It Looks Like Site Has Been Fixed So Why Are Conservatives In Denial

Why do conservatives love saying "conservatives think logically, liberals think emotionally". It's simply not true.?

Yes, the SJW Libs tend to get pretty high octane emotional. They're the nutjobs of the left. Believe me, most democrats don't like them any more than you do, but to say conservatives think in purely logically and rational terms is simply untrue.

Bring up abortion to a Christian conservative, I guarantee your going to see some emotion. Talk about religion and politics to a Christian conservative, you're going to hear some emotion. Go to a Trump rally, you're
Going to hear boatloads of it (mostly anger). In case you weren't aware, anger is an emotion and it's just as bad, possibly worse to make a decision when pissed off as it is any other emotion and deny it all you want, you know it's true: the modern conservative movement was built on anger, outrage, and contempt - all emotional products.

What should we do to fix the United States health care system?

Allow Obama to reform the health of America like he was elected to do.

Why does no other developed nation have the old US model of healthcare? Because in the US model, before the reforms, insurance companies used death panels to deny care to those they were meant to cover. And then they raised costs [1]. Not only does the USA spend more on healthcare than any other nation [2], it finds itself bottom of the table when it comes to preventable deaths due to treatable conditions when it comes to developed nations [3]. The sad thing is that rather than focus on these things, the right spreads lies and half truths about the reforms and how healthcare works abroad [4]. Even sadder is the fact that the reforms are so simple [5]. But, if you think that my points are wrong, e-mail me with proof.

Universal healthcare...?

To answer your question directly:

1) Taxes
2) The fact that conservatives are opposed on principle to having any sort of government run program of any kind that does anything (aside of course from bombing terrorists and annoying people who might be but probably aren't terrorists when they're trying to get onto an airplane...)

And for the record the US healthcare system is great if you have money, mediocre if you don't, and you're in serious trouble if you don't have insurance. The US if it adopts a program to provide coverage for the uninsured will probably require everyone to buy insurance and provide programs to ensure that this is affordable for poor people. Despite what conservatives will tell you it is extremely unlikely that the US will adopt a top down, the government runs everything healthcare system like you have in England. It is possible that the US might eventually adopt a single payer model where everyone is insured via a state run program.

And remember bottom line: we spend more per capita on health care than anyone else on Earth and have worse health outcomes.

What's wrong with universal health care?

From my understanding, the US doesn't offer services to guarantee access to health care. Also it appears that it is an issue in politics. It seems to me that this is a silly debate, as such a system works so well for so many other countries; why is it a problem for the United States?

Forgive me if I have inaccuracies in what I understand of the current system. I'm an Australian who isn't very globally conscious.