Loose 30 Pounds In Two Months Fast Without Exercise And In Secret

I have 2 months to lose 30-50 pounds, how should I do it?

Disclaimer : I'm not doctor, not healthcare practitioner or dietitian. You should consult a doctor prior to starting something like is my personal experience as a dieter who accomplished something close enough :I disagree with the it's impossible comments from other folks and I think it's partially doable :To lose 30lbs in 60 days means you should lose half a pound a day. Using 3500 cal = 1lbs of fat, this means you need to have a caloric deficit of about 1750 calories / day which is huge deficit given that an average male require about 2000 calories per day.this leaves you with 250 calories to consume per day. If you eat 250 calories per day over 2 months you will likely to suffer and weight loss will stall as you enter starvation mode.. so this isn't good.. what can you do?1- weightlifting to increase your metabolic rate and change your body composition :Specially if you are a beginner weightlifting will do miracles for weight loss for couple of reasons.A weightlifting session will burn an average of 500 calories. So instead of burning your 2000, you are now burning 2500/ day for at least 3 days a week where you workout with weights.Weightlifting will help you gain muscle mass which burns more calories and will change your shape and body composition. A 200lbs person with 50lbs of fat will burn less calories than 200lbs with 50lbs of muscle.2- hormonal response and paleo to increase your burn rate:Not all calories are created equal. Low fat diets suck and are bad for weight loss. I recommend you look at a couple of good solutions :Bulletproof Rapid Fat loss protocol: drastic and promises a pound a day .. don't combine this with my exercise recommendation above. Bulletproof's Rapid Fat Loss Protocol: Lose Fat FastCarbNite solution : Carb Nite combine this with my workout recommendation.With the above you should be able to lose about 20–25lbs .. and more importantly be healthier and look like a million bucks :)Don’t get hung up on the 30lbs or 50lbs just take action and get started and I promise that you won't be disappointed.. I haven't heard of anyone who was disappointed because he lost 20lbs instead of 30lbs. You will feel better and look better regardless. Just start

Is it realistic to lose 20 pounds in 2 months?

I think you should give yourself a little more time. They say an average person loses 1/2 lb to 1 lb a week. But then again, you are young and active. I lost 22 lbs in a little less than 4 months when I was 16. I wasn't a dancer but I did go to the gym everyday. I'd say give it at least 3 months, you don't want to end up hurting your body.

My goal is to lose 30-40 pounds within 6 months. Is this realistic goal within the time frame?

A loss of 30-40 pounds would put you at a healthy weight.

To lose weight at a healthy rate, you would not want to lose weight at any more than 2 1/2 pounds per week or 10 per month.

In six months, if you lose between 5-6 pounds a month, you will meet your goal.

This will mean you have to combine healthy eating with exercise and I will refer you to the websites below for sensible and sane weight loss.

I would suggest walking three times a week.

Buy some dumb bells, resistance straps and a yoga mat. Start out using the lightest dumb bells and the easiest resistance straps that you can and build up. Take a yoga class for a month or two then continue the practice on your own.

There is a personal daily tracker that you can use on the first website.

Good luck.

Can i lose 100 pounds in 15 months?


I am 19 years old, 6'8'' tall (203cm), and i weigh 350lbs (158kg).

Do you think it is possible for me to lose so much weight in so little time?
Are there any secrets out there?
What should i do to lose the most weight?

How can I lose 30 pounds in 1 month?

I weigh 130 pounds. All the people at my school are like tooth picks. I wouldn't consider myself fat but I would like to be skinnier. School starts back in a month. How can i lose 30 pounds before school starts. Please help me!