Libs Why Should The Money I Earned Be Stolen To Pay For Your Healthcare

Government health care?

Some economists have argued that if the government wishes to subsidize health care, it should instead provide predetermined sums of payments (based on the type of health care problems experienced) directly to patients, who then would be free to choose their health care providers. Whether or not you agree, can you give an economic rationale for this approach to governmental health care funding?

Why some people do shoplifting though they earn good money - is it some kind of addiction or mental health issue?

Shoplifting by good earning people appears in some psychiatric conditions.Shoplifting addiction is also named cleptomania. This people are only interested to the emotional tension created by the illegal activity. Afterwords they try to return the stolen stuff to the owner.An other pattern of shoplifting appears in depression, in connection with the impoverishment delusion. This occurs often in puerperal depression. This people will hold the stolen goods and collect them at home.A third variant is shoplifting in moral insanity personality disorders. This people are happy to cause harm to others.The next one is shoplifting in bulimia. This people are addicted to food and they “have to” commit the so named procurement crime.Last but not least is shoplifting in mania, because manic people have the impression that everything belongs to them. They take the items obviously, because they don’t have feelings of guilt or shame.Stealing under alcohol or drugs has more different paterns, according to the premorbid personality. Sometimes it works like a personality disorder, sometimes as in depression, in mania, or in bulimics and combination of this different patterns.If someone is hungry and have no money is a social and not a psychiatric condition.

Is it possible for a minor to sue their parents for stealing money?

Okay, so here is the deal. My half brother lives with the crazy parents. I moved out a long time ago as soon as I could. I left home at as soon as I possibly could because they STOLE money from me. I was working 3 jobs so I could save for college and a car, and they went into my bank account and just took my money. NEVER paid me back. And unfortunately because of that I have to keep saving up for everything. I had to get ALL of my information changed. Well now they are doing the same thing to my brother. He is only 15, and he works. He has been saving his money for years, plus his blood father sends him cash for college and stuff like that. He put his money in his bank account. He saved up quite a lot over the years. Well, the rents found out about the bank account because the bank sends mail to the house (and of course they open his mail. they opened mine too when i lived there!) Well, anyway, they took EVERY LAST CENT out of his account and bought THEMSELVES a NEW CAR!!!! He cant get emancipated because he isn't 16 yet. I really wish there was something I could do. Could anybody help? Like can they legally do that? I feel like its so wrong because they did the same thing to me, and because of that I've been struggling financially because of all the money they stole. I don't want him living there. It isn't fair. He earned most of that money himself!

How is private health insurance better than Medicare for consumers?

I have had Medicare since about 1999/2000. Medicare pays 80% of what they consider is "reasonable cost." Believe me - that isn't much. For example: Suppose I have a bill of $1000. Medicare determines that reasonable cost is $400; they pay 80% of that. And even though I have a private insurance which supplements Medicare, Medicare still sets the reasonable cost which means in my example that my private insurance will pay 20% of $400. Whoever performed the service (doctor, hospital, whoever) is out $600. When my doctor retired about five years ago I called four places which wouldn't take me on as a patient because I have Medicare.

Even though private insurance companies are in it for profit, because they charge much higher premiums than the government does for Medicare, they can afford to pay more out because of those higher premiums. It's truly a case of you getting what you pay for.

Because I don't work, Medicare is primary and my Blue Cross/Blue Shield is secondary so Medicare sets the reimbursement rate. Secondary insurers REQUIRE that a person be entitled to Medicare if they are eligible to cut down on the costs of the secondary insurance.

If I didn't have Medicare and I wasn't eligible for it, my Blue Cross/Blue Shield would be reimbursing my doctors and hospitals at a much higher rate than what Medicare does.

Now why doesn't everyone in the United States have Medicare? The insurance companies wouldn't stand for it and the medical community would be backing them up. Our representatives and senators wouldn't dare extend Medicare to all Americans!

Frankly I think Medicare should be extended to everyone with increased premium rates and higher payments to providers of services and it could be administered through the private companies. But who am I?

Why do liberals think rich people should be forced to fund healthcare and education of the paupers?

Here is a simple way to think about it: pluck one hair from your head.That hair contains your entire genetic code. As time goes by and as technology improves, anyone who has access to that hair can decode your entire health profile—from your likelihood of getting cancer to depression to Alzheimer's.As the science of genetic analysis gets better and better, private insurance companies will be able to weed out and refuse to insure the people who are predisposed to illnesses.Wait, but this seems unethical! Why would they do that? America is a capitalist society, and capitalist markets are amoral. They are maintained such that companies can turn a higher profit—and not insuring little Bobby over there, who has a preexisting heart disease, turns a higher profit for the insurance company.Thus, insurance companies will only insure those who are least likely to need it. The sickest people, those who need insurance the most, will not get it.One thing the government can do in this situation is forbid companies from denying coverage to those with preexisting conditions. But this is essentially suicide for the insurance companies. Under this policy, sick people will increasingly buy insurance just before they need it. The company will never turn a profit, and therefore has no incentive to stay in business.So there lies the crux of it. There is a conflict of interest between the populace and private insurance companies—the company wants a profit, but those who need insurance the most are not conducive to making money.This is where liberals find the role of the government to be. This, of course, only works when you believe:People dying from lack of insurance is bad.The government should not force insurance companies to commit suicide.The government has no interest in making profits, and will insure everyone. The revenue made from insuring healthy people will be used to offset the costs of insuring sick people. Of course, this model will not be perfect because there is no competition, but at least everyone is insured, and no one dies from lack of money in the richest country in the world.And that’s why we should have government-run healthcare (I assume that’s what you mean by “rich people forced to fund the healthcare of paupers”).

What is it about the wealthy that poor conservatives idiolize?

Are the poor conservatives living through the tich vicarouisly? Or do they honestly see the rich as virtuous and charitable? Why do the poor get up in arms when you talk bad about someone with money? Just because one is rich doesn't mesn they made that fortune justly. They most likely stole, lied or given their position.

Why do conservatives think liberals can't be hard-working?

I really take issue with this and get very offended when conservatives say this, b/c many people who are liberals or more liberal-leaning moderates are very hard-working people who understand that sometimes people fall on legitimate hard times and need a helping hand. It's not like we all support programs that support lazy people to remain on welfare while they take advantage of the system, far from it.

Personally I'm a college-educated guy who relied on my own hard work to get where I am, and I come from a blue-collar background with a father who was hard-working guy who happened to also belong to a union. My mother was also college-educated and worked in the health care industry before a health condition made it difficult to continue, so she became a homemaker.

Because of my background, I support unions and understand the important functions they often serve, even if they can abuse their bargaining positions sometimes. I also understand that people with legitimate health concerns need programs like Medicare or maybe even a public option health plan.

On the other hand, you have conservatives who come from privileged backgrounds and who just happened to be born into wealth, not because they worked for it. Also, what about the people who vote Republican and who receive Social Security benefits, Medicaid, and even include some who are on welfare?

Most educated people I know are more liberal-leaning anyway, and the ones who are conservative were usually born into wealth and had everything handed to them their whole lives.