Liberals If Global Warming Is Real Then How Come My Nuts Are Kind Of Cold

What is the difference between Climate Change and Global Warming?

Global warming is a more precise description of what is blamed on humans. Climate change encompasses everything that might happen to make sure that humans can be blamed for something. The climate always changes and there hasn't been significant warming. There certainly hasn't been warming beyond what would be considered perfectly natural warming by rational people.

Which was a bigger hoax, Y2K or global warming?

Global warming/climate change has just become a new religious cult based in greedy power grabbing and hopes of world domination through "climate legislation". In the past it was the religious zealots who burned the truth telling scientists at the stake today it is climate change political zealots trying to silence the truth tellers and sell the world some very expensive SNAKE OIL.

It seems global warming advocates are determined to turn logic and biology upside down. Anyone who remebers basic high school biology knows carbon dioxide is essential to plant life as oxygen is essential to human life. These two basic facts can't be separated. Only Obama-style liberals will attempt to convince us about how critical combating global warming is to the Earth's survival. As then Sen. Hillary Clinton said to Gen. David Petreaus, we must be "...willing to suspend all disbelief." I'm not willing to do so!

Global warming, or climate change, which ever they decide to call it this year, is not based on science at all. it's all based on the consensus of a few scientist who have something to gain by furthering this farce. Guess what that is? $$$$

Anyone who believes Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant should stop breathing. Since we exhale Carbon Dioxide in every breath, we are literally polluting the atmosphere. So stop breathing and reduce your carbon footprint, or say NO to cap and trade & the whole global warming hoax.

We can't project an accurate forecast a week in advance and yet we say that we're doomed in the future? I believe in eliminating waste and keeping things clean so that I, and my family, can safely enjoy the outdoors but I also know where the comforts of life come from and that is manufacturing that uses energy and supplies that are either grown or mined somehow. Follow the research grants and see what is being pushed.

I have a simple question I would like someone to answer for me, If the specific gravity (relative density) of air is 1.00 and the specific gravity (relative density) of CO2 is 1.5189, that means CO2 is heavier than air and settles on the Earth's surface where green plants need it. How then can CO2 be in the Earth's upper atmosphere and stratosphere trapping the Sun's rays and heating up the planet? Anybody? Anybody? Hello? That's what I thought.

Why do people say smoking kills? It's obviously a liberal scam?

Death is natural. It occurs in cycles. You're born, and later you die. How did people die before smoking? People died during the Medeival Warm Period (long before tobacco companies hired Steve Milloy), so obviously death is not anthropogenic. Thousands of scientists and millions of smokers are in on the scam.

LOL, the rationale looks pretty funny when you apply the same arguments used against global warming to similar situations.