Is This Weird/unusual

Weird unusual names..?

They all sound alright.......apart from 'District and Silence'! (wtf - pmsl)

I've heard some funky names though.

Serenity (seems to be getting popular for some reason)
Inez (I actually quite like this one)

Like are said, most of your names are fine.

What are some weird unusual songs?

I love weird unusual songs. Some examples are:
Transylvanian Concubine by Rasputina
Charge by Splendid
Sugar Water by Cibo Matto
I also think Coin-Operated Boy is fun to be weird to. I'm not in love with the song, but it's fun to be weird to, if you get what I mean.
Anyway, those songs up there I absolutely love. TRANSYLVANIAN CONCUBINE is my fave. So does anyone know any songs that are similar to ANY of those songs? I love songs that have been played on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They're usually weird. Please look all those songs I said up on youtube and then tell me if you know any similar ones? I love the violin/cello/whatever it is that's in Transylvanian Concubine. The songs don't even have to be like the ones I mentioned, just ANY weird, unusual songs you know that not many people have heard of. Thanks!

If you were going to have a weird, unusual pet, what would it be?

It would be a goat. Goats are highly intelligent animals. Research reveals that the first domesticated animal by man was the humble goat about 10000 years ago. Goats share similarities with dogs, Man best friend. Goats prefer happy faces. In a simple experiment, researchers put photographs on the wall at a goat sanctuary of the same face — one happy and one angry. The goats tended to avoid the angry faces and approach the happy ones. Said study lead author Christian Nawroth: "Here, we show for the first time that goats do not only distinguish between these expressions, but they also prefer to interact with happy ones”. Also, goats are pretty inexpensive to raise, though tis not adviseable to keep just one goat as they are social animals

What are some weird, unusual, or common games you play with your children that allow you to rest while they still feel engaged?

I don't know that the games we played actually allowed me to relax that much but they did make me feel good about their learning.I have homeschooled my children since the oldest was about ten and for me everything was a teachable moment.If we did a small grocery run my children would keep a running total in their head and add tax. If they got within a dollar of the total it was worth a candy bar.At the gas station they calculated how much gas we would need to fill up and total cost for a treat.When my oldest son struggled with basic algebra I told him that I lost the instructions on our above ground pool. If he wanted to swim he would have to calculate the water volume and how much of the chemicals we needed to treat the water.They learned how to estmate next month's electric bill based on current meter readings and last months billing information. I also taught them how to compare weights and prices at the grocery store.We called all of this and a lot more games and the children went along with it because correct answers came with rewards and treats. I also discovered along the way that I didn't have to deal with nagging children if they were engaged in what was happening.

Is it unusual or weird that my husband is EVERYTHING to me?

I am 25 and he is 30, we've been together for 8 years, married for 5. No kids and we like it that way :-). Anyway, many of my friends (guys and girls) think I have a weird marriage because we enjoy doing things together still and WANT to do things together. We were discussing death, etc one time (my husband wasn't there but I was with a lot of friends) and one person said if her children died she would see no reason to live. I stated I feel that way about my husband; if he were to pass I wouldn't commit suicide but I would feel like I'd lost everything and there would be no reason to live anymore. He truly is everything to me and I love him so much! Why are some of my friends critical over that? I don't feel that we are needy to each other, my husband plays golf, goes to the bar with co-workers, watches sports, etc without me all the time if I don't want to go, busy or working and it doesn't bother me. Are my husband and I weird???

What is this weird and unusual muscle Bruce Lee had?

It's the Latissimus Dorsi Muscle...

The latissimus dorsi is a triangular, flat muscle, which covers the lumbar region and the lower half of the thoracic region, and is gradually contracted into a narrow fasciculus at its insertion into the humerus. This makes up some of the armpit and stretches down near the gluteus.

It arises by tendinous fibers from the spinous processes of the lower six thoracic vertebrae and from the posterior layer of the thoracolumbar fascia, by which it is attached to the spines of the lumbar and sacral vertebræ, to the supraspinal ligament, and to the posterior part of the crest of the ilium.

It also arises by muscular fibers from the external lip of the crest of the ilium lateral to the margin of the erector spinae, and from the three or four lower ribs by fleshy digitations, which are interposed between similar processes of the obliquus abdominis externus.

From this extensive origin the fibers pass in different directions, the upper ones horizontally, the middle obliquely upward, and the lower vertically upward, so as to converge and form a thick fasciculus, which crosses the inferior angle of the scapula, and usually receives a few fibers from it.

The muscle curves around the lower border of the teres major, and is twisted upon itself, so that the superior fibers become at first posterior and then inferior, and the vertical fibers at first anterior and then superior.

It ends in a quadrilateral tendon, about 7 cm long, which passes in front of the tendon of the teres major, and is inserted into the bottom of the intertubercular groove of the humerus; its insertion extends higher on the humerus than that of the tendon of the pectoralis major.

The lower border of its tendon is united with that of the teres major, the surfaces of the two being separated near their insertions by a bursa; another bursa is sometimes interposed between the muscle and the inferior angle of the scapula.

The tendon of the muscle gives off an expansion to the deep fascia of the arm.