Marvel Zombies Did Vision Or Wolverine Get Infected

If you woke up during a zombie apocalypse, which five fictional characters would you want in your crew?

Team Leader: The Doctor, Doctor Who- This one seems like an obvious. Countless situations have gone his way, and he's survived them all and saved humanity from each. Now granted, he does tend to sometimes get those closest to him/on his team killed, which is why he needs someone who will be concerned with saving everyone, which brings us to number two: Harry Potter, Harry Potter series- He's brave and quick on his feet, he has actual magic, and he's concerned about saving each individual person, not just society as a whole. His main problem is that he tends not to use logical thinking, so to help with that we go to number three: Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson series- Now, I did think about Hermione, but as logical as she is, she loses her head in a crisis. Annabeth, on the other hand, is the daughter of the goddess of wisdom and battle strategy. She not only thinks logically, but is wired for a fight. Of course, she fights best with a dagger and nobody so far has used long-range weapons (yes, magic, but it might not work on the undead), so now we come to number four: Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games- Brilliant with a bow and arrow and decent with a gun, perfect for attacking from a distance. She is a bit emotionally unstable, but the others could probably keep her in check. This team is pretty good, but I'll add one more that makes it almost unbeatable:Supergirl, Supergirl (TV series)- She can fly, has super strength, super speed, and heat vision, has impervious skin, and is so optimistic she's sure to raise team morale. What else needs to be said?With those five people, those zombies don't stand a chance.

Did Wolverine fight Galactus?

In another universe, nearly every superbeing is infected with a disease that turns them into a flesh eating zombie. After consuming the Silver Surfer, a half a dozen of the remaining Marvel Zombies receive a portion of the power cosmic including Wolverine. They fight Galactus upon his arrival. This would be in the limited series called Marvel Zombies.

In a What If issue, Tittled, "What if the Avengers lost the evolutonary war, the High Evolutionary evolved the human population. Wolverine leads a group of the evolved mutants/metahumans into space where they encounter and fight Galactus.

I didn't see the Wolverine issue Martin listed, but have no reason to doubt it. I hope this helps.

What are the darkest moments in Marvel and DC?

I'm gonna say the darkest I've seen is definitely Marvel Ruins. It's an alternative timeline where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong.It starts off with a normal man, Phillip Sheldon, as he watches the Quinjet and all Avengers inside get attacked by the US military via explosion.But this isn't the only way the Avengers were killed off. In a series of panels, it's shown what happened to various other members.Eventually he stops at a bar where he meets Wolverine. However, this a different Wolverine than the one we know. He stays in the bar all day, showing his mutation in exchange for free alcohol.Wolverine's not the only mutant shown in the comic. Later on, while talking to Nick Fury (who has shown cannibalistic tendencies), they get interrupted by Jean Gray, who is a prostitute in this universe.Only to be shot in the very next page.Then we find out what happened to The Incredible Hulk. Similar to the original timeline, he did get exposed to the gamma radiation however his transformation was a bit different than in the comics. It's easier to show what happens than to say.Yup, he didn't die in that form. He was kept to be experimented on. Moving on, we see as Sheldon is boarding a plane and sits next to a beautiful woman. Only for her face to melt off.Without control of her power, Mystique died when surrounded by too many people. Sheldon is then given a private tour of the prison where young mutants are being held and experimented on. Who put them there? President Charles Xavier.Don't forget about Spider-Man. Instead of turning into the web crawler we all know and love, this happens:And how does the comic end? With Sheldon publishing his book and becoming a successful author? Of course not, he dies on the street, dreaming of a better world.I didn't go over everyone's fate, Galactus is shown to have died without any explanation. Donald Blake, aka Thor, is shown to be a raving madman who swings a small hammer around while claiming to be the Norse God of Thunder. Magneto is killed by his own power when a semi truck slams into him and kills him. And there are many other horrific endings for the heroes we know and enjoy.