Its A Long Shot But Can Anyone Tell Me What This Person Is Talking About Thank You In Advance

Whats the name for the song that begins with "allo allo" and then you hear trumpets?

The song begins with some guy saying "allo allo" and then you hear trumpet like sounds and then you hear either Russian, French or Romanian singing (I don't know which language it is) . This is a long shot but I would appreciate any guesses. Thanks in advance.

Cortisone shots for severe back pain?

I've had cortisone injections in my shoulder and my hand. They're not pleasant, but they do work (for me).

The doctor mixes the cortisone with a numbing agent (like novacaine). You get some immediate relief from the novacaine, but the injection itself hurts, to put it bluntly.

Extended relief depends on the person. For me, after a day or two, it offered me a few months relief, and then it was time for another. But everyone is different. Some people report the relief lasts for over a year...some say it doesn't help at all. You'll just have to find out.

You can safely have 3 injections in a 12 month period.

It's worth the 30 seconds of pain during the injection to receive a few months of relief.

For how long can a meth shot be safe for injecting, when every step of the procedure has been fulfilled?

As I've stated many times, my answer comes with first hand experienced knowledge. I haven't read about it or just heard stories, I've lived it and seen it.For me, I've had syringes that I had gotten a blood return, but lost the vein, and had to put down. So, a syringe with all the dope plus a decent amount of my blood. Most of the time, with meth, I can leave it for as long as I want. My own record is 4 days. Yes, 4 days after I had blood mixed in with it, I shot it and nothing went wrong. I've combined 2 or 3 partial shots that had blood in it, days later, and still done them with no consequence. The more blood I get in them, the more likely they are to clot, but it is a very, very rare occurrence my blood clots when dealing with meth. My own personal opinion is that the meth somehow keeps it from clotting. As the blood to meth ratio increases, the more likely it is to clot and potentially ruin it from being injected. With other people I've witnessed, it's always a coin toss. Sometimes they clot almost instantly, sometimes someone has a little leeway before they have to worry about it. Clots notwithstanding, I don't see why it would ever “go bad”, as long as you keep the cap on it, away from too high or too low temps, as air tight as you can get it, and secured from being moved or bounced around too much. As I said, I injected my own blood right at 90 hours after it first got in there, and I had no noticeable adverse reaction. If you just mean with the shot drew up, no blood involved at all, it's safe to inject indefinitely. I can't imagine a scenario that it wouldn't be safe, unless it's got some kind of unknown contaminate in it, which wouldn't be safe in the first place. Decently pure meth and clean purified/sterile water shouldn't ever become unsafe for consumption, such in the way you're asking.

How do I finish conversation with someone after a nice talk?

say what's so for you at the time.  hey! i really enjoyed talking to you. or you're such a great listener and so interesting to listen to.  acknowledgement always makes both parties feel better. x

Does anyone know this manga?

It's about this guy who has a one-sided love with his brother's girlfriend. At the beginning of the manga, he talks about how he only looks at her lovingly for 5 seconds and then he is satisfied. I remember he confessed and invited her to a festival. But the girl rejected him. I am pretty sure this is a one-shot but there might be other one-shots in this manga. I am also sorry if I might have mixed 2 mangas since it has been a while since I read them. I will be very grateful to the person who helps me find this manga. Thank you in advance.

Tell me what you think of my english essay on immaturity?

Any criticism would be great, thanks.

“You’re so immature!” My brothers annoyed screams shot down the hallway, followed closely by myself. How many times have I heard that three letter phrase in my short life? Perhaps the most eclectic statement in the English language, it has long served as the favorite “umbrella insult” of teachers, parents and siblings, seemingly applying to every situation from verbally abusing friends, to attempting to eat seven saltines in a minute, to tackling my unsuspecting brother. Constant prolonged misuse of “immature” in this way has effectively obfuscated its true meaning.
At the center of all the possible definitions and descriptions lies one fundamental truth: immaturity is happiness. All of the situations that might merit a description of “immature” involve some sort of hilarity or comical absurdity. A “mature” person would find these happenings, not amusing, but deserving of reproach. Even if a mature individual did find a certain incident funny he would likely feel that laughing about it in public, or even in private depending on the person, would be seen as inappropriate and therefore taboo. Not only does the “mature” person rob himself of happiness in the short run, he develops a habit of keeping his true feelings suppressed thus robbing himself of happiness in the long run.

American novelist Tom Robbins once said “Humanity has advanced, when it has advanced, not because it has been sober, responsible, and cautious, but because it has been playful, rebellious, and immature.” Human advancement requires creativity; creativity used to think of new ideas, new solutions to problems, unlikely solutions to problems and new general concepts on everything from life to business. The most immature beings on earth, children, often possess the most creativity. Children color, finger paint, and draw, activities one would be hard pressed to find a middle aged business man doing. Thus we see that immaturity is also boundless, unrestricted creativity.
The deeper I delve into the actual definition of “immature” and its implications, the more I see that most of the time it is not an insult in the least. On the contrary, immaturity serves as a large part of any functioning society and healthy person. Somehow, though, I doubt that those who use the term as an insult will entertain my ideas on immaturity. Mature people can be so stubborn.

Do people who are shot in the head experience any pain before death?

As both a surgeon and long ago Federal Law Enforcement Agent I can tell you that depending on where the shot is you either feel nothing or you are in so much pain that it is unimaginable.  If the shot severs the brain stem like you see with intra-oral shots.  One happened this past week on Blue Bloods a bomber was going to push the button on a bomb the shot went directly into the mouth from MAYBE 25 feet in that case the person would be dead long before the body hit the ground with zero feeling of any kind (and doing it that way the hands OPEN  on impact not close).  However if a shot enters the side of the head or thru an ear I have seen perpetrators laying on the pavement writhing in pain for as long as it takes them to die.  In the ER patients come in with head wounds EVERY weekend and some are in pain and some are not it all depends where the entry was and where the projectile ended up.  Remember there is nothing in the cranium to sense pain feeling unlike your fingers or chest wall.  Much brain surgery is done while the patient is totally awake.  Once the skin flap is laid and the smell of bone cutting is over there is NO discomfort.  Many surgeons do the skin flap and osteotomy under local just a large amount of Lidocaine or Marcaine or similar then the patient is left to talk and answer questions during the whole procedure since there is no pain perceptive sensors to be concerned about in the brain case.  Dr Dave

I am a dropper. This year I couldn't make it to the JEE Advanced (got 101/360). I don't have the guts to tell my dad my score. What should I do now? Is suicide an option?

I'm a dropper too. My brother cleared JEE Advanced last year and he's now studying in IITK.I got 178 marks last year in JEE mains and got 166 in JEE Advanced but I didn't got admission anywhere.When I decided to drop this year I thought I would easily get under 1000  rank. I joined distance course of resonance. It was going well first few months but after that I felt lonely. And I started to feet scared every time I thought about JEE exam.I started to get more and more scared and finally I was depressed. Scared even to touch books.I had so many fights with my family about my studies especially my father. I was so convinced to end this painful life. It looked so easy. Just few minutes of pain but endless peace after that.The girl I used to love also hated me so there wasn't any reason for me to live.Then I started thinking about meaning of life but couldn't find anything good. Suddenly I realised that how big the universe is and how insignificant our lives are. I decided that my life is my own and I'm not going to waste my life listening to what others want me to do.So I stopped things that make sad or scares me and started doing things that make me happy.I stopped studying for exams and played guitar, painted, played cricket all the year.Now I'm ready to face anything life throws at me because my life is my own and I don't care about anything. And I know I can live it my way. The worst scenario would be that I may not have anything or I may become beggar but that would be OK. I can live with that.

How to avoid a missing persons report from being filed on you?

I'm in a very odd situation right now. My mom has always been overprotective of me and for that I guess I'm appreciative. I've stayed out of a lot of trouble thanks to that. But she does not know when to let go. I left to live with a friend two years ago and am now about to be away for a week to visit my girlfriend a couple states over. The issue is that I'm 21 and can do this, but my mom would call the cops if I did this. She nearly did the last time. She would have if I didnt call her.

This is a pain in the *** and I'm not sure how to deal with this crap. So, is there any way of telling the police ahead of time I'll be gone? Its a damn shame, but I dont know what the heck to do in this situation.