Looking For Job In Dubai Help

Could any one help me to get a job in Dubai?

NoFor 2 reasons:Quora is not linked-in. Nothing put me in nworst mood than recieving a Private Message “We are both on Quora, we are friend, find me a job!” especially when it ends in “do the needful” or “take initiative”. Quora is not a networking site but a forum of discussion.You do not provide any details on what kind of job you are looking into. That’s the reason Linked-in is better suited for this request. Linked-in is geared towards this kind of request. My profile there is public, iff you are an Engineer with some experience in aviation/ Ground Handling, you may contact me there, if not there is nothing I can do for you.

How to find a job in Dubai?

Regarding UAE Law all visa and work related costs inc. Airfare have to be paid by the employer only and aren't deductable from your salary.
You have to search online for a suitable job, apply and hope for the best. Sending your cv off randomly won't get you anywhere.
Also when salaries paid in the UAE are higher than in Pakistan please be aware that living costs are also higher here. Pakistan belongs to countries with the lowest living costs. The UAE is far away from that:)
Visit the link giving below for some contacts:

What is the best way to find a job in Dubai?

Do you want the truth? None of them. Unless of course your job profile is so unique that the employer cannot find or locate a person of your skill or calibre.Keep this much in mind - at the end of the day these Job Sites are in existence ONLY to make money. They do not care if you are the right candidate or if the client is happy - They are interested in making their money because they need to cover their expenses. And they exist to make money.So if you have the normal-run-of-the-mill job profile, then either you will never get called or if you do get called - they will employ you in droves - that is only if a company is starting from scratch (Hotel or Large Establishment).And over there - they will always go for the cheapest and best deals - which is why they normally employ people from Asia directly from agents.My suggestion to you is either check Gulf News or go through references. Thats it. And the ONLY way you will get a worthwhile job in the Middle East is through Contacts (or as they call VASTAA) in the Middle East.Please do not bank your hopes on Job Sites as 90% of all the jobs advertised are either Fake to collect Resumes for their Resume Bank or just to show the public that they have a massive demand for jobs.After all - they need to keep the ball rolling right?Loy Machedo

How do you best find jobs in Dubai?

A good job in Dubai, that satisfies many criteria like salary, perks, etc. and is personally and professionally challenging, requires you to do many things. Simply posting your Resume to Agencies or any other one or two ways will not achieve the results that you want.

Also, the agencies will only send you some job offers they "feel" matches your Resume. So, basically you are at their mercy. You need to play a more active role to achieve your DREAM job in Dubai, since a good job will make or break your career and with it your chance towards financial freedom and luxury.

I advise you to follow the steps clearly laid out at

where you will also find more details about your specific career field and lots more info.

I Hope this helps,

All The Best!!!

Im 16 years old looking for a job in Laurel,MD Please help me?

Okay, time to get real buddy.

No employer lists jobs that are hiring for 16 year olds. Get off the internet and go apply to every:
-Fast Food
-Grocery Store
-Retail Store
in your area IN PERSON, dressed nicely, using your own pen and neat handwriting. Then, turn in your application and actually talk to the manager.

You can't get anything in life if you are acting like a child expecting people to do all the leg work for you. Get real.

How do I report illegal people looking for jobs on visit visa in Dubai UAE?

to be in UAE on visit visa is nto illegal in itself .
to search for jobs while on visit in UAE is also not illegal .
to over stay the visit visa is illegal .
to work some where while on visit visa is illegal ,

if u know eactly their situation then u can do whats in the best interest of the society .