Khan Academy - Provides free online courses. ( Planning to take up few courses after my semester exams).We are what we do | Meetup - A place you can fix timings to meet like minded people. ( Recommended by my friend Sanket Samant ).Keep an habit of reading Quora for at least 15 mins a day and trust me you will see a difference in few months. You would be socially aware and your opinion on many issues will change.

Is social media a boon or a curse? How do I start my speech?

One of the biggest issues which plague the minds of parents is that of social media and the excessive use of it thereof. Obviously, it is impossible to stop using social media altogether once one has started – not because of any lack of mental fortitude, but because of practical reasons, such as that of keeping in touch with friends who live in faraway places and keeping up with current events that make it to the news only on the next day. However, the fears regarding social media are also very real, and hence, it is best to be acquainted with a few of these so as to have a better chance to avoid them.Indirect communication, Offering an edited version of reality, Cyber-bullying, Sexting, Outcasts are cool

Is it dumb that I deleted all my social media?

I'm 15 and most teens my age have all the social media. Lately I've been just getting so caught up in all the social networking and smartphones and stuff and just wanna get away, so I decided to just get rid of it. I deleted my Facebook, Instragram, and Snapchat. All I plan on keeping is Y!A, if this is even considered social media... (I still own my phone for calling/texting purposes) problem is, will I lose my friends and become "unpopular" because of this? I hate how you have to have social media to be cool or something. Lucky for my parents, they never had to grow up with this stuff like I do. So anyways, was this a dumb move for getting rid of it? I always hated social media to begin with, but I only got them because of my friends.

Speech on Social Networking?

From Wiki:

Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services.

Social networking has encouraged new ways to communicate and share information. Social networking websites are being used regularly b y millions of people.

A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others.

A special issue of the Journal for Computer Mediated Communications was dedicated to studies of social network sites.

A 2008 book published by Forrester Research, Inc titled Groundswell builds on a 2006 Forrester Report about social computing and used the term "groundswell" to refer to "a spontaneous movement of people using online tools to connect, take charge of their own experience, and get what they need-information, support, ideas, products, and bargaining power-from each other."

How do I start my debate speech proving that social media is a boon?

Welcoming you all to this event and I am sure most of you are here because you got an invitation why WhatsApp or Facebook. I am proud to say social media is a boon and only fools would misuse it.Intelligent people have built their empires on social media. Authors have sold millions of copies via social media. Things are being sold and bought on social media. Spouses are searched and found on social media. It is a boon for the intelligent and bane for those who want to waste their time….I hope this helps you.