Isit Bad To **** At Age 12

If I am a 34C at age 12 is that bad? ?

Nope! Everyone's different! :D

Is sex at age 12 a bad thing?

i don't see wat the problem is i had sex when i was 12 , but i was ready and accepted not being a virgin till i'm ready and even accepted and ridicule if i got any. but iwas mentally prepared are you that's some thing you have to ask yourself not the ppl of answers

Why is it bad to have sex at the age of 12?

Yes. 12 year old are children. They are not capable of understanding the consequences of sexual activity. The 12 year old is not doing anything wrong however. The 12 year old is a victim if the person fucking them is more than a few years older. If two 12 or 13 year old have sex, that isn't illegal in many places, if it's consensual, however they are likely to make stupid mistakes and get pregnant and end up emotionally destroyed by the consequences of adult feelings and heartbreak.Sex is for adults, not kids. I know you feel so grown up, but you are still a kid, not much more than an 8 or 10 year old. Wait until your brain has finished developing.

Is it bad to date at 12?

I fell for my first boyfriend when I was twelve. Breath-stopping, knees-shaking, best-friends-laughing fell for him.(Isn’t it cute how we’re trying to throw one another across the room?)It took me six months to ask him out. The following year we went out to see movies, or just to walk around town. Some days we stayed home, where his parents would allow us exactly two minutes of privacy before barging in to conspicuously rearrange the laundry. We exchanged silly, un-grammatical emails and held hands and blushed and felt far too nervous to kiss. I wrote diary entries full of <3 <3 <3s. Our friends all laughed.He was my shining light in the misery of middle school. Our friends eventually stopped laughing. We slowly shed our nerves, built intimacy, and were lovers for several years.At twelve, you can fall in love with a girl who spends your whole first date on the phone to her friends. You can fall in love with a boy who will kiss someone else, with a girl who is only using you to feel popular. You can fall in love with a man who treats you like a princess, then gets you pregnant and disappears.You can fall in love with the way a girl describes her favorite books or the way a boy’s shirt smells when he sweats.At twelve, you can fall in love in ways that adults do not feel.Don’t do anything stupid. Don’t get pregnant. Don’t get married. Don’t run away from home. Don’t date anyone who treats you poorly, or tells you that you’re ugly or stupid, or kisses and touches you more than you want. If in doubt, don’t kiss yet at all - long-awaited kisses are often the best ones ;-) Don’t date anyone more than ~two years older than you.But if you really fall for someone, and your time and culture permit it - date them.You’re only twelve once.

Is it bad that I’ve watched porn at age 12? Is it also bad that I’ve been given head?

Children develop at different rates- physically and psychologically. You could put two 12 year olds side by each with one appearing to be 16 and the other maybe 9 years old. If you have watched porn, you must realize, you have to realize, know, and understand that much of what you’re watching is not a depiction of sex that usually happens between consulting adults. That is of utmost importance. If you grow up thinking that what you’re watching is what it will be like later in life, you will be sorely disappointed. You may get lucky and find a partner whose sex life may match your own, but partners like that are not always easy to find. You may find a partner who is wild and crazy as you like it to be, but if that person is also an asshole or a complete bitch, you will be saying GMTFOH in a heartbeat. Or you may find someone you really like to be with and totally enjoy their company out of bed, but when it comes to sex, they may be totally vanilla- lights out, under the covers, no head, and it’s over in 15 minutes. Only you can decide which partner is right for you.Human sexuality is a deeply complex subject. Some may start way too early and be ruined for life, especially if their is any coercion or abuse involved.Which brings me to this. Were you coerced in any way into engaging in sex? Did you coerce anyone into performing a head job on you? Were you uncomfortable? If the other person is over 18, they could be arrested and prosecuted as a sex offender, and labeled as such for the rest of their lives. That will have a harsh effect on you for the rest of your life. If the other person is of the same sex and you were to be discovered and outed before you’re ready to come out as bi, gay, or lesbian, you could be subjected to harsh treatment from your classmates. Kids can be really cruel to others. Endless bullying has caused some kids to commit suicide. How would you feel if your partner committed suicide? That’s another heavy weight on your shoulders.I’m not saying that all those scenarios will come to pass, only that they have all happened to someone somewhere many times in the past, present, and future. I’m not saying to stop or continue. Just become as educated as possible about all the ramifications before you go any furthur.Proceed with caution, young one. You have many years to go. And also know that for whatever reason this relationship ends, it will not be easy to find another one like it, especially at your age.

Can I have sex at the age of 12?

I don’t know if it’s OK or not, but I will tell you that when I was in 6th grade, there were two girls in my class that were already sexually active, and a neighbor girl down the street lost her virginity at age 11 to a 13 year old boy.Last I heard, they had all turned out OK, experiencing every other one of life’s challenges as they grew up, just like the rest of us. One got pregnant in 11th grade but finished high school anyway.IMHO, 12 years old seems a bit young, but if I had to go back to being 12 years old, I’d be trying hard to have sex with my classmates.

Is having your first kiss at age 12 bad or is it normal?

i think as long as you really like him and your not getting forced into anything you don't what to do, and you are being safe... then why not? kids shouldn't be totally sheltered.. they have a right to experience life too. Just make sure you are really sure about it before you go any farther with it... and make sure you think about the risks long and good. :) Personally, i would say in today's world... first kisses are normal at 12. Just stay responsible... Good luck!

Can I get an orgasm at the age of 12?

yes u can
but i think its soon for u to do that so i dont tell u the exact u wanna know

Is it bad to lose your virginity at 12?

No. :-)

Don't listen to the people who say you are. Don't take any notice of people who say "You're too young, you don't know what love is. You don't know what you want"

You're not a whore. You didn't lose your virginity to some random guy you met at a club when you were wasted. And you don't have sex with tons of guys you barely know.

You lost your virginity you really like yes? That's what is supposed to happen. :-)

Personally I think the 'right' age is 14-15... but I won't judge you. You will do it sooner or later, and as long as nobody got hurt and you didn't do it irresponsibly.. it's fine :-)

Good luck :-)

Kathi -