Mandatory Participation Is In Fact An Idea From Conservatives And The Companies Themselves .

Do You Believe in Social Intervention?

Like authorities recently did in the FLDS case in Texas?

Should Psychotic People be identified and forcibly removed from Society to be diagnosed, treated and de-programmed if necessary?

According to the following definition?

Psychotic: Loss of contact with reality, experiencing hallucinations or delusional beliefs, exhibiting personality changes and disorganized thinking.

Exhibiting unusual or bizarre behavior, such as calling hate “love” and telling people they will burn in hell if they do not comply with certain doctrines,

Difficulties with normal SOCIAL INTERACTION by accusing others to have said things they never did.

Hearing voices and seeing visions. Calling themselves ¨prophets¨ and seers and claiming to be reincarnations of Jesus, Moses or any other prominent historical figure.

Thanks for participating

What was Reagan's concept/idea of democracy?

He did not just cut taxes. You should explain that in doing so businesses were able to expand, hire more workers, produce more products and it is a fact that it caused our government to bring in more revenues than ever. Then the Democratically controlled Congress over-spent the money and threw us into debt. He belived the money belonged to us, Not the government.He told the USSR we were testing a starwars typr missile defense system that would make us immune to aerial attack. Democrats kept telling the press and USSR that it would never work. In spite of Congress it working and he brought sown the Soviet Union by making tham spenf themselves into the ground. We are still testing the system, but it not yet ready(as far as we know)

Five developments that shaped U.S health care system?

I am trying to do research for a class and find 5 significant developments in the evolution of the United States health care system but I can't find anything. Any ideas what a few would be or where I can find them?

Can you tell me a little bit 'bout educational system in America?What I need to do to become a good student?

Not all US high schools are as bad as that other poster made them out to be. I should know, I went to one. The problem most of the bad schools have isthat they are filled with stupid poor people. Avoid inner city schools.

In general what you want to do to be a good student is just make the teachers think you are trying hard. If you do that they will grade you easier and give you the benfit of the doubt in most circumstances.
Yes, you shoucl participate in extracurricular activities. They look good on applications and they keep you busy so you dont fall in with a crowd of drug addict losers.