Link To Watch Lord Of The Rings/hobbit For Ipod

Which movie should I watch first, The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings?

The Hobbit is a trilogy, not a single movie and this is also the case with the LotR. The latter was made first but the former takes places earlier chronologically. However, watching the Hobbit trilogy is not “required” to enjoy or understand the LotR trilogy.Hence, the short answer is it doesn't matter.However, the Hobbit trilogy is worse than the LotR trilogy for several reasons.When making the Hobbit trilogy Peter Jackson (the film maker who made both) significantly modified and expanded on the original story written in the children's book, “The Hobbit”. Unfortunately his changes didn't improve the narrative and weren't particularly praiseworthy. He also dragged out the story (told in a single children's novel) into a trilogy of films by incorporating a lot of extra action scenes and battles.In contrast, the LotR film trilogy is based on a trilogy of adult books with a rich story, large cast of characters and fully realised fantasy setting. When adapting these books, Peter Jackson had to selectively choose from all this detailed content, to decide what to include in his films, which allowed him to remain more faithful to the original novels. Basically, he had to decide what to omit/include rather than trying to make stuff up to “fill out” the films, as he did with the Hobbit trilogy.Additionally, Jackson had significantly more time to write the screenplay for the LotR films before filming them. In contrast, he had to write the script for the last Hobbit film as they were filming it. They even had to stop filming at one point to allow him to finish writing because the story was incomplete! Jackson has admitted that this film in particular was rushed and, as a consequence, narratively weak.Hence, the LotR films benefitted from having better source material to draw on, a richer story to adapt into a trilogy of films and more time available to write the screenplay.For the above reasons I'd recommend watching the LotR trilogy FIRST (because it's better).In some ways the situation is similar to the Star Wars films with Episodes 4, 5 and 6 being made first but taking place chronologically after Episodes 1, 2 and 3, which is why some people recommend watching them in chronological order. However, the original trilogy is better than the prequels which followed it and familiarity with this later prequel trilogy is not “required” to enjoy or understand the earlier films, so it's arguably better to watch them in the order they were released.

I want to start a hobby of reading?

1. Will reading along to an audio book help in any way?

Yes, you will be getting both audio and visual feedback while reading and it should help to develop your reading skills. With enough practice you will be able to read without audio books, though I think everyone enjoys one of those now and then :)

2. Where can I get FREE audio books?

There are free audio books in the local library. You can borrow them of you are a member.

3. eBooks - Which should I get? I don't plan on using more than $200.

Kindles are good eBook readers. You could try looking for one in your price range on eBay.Or go to an electronics shop and see if the new ones are available in your price range.

4. Any other effective methods of increasing my motivation to read?

Read things that interest you. Be discriminating in choosing the kind of books that are written about subjects you enjoy. It's OK NOT to finish a book if it is not interesting to you, unless it is required reading for a grade. Search for an author you like then read more books written by the same author. If you need help identifying authors you might be interested in treading, again the local library could help. Ask a librarian for assistance in finding authors you might like and in building a good reading list.

I also ask friends what they are reading and take note of books they recommend. You could form or join a book club where you all read the same book, then get together to discuss what you thought of it.

Here are a few more ideas:

5. Will reading help my grades in any way? I hope so :)

If you are fluent in reading and comprehending, then you will be a better student. There are many different study skills though that could help you get the most out of study materials. Try browsing this site for ideas:

Enjoy your new hobby!

Do you have the habit of collecting movies?

A huge YES !!!I have been collecting movies from the last 10 years probably.It all began with DC++ from my engineering days, I knew once we pass out it would be difficult to get my hands on such treasure being shared for free. So I downloaded all I could and since I was not working back then, I use to purchase DVD’s and burn them with the normal 700mb .avi shit.Things changed, got a powered hard drive and started putting in my collection together. Copying the DVD’s and trying to get the Bluray of the good ones from internet.I have around 4500+ movies in my collection. Most of the famous series in Bluray and metal concerts, music videos, ebooks and some porn ;)I took the task of downloading all the top 250 movies in 1080p format. The list as on November 23 2015. So I did and most of the rips were by anoXmous. Some old ones were not available in FHD. So had to suffice with 720p. The folder looks something like this.Then I started collecting the movie franchises, Marvel’s Cinematic Universe to the ones I can get my hands on from the YIFY websites.So, yeah I fucking collect movies :D :D :DThe major pain in the ass is keeping these folders updated.Phew !!!

What are the top 25 books you should read?

The origin of species - Charles Darwin, because understanding evolution is key to understanding almost any aspect of life.Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler, to teach you how dangerously convincing a well worded argument can be even if it is utter gibberish.Studies in Hysteria - Sigmund Freud, to understand how little we know of ourselves.The Antichrist - Friedrich Nietzsche, To destroy any remaining vestige of unrealistic optimism that you may have left inside you after reading the previous three. Also, to understand the dynamic of humanity.The sorrows of young Werther - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, to witness literature at its highest form.The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien, The best book ever written.Broca’s brain - Carl Sagan, to give you an unforgettable perspective on life.Pale blue dot - carl sagan, to make yourself understand the insignificance of our existence and also why we should be proud of it.Napoleon - Emil Ludwig, the biography of a great man, written exceptionally well.The hitchiker’s guide to the galaxy - douglas adams, to see comic genius and layered satire at workValis - Philip K Dick, to experience the melting of a brain on paper.Frankenstein - Mary Shelley, To read a beautiful tale about the monster that is man.Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - R. L. Stevenson, a fascinating tale of man's duality.The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath, to thoroughly disturb oneself.The Second Sex- Simone De Beauvoir, to understand every aspect of feminism and come to respect and love it.The Oresteian Trilogy - Aeschylus, Greek Drama at its finest.Empress at Blandings - PG Wodehouse, or any book of his, to be honest. They're all wonderful..Sophie’s world - Jostein Gaardner, for a philosophy beginner's kit.The story of Philosophy - Will Durant, for a detailed philosophy overview.The Time Machine - HG Wells, Disturbing sci fi at its best.Labyrinths - Jorge Luis Borges, Enough thought experiments to drive you insaneThe sorrows of Satan - Marie Corelli, A unique story with no heroesIncest - Marquis de Sade, to make you reconsider everything you’ve taken for grantedThe selfish gene - Richard Dawkins, to understand life in a microcosm.Ayn Rand - The Virtues of Selfishness, to bust the Socialist myth.