Losing Sleep Due To Weird Dreams What Can I Do To Stop Them

Having dreams that im sleeping with my father?

i know it is father and i have a normal relationship and i love him normally...but sometimes i dream that he is going to have intercourse with me...and last night was the worst..because im still a virgin and i dreamt that we had sex and he took my virginity..the worst part is that i liked the sex..the dream was so detailed and i enjoyed it but then when i realised that im not a virgin any more and that my father took it i was so depressed and i hit the wall of what does that say aboyt my psychology??by the way i have a boy friend and we are deeply in love and we fool around a little bit...but it is a long distance relation ship so he is not around currently

Do sleeping pills keep you from dreaming?

As you can tell from the previous responses, the answer is a definite maybe. Most medicines that increase sleep (includes benzos and benzo analogues, antidepressents, neuroleptics, and even the most popular and common - alcohol, do have an impact on dreaming by either delaying or reducing REM (dream) sleep. In fact, we occasionally will prescribe a hypnotic for short periods to break repetitive nightmare cycles. But as you can see from other responses, the results are variable and even when we do reduce dreams, there is often a rebound on stopping meds. Both deep sleep and dream sleep appear to be very important to brain and body health and the brain fights to preserve it. In fact, if you are very sleep deprived, one of the brains adaptations is to go directly into dreams, sometimes even before you are completely asleep, which can be frightening.

If you are trying to stop nightmares, I suggest you talk to your doctor about prazosin. It is a blood pressure med (seldom used for that) which has been shown to often reduce or stop nightmares in folks with PTSD with relatively few side effects. It is not a sleep med, but helps people who are afraid of nightmares sleep better by reducing nightmares. It may or may not be appropriate for you medically and your doc could help figure that out. Good luck.

Weird dreams all of a sudden...?

Have you started or stopped any medication, even an OTC supplement? Changed your diet, where you sleep, or your exercise regimen? All of these things and more can affect your dreams. I wouldn't worry that it's anything medical unless they persist and turn into night terrors. Think back on everything/anything you have changed in the last several weeks. Any change could be the cause.

Also, as far as analyzing your dreams, and with all due respect to the other poster: Jung says dreams are what they mean to >you<, so one-size-fits-all dream interpretations are not valid, at least according to Jung. What do the dreams mean to you? Books analyzing dreams don't work b/c it's only what the dream meant to you.

Most doctors, though, believe that dreams are just the subconscious cleaning itself out and have no real meaning. So I wouldn't worry unduly about their content unless it's a recurring dream.

How do I stop dreaming all night?

I may sound crazy to you but I would like to share one paranormal remedy which I learnt from my grandpa for stopping dreams all night.First of all if you are intuitive person and you are getting messages through dreams I would suggest not to stop them but if you are seeing nightmares then do use any if these remedies .Put any iron object under your pillow . That will keep negetive energies away and ensure you a peaceful sleep .Another thing which you can do is before going to sleep tell your pillow “you want peaceful sleep no dreams please ”That may sound crazy but by doing this you will communicate with your subconscious mind and that's how subconscious mind will assure your peaceful sleep .During rahu dasha , mahadasha too generally people see bad dreams if you thing it's due to astrological reason chant hanuman chalisa before going to bed . ( I am not supposed to say this as you are very elder to me as well as professional astrologer , excuse me for adding this paragraph . I have no bad intentions .. all I wanna do is help you . I apologize in advance for adding this paragraph )Try any of them . I am sure it will help you ☺

Why do I always have dreams during sleep every night? I am so tired when l wake up in the morning. Are there some ways to stop it, and is it bad for my body?

What Taylor B wrote totally describes my dream issue. I wake up tired and I find the need to take an afternoon nap to refresh. I’ve been having crazy dreams since high school. It wakes me up in the middle of the night. I became sensitive to caffeine because I was so dependent on it to get through my day. I’ve talked to everyone I know and I seem to be the only one that has vivid dreams at night.They say your mind process things during your dream state. Your subconscious gets to speak out in metaphors. To remedy my issues, I’ve tried the following: a hypnotherapist for guided meditations/ imagery journies. I noticed before bed, that my jaw/ face is always tense. Tension sleeping can cause intense dreams. As for medication, I’ve done so much google searches because I want to avoid prescription meds. I went the holistic route and tried a bunch of different herbs like ginseng, ashwagandha, valerian. What I find that works best is Phosphatidylserine, MRM brand. It’s an amino acid. I take the lowest dose 100mg a day. That helped a lot with my stress and anxiety and tense muscles. It actually gave me the best sleep of my life the first week that I took it. I was recommended to do Bufo Alvarius by an acupuncturist to clear your subconscious and any traumas. It’s something you smoke. You are not your body anymore, you physically die and it clears your energy field. I don’t think I’m ready for that yet. I have the most energy at night and I can’t relax. I’m thinking it could be a hormone imbalance. I’m currently working with a DO on leveling my hormones. One naturopath doctor told me I have adrenal fatigue due to low cortisol and another doctor said I don’t because I’m still within the range. I’m 31 and felt like I’ve tried everything. I still have intense dreams and still trying to find an answer. I will try praying at night. Thanks for sharing and good luck !

Why do I keep having dreams all of a sudden?

That's the Same thing that has been Happening to me...

My Dad (who went to collage for this sort of thing) Says That there is really nothing Special About it. Do you often play video games or watch television or even go on the Internet right before you sleep? I've noticed that I stop dreaming when I do that. Try meditating before you sleep (get lost in Deep thoughts) It helps with Dreaming.

Fascinating Isn't it? ^-^

How does sleep apnea affect dreaming?

Sleep apnea is typically worse during REM sleep (dream sleep). The primary reason for this is that during REM sleep, muscle tone is lost and you're essentially paralyzed. Many of the muscles responsible for breathing are also paralyzed. This means less breathing effort. Coupled with the loss of muscle tone in the throat leading to airway closures, the body has trouble breathing.This usually means that REM sleep can be significantly fragmented in that it is interrupted by awakenings or shifts to lighter stages of sleep.It is pretty common during sleep studies to note that individuals with severe sleep apnea have less overall REM sleep than someone with a normal sleeping pattern.Though I often hear, from patients with sleep apnea, that the dreams they remember often include heavy, labored breathing. This could be that they were being chased by something, or they're drowning in their sleep. This is pretty interesting considering that they are effectively suffocating in real life.

How do I stop dreaming continuously at night? I have hollow eyes and cheeks due to this, and I feel tired all day. I also seem to have a slight headache for a couple of hours during the day. Any solution for this?

I’m sorry to hear that. But I would say that dreams are not a reason. More probable are bad sleep hygiene and stress/nerves/anxiety. Read this, it might be very helpful.To get a full night’s sleep it is important to take care of your sleep hygiene and relax before bedtime.Tips:Take warm, long bath. Relax before bedtime. You can use aroma lamp with essential oils.Open windows. Make your bedroom cooler and provide that way enough oxygen. Temperature has to be comfortable for you.Go for a walk or do light physical exercise. Stretch out gently. Sport reduces cortisol - hormone of stress; your blood pressure and heart beat shall come back to norm.Listen to relaxing music. Or white noise.Get a snack like: bananas, dairy, avocados, lean proteins like poultry or fish, and nuts. They make you drowsy.Try sleep supplements: chamomile tea or valerian.Lavender oil - add it to bath, on your pillow, on your clothes. It has many healing properties and can be used to reduce anxiety.What you should avoid:Using computer or television for minimum 1,5 hour before sleep. Blue light decrease the secretion of melatonin.Drinking caffeine - caffeine makes your heart race and you can feel more nervous or anxiety.Working out too intensely before bedtime.Eating high-fat food or junk food.To reduce stress try this relaxing techniques:Breathing exercises “ 4-7-8 Method” (created by Harvard-trained physician Dr. Andrew Weil)Place the tip of your tongue behind your two front teeth.Exhale completely.Close your mouth.Inhale through your nose for four seconds.Hold your breath for seven seconds.Exhale completely through your mouth again for eight seconds.Count seconds, that way you will focus on this and your thoughts won’t wander.Repeat until you fall asleep.Another thing is sleep patter and your chronotype.A person's chronotype indicates how a person may perform at different times of day. Chronotype refers to the people’s regular rising and bedtimes. Some people are morning larks and rise early and are more active in the morning. Others are night owls and sleep late, being more active in the evenings and late nights.You can check here your chronotype: MCTQ - Main Page and learn at what time you should go to bed.Remember to keep one sleep schedule. Go to bed at the same time and wake up at the same time (both during weekends and weekdays).