Looking For Info On Unidentified

Unidentified and No internet access?

I tried to connect on wireless network and it always says unidentified and no internet access and it says I'm connected. It got's that yellow icon with a exclamation mark. Also it sometimes connects for a little while and it works fine but then it stops working. The connection works other computers of mine it works perfectly fine. I already tried to reset the adapter it didn't work and turn off WiFi and turn it back on. (it's Wireless Network Connection 2) Can you please help me and if there is more than one method I can do then please tell me..thanks in advanced

Unidentified white-ish barb in my skin?

Last night I thought I had a piece of dry skin on my arm so I tried to scratch it off, but it wouldn't budge. I went upstairs and got my tweezers, and when I pulled on the supposed little piece of dry skin, it pulled out from deep in my arm. It was slim and white like something's stinger, with a little barb at the end of it.
It was not painful or itchy in my skin, other than pulling it out. I am totally freaked out. I haven't been bitten or stung by anything to my knowledge, I live in South West Michigan and it's the middle of winter. I don't know what this thing could have been. When I was inspecting the barb, about 1cm in length, I dropped it in my bathroom and lost it.

If anyone has any suggestions as to what this could have been.. I've tried looking up info on bug bite and sting sites and I can't find anything like this!

Unidentified pills in my sons room?? Please help a concerned mother.?

Sorry to be the first one to say it, but your kid has a drug problem. You already knew that, though. So now it's time for you and your spouse to do some serious parenting before your kid gets totally out of control.
Seek some help but for the weekend here's what you do.
Take the bedroom door off the door jam. (yes, really) Take the phone, xbox and computer out of your son's room and ground that kid. He can attend church and that's it. One or the other parent will be with him at all times.
You will not lecture, throw things or get mad. After talking to your spouse and deciding on a unified course of action, you sit your kid down and hand him the pills. Just be quiet. Let him get all angry and mad. Stay quiet. After he rages, if you have stayed silent, he'll explain. It will be a lie. Stay silent. The truth might come after the lie.
Calmly explain that he has lost all privileges until further notice. Monday call your doctor and get a referral.
PS The muscle relaxer is a substance that can be abused, especially with alcohol. For more info, take the pills to a pharmacist.

Is there a solution to identify a song from an MP3 with no meta information?

I too want to do this & Shazam/Soundhound/ are not able to identify this particular song: sample to name - WatZatSong

In the USA, what happens if paramedics/hospital can't identify the injured person they are treating?

In my area there is a procedure for situations like an unidentified patient.First and formost the medical treatment they recieve is exactly the same for patients with an identification. We get alot of John and Jane Does in EMS for varius reasons but its a rare event when that person remaines unidentified. The first thing done is to simply ask them there name. If they are unconcius or comatose we search there clothes or belongings and if that fails , we involve Law Enforcement who have a knack for finding ones identity. They would fingerprint the person, take photos and initiate an investigation by interviewing anyone who might have been with this person prior to there hospitalization. If that fails to produce any information then they turn to the public for help and publish pictures and physical description along with pictures of the clothing or jewelry they might have been wearing. There was one tragic case here in Boston a couple of years ago that still haunts the city. The body of a baby girl about 5 years old washed up on the shoreline wrapped in a plastic bag. The cause of death was quickly determined to be a Homicide and Boston Police convened a team of Detectives who along with the State Police began a major investigation. There where no missing child reports of a child that age. The FBI also got involved and had the contents of the childs stomach analized and it was determined the child most likely lived locally just by the type of food she ate. This was a surprise as surely someone would notice the child missing but no leads came in until a family member who saw reports on TV and suspected who the child might be called police. The police swarmed the residence of the mother and after extsensive questioning admitted the baby was hers and her boyfriend murdered the child in a fit of rage. yet for 7 months she kept quite. My point is the police never for a second let the case go cold, it was personal. Her name was Bella Bond and she became everones daughter here. The people of Boston made her one of there own . But she to was eventually identified and laid to rest. Anyone who is unidentified gets either a John Doe or a Jane Doe followed by a number that is unique to them with the hope that the real name of the person replaces that moniker.

Where can I find an online free phone number lookup with name service?

If you don't have any luck finding the info in one of the major search engines you can then try one or more of the cell phone directories that are starting to appear on the net.Nowadays this site is one of the most recommended sites to find free phone number lookup and more information online of anyone.If you want to try finding the number for free then there are a couple of things you can try. The first is to use one of the major search engine portals and see what they might turn up. In today's internet vernacular you will "Google" them and see if they have left some personal information, including their cell phone number, somewhere in cyberspace. While this is not a common occurrence you never know when you may get lucky.Your chances are better using a free directory but not as good as you might think. The big drawback to using this method is the fact that in order to use it you have to give up some personal information including your own cell phone number. This is how they create their databases of cell phone numbers, on a purely volunteer basis. As time goes by the amount of data available will increase but with hundreds of millions of cellular numbers out there it will take some time.

What is the reason that Truecaller cannot identify some numbers?

They provide the option to remove the number from their database. Only few of us are aware about the feature.Steps to remove the number from truecallerGo to the Truecaller unlist page. your phone number with the correct country codeTick one of the reasons for unlisting, or if you wish, type your reasons for removal in the Other form.Key in the verification captcha.Click Unlist.