Just How Much Easier Is It Being Negative Than Being Positive

Are you a positive or negative person?

My glass is always half full! Yes, a positive person. I'm always amazed at negative people - where do they get the energy for it all? It must be exhausting for them!

Why is it easier to spread negativity than positivity?

Its obvious that negative energy is what might come by quite easily whereas the positive tendencies require observance of a firm disciplined and meritorious mind set adherence.Its pointless to focus upon analyzing the why and instead seek to full fledged alignment of the positive orientated energies since they are certainly more beneficial at all given times/instances.Of course with any state of being, its extremely essential to ensure observance of utmost pure awareness disciplined orientatedness at all given times/instances respectively.

Why is being negative generally easier than being positive? When was a time where you were just extremely negative?

Cause life is a chaos and there are more chances of everything going against our way than going our wayAnd it's important to remember that expectations cause sufferingSo be open to changes and flow with the events instead of resisting

Why is negative thinking much easier than positive thinking?

Truth be told, The brain is Hardwired to be Negative!In other words, it is all too easy for the brain to concentrate on worries and fears and for gloomy thoughts to dominate. And this happens both on and off the pitch.Why do we get more Negative thoughts than Positive?Now let’s be clear. I’m not saying that everyone is walking around all doom and gloom. And I’m certainly not saying that everyone is the same. Some of us are more optimistic and positive than others (and of course slices of realism are crucial for us to be able to function effectively in life.)But what many psychologists believe today is that the brain defaults into the negative and that by and large we’re hardwired to register and remember negative events more quickly and deeply than positive ones.Let’s think about this in our everyday life for a few minutes.Some people who have been bitten by a dog subsequently develop a fear of dogs. But in all likelihood they will have had hundreds of positive experiences with dogs previously. The one bad experience negates the hundreds of good ones.Here’s another example. Sometimes we let a bad experience overshadow what essentially was a good experience. Perhaps you’ve been to a social event where one person was incredibly rude to you. This episode may have trumped the great conversations you’d had with other guests and left you feeling hurt and angry and pushed the positives of the event to the back of your mind.Read more at: Why do we get more Negative thoughts than Positive?

How do you stay positive around negative people,?

Kind of hard to stop being around them when they are your parents isn't it?
I have a friend who is very negative about almost everything - finds the negative in almost any situation - and like someone else suggested, for everything negative I try to counter it with something positive - I've know him for a little over a year I can't always do it - but try to most of the time - but I don't think he's caught on yet - it at least helps me feel better to counter with a positive thing.
Parents sometimes without really meaning to make our kids feel like the bad stuff going on in families is the kids fault - when it's really the parents fault.
However, at some point you do have to start taking responsibility for your life and do things that you should be doing - so you can do the things you want.
Sometimes things may be going on that the kids aren't always aware of too - and how old is your mom? is she having problems with her hormones or getting ready to go through menopause??? You're not the parent - you don't need to take care of your parents but - a lttle joking can sometimes help lighten up the situation.
Not everything is your fault.
I like to put positive sayings and funny comics on my door and will often stop and read one or two on my way out the door - or if I'm just up pacing around the house. They help. maybe you could find a comic about a constant grouch and put it on the frig. but something that's funny. or maybe just go up and give your mom a hug and tell her you love her.
good luck with this - stay positive, believe in yourself.

Is humility negative or positive?

Humility is a character of God. (Phil 2: Jesus humbled Himself.)

I am not aware of a way to produce true humility. Humility can be found in those who have a confident, realistic view of their self-worth. Arrogance can be found in those who have a low self worth and whose ego cannot afford to be humble.

One's ego will often resist and defeat both the negative and the positive path toward humility that you mentioned. If the ego is weak or threatened it often resists or twists efforts to elevate others or think of ones own sin and weakness honestly.

Love for one's neighbor moves a person to humble action. (E.g. the father of the prodigal son RAN to meet his son. Jesus became a human, Jesus washed his disciple's feet. Paul worked as a tent maker so as not to burden the Corinthians to support his work among them.) Selfless love flows from Jesus..

The knowledge that one is forgiven and has a full assurance of God's mercy allows a person to evaluate themselves honestly, admit fault, and seek forgiveness.

How to be positive in a negative environment?

I met the nicest cashier the other day, he was so pleasant I just wanted to be like him. I said you are happy today, he said the way I look at it you have a choice at every moment to be pleasant or not I choose to be pleasant. I want to be like him but the 2 days since I met him have been the darkest of my life. I come home and everybody is so negative and hateful gets me in a bad mood, where do I start? I feel that jumping off a cliff would be an easier solution right now.

Why do people think negative more than positive?

This issue should factor in two reasons at least. Freud was and might still is influential in touting or promoting his belief that lurking beneath the veneer of everyday politeness and kindness are more self-serving motives which are not bad but just express our biologically inherited needs and impulses. Due to the prevalent effect of Freud-inspired suspicion that negative motives lie beneath the surface of positive behaviors, human nature is then stigmatized as negative and even evil. Thus, negative aspects are perceived as more authentic and real. What's more, generally, in human behavior the "bad is stronger than the good"(Baumeister, Bratslavsky, Finkenauer, & Vohs, 2001). People who assume that life is generally going to be good, or at least OK may end up with disappointments because the negative always violate their expectations. Thus, they given more attention to the negative aspects and potentials. Another reasonable suspicion of cause is that aversive events and negative behaviors may represent threats to our survival, therefore justifying, in an evolutionary survival sense, greater attention and impact. So, it's more adaptive to think negatively than positively.

Is 'positive' thinking always better than 'negative' thinking?

Popular psyschologists and many writers on personal development emphasise the power of positive thinking. They also caution to avoid negative thinking. One should look at the positive features and should not critisize, they seem to say.But when you want to be honest you cannot avoid commenting on the deficiencies. How can call a work good when it is deficient in many respects? This happens in our interpersonal relationships. We find them when we are asked to evaluate something.The 'halo' effect of a celeberity is seen by all but the critique is able to see the shallowness also. There are many good things done by leader like personalities but the critique points out the personal motive behind such action.

Why is it so much easier to be miserable than positive?

If something, is felt as positive then theirs no need to reflect and learn from it. Good result and nice memory and happy feeling so theres no need to ponder, i can move on.If something is felt as negative, its a problem. Problems get stuck. With problems, you need a solution(which can be hard to find). So this results in negative thinking….going over it, ruminating, trying to work it all out so it doesnt happen again. With these questions, it takes you to new problems that cant be answered…why did that happen to me, how can i stop that happening again, what should i do. Then a new set of negative emotions appear…self blame, anger, helpless, unlucky, failure…..the cycle continues and becomes habitual thinking with no escape.