Is Working Out Throughout The Day A Good Thing

Is it a good idea to workout at night?

It is not good to exercise every day, regardless of the time.Contrary to uninformed opinion “exercise” does not include any physical activity done for the purpose of improving fitness. Most of the things people think are “exercise” like jogging, swimming, dance aerobics, and walking, are not.Exercise is a process in which the body performs work of a demanding nature, in accordance with muscle and joint function, meaningfully loading the muscles to inroad their strength levels within a relatively short time frame for the purpose of stimulating improvements in strength and the supporting factors of functional ability - cardiovascular and metabolic conditioning, bone and connective tissue strength, etc.If you do this correctly it is very demanding, and you will quickly overtrain if you do not allow your body adequate time for recovery and adaptation between workouts. For most people, this means working out no more than three to four days per week on non-consecutive days, and most people will do better working out only two or three days per week.Everything else is just physical activity. If you are doing some other physical activity for the purpose of creating an exercise effect how often you can or should do it would depend on how intensely you are “exercising” and for how long.

Is working out 20 minutes a day enough?

The answer to your question depends on what you're trying to accomplish, how old you are and the shape you're in now. If you're really out of shape and you're trying to become a star athlete then the answer is, that is probably not enough exercise but if you are already in relatively decent condition and you are just trying to maintain then that is a reasonable amount of exercise. The fact that you are walking 2 miles tells me you are likely in reasonable shape and if you figure in the time that it takes to walk those 2 miles and the 20 minutes you are probably exercising almost an hour a day which is generally good enough for most people.
If you are overweight and trying to lose a few pounds you should look at your diet and see if you can cut out some of the kinds of foods that make weight loss difficult. Another possibility is to add foods that aid in weight loss, like grapefruit and cabbage.

Is it good to work out 2 times a day ?

a lot of people want to lose weight quickly for an event and try to do to much too soon. Try working out with three cardio sessions and three resistance sessions per week. Also try following a weight loss program. I use an online weight loss program to lose weight at
It will give you a diet plan and fitness program to lose weight before you go home.

If I don't feel sore the next day after working out, does it mean the workout wasn't hard enough?

Are you growing in strength at a reasonable rate? If so, you’ve covered the bottom line, and your workouts must be hard. But are they hard enough? I’ll assume, and answer from the perspective of your goal being maximum growth.If you feel you are aggressively working out, yet don’t occasionally feel sore the next day (or two days later), you may not be working out as hard as you think. Or, your workout may need more variation. But it certainly is not an “after every workout” thing to feel sore.Soreness from a good workout comes when using muscles strenuously, when they haven’t been used strenuously on a regular bases for a while. So for example, if you are training just for squats and the only thing you do is a good variety of extremely heavy squat variations twice per week, you may not feel sore. Your legs should feel fatigued much of the time, but not necessarily sore.If you really push for growth in a full body workout, it would be uncommon (and perhaps genius) to be able to work out every muscle in your body strenuously often enough that each muscle would be immune to getting sore. So if this is what you are doing, make sure you are mixing it up and covering all the muscles. And make sure you are lifting weights heavy enough to reach failure in 10 or fewer reps.If you are in fact lifting to failure at 6–8 reps, and doing 4–5 sets of each, and mixing it up with many variations of many exercises over the weeks without being sore, you might just be awesome.Good luck.

Is it good to work out every day? If not, how often should you work out?

When I first started going to the gym I would do 3 day or 4 day training splits.A three day training split would look like this, push, pull, legs, and then a rest day.Then repeat the processes.Eventually however after about the first two years of my weight training career I started to go to the gym every single day. I would go until my body decided it needed a rest day which averaged out to be about every 7-10 days.I remember distinctly one time last year when I was cutting that I went to the gym 23-28 days in a row without a rest day.Is that bad?Not necessarily. I felt great. I was shredded and had a decent amount of muscle mass on my body.I achieved what I was aiming for a aesthetic looking body.It’s not that I needed to go to the gym every single day it was more just because I enjoy it so much.You can add on muscle or lose fat by going to the gym 4-5 times a week no problem.Whatever you decided just make sure you are getting ample amounts of rest when you sleep. That’s where the muscle gains and fat loss happen.

Is it a good idea to work out back and shoulders on the same day?

I can understand why you wouldn't want to do your first work out. But as far as the second one goes. i dont think it will be a very effective workout because you can't possibly workout your chest the whole day. Lets say you workout for an hour... you are going to only do chest workouts for that hour?? seems a little rough on your chest if you ask me. same goes for working out your arms the whole time.
I dont know if you workout your legs at all but this is a workout that i think works.
Day 1: Chest and back
Day 2: shoulders and arms(include bi's, tri's and forearms)
Day 3: legs and abs and cardio
Remember that the smaller muscles dont need to be trained as much as the bigger ones. For example, your biceps will get tired faster than your chest muscles.... your triceps will get tired faster than your shoulders... thats why you usually can group them together in a workout. best of luck to you

Is working out late in the night bad for health?

No. Some live their best life during the night. We all have different habits and schedules. Find what works for you and go from there.