Is Trade Or Aid The Route To Africa

About African slave trade in the early 18th century?

How many slaves people transported in a single ship? Dozens? Maybe 20? In what conditions? Can somebody give me specific details on how they were transported, routes used to travel, etc?

Maybe you know a source containing this information? Was there ever some kind of slave rebellion in a ship transporting them? Was that a possibility? Did spaces knew English or French? Did they knew how to sail on theirs own? We're there any famous African sailors during that time?


Monsoon winds aided trade between east africa and ?

For centuries, and perhaps aided by the Monsoon trade winds, there has been trade links between the coast of East Africa and the people of Arabia, Persia, India and as far as China. The dates are not known for certain but as early as the 1st century AD, Zanzibar and other coastal settlements in East Africa had established trade links with its nothern neighbours of the Indian Ocean.

Why did Europeans settle in South Africa in the first place?

At first it was a trade stop, a way for ships to India and the East to stock up on food and water. But then they realized that the weather wasn't too bad and that there was all this land just lying around waiting for people to come and farm it. Europe was over-populated and had issues with poverty and famine since the land couldn't really produce enough for everyone. If you had a choice between living in squalor, scratching out a living and barely having enough to eat. OR moving to Africa and getting a large farm for as long as you could hold it and farm it... which would you choose?

And when they found out about the mineral wealth it was just a bonus.

Why were European nations so interested in Africa and it's people?

They looked to Africa, and Africans during the slave trade. Then they looked for them again during their Imperialistic times Germany, UK, Italy, Portugal, Spain, France, and Belgium.
Why did they choice them for all of that?

Did colonialism change or transform africa forever?

Absolutely yes and AP has given probably the best balanced answer in terms of both negative and positive changes that colonization tattooed on the African continent.

Here is a link that gives you 25 different perspectives of the long term consequences of colonization of Africa.

The next but very important debate is what effect decolonization has had on the African continent.......where would you like to start? Zimbabwe perhaps.