Math Stats Question When A People Fold Their Hands Together With Interlocking Fingers Most People

Math Stats Question? When a people fold their hands together with interlocking fingers, most people...?

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When a people fold their hands together with interlocking fingers, most people are more comfortable with one of two ways. In one way, the right thumb ends up on top and in the other way, the left thumb is on top. The table shows the data from one group of people. Judging on the basis of this data set, are the events "right thumb on to" and "male" independent or associated?

Right thumb on top Men 27 Women 63
Left thumb on top Men 15 Women 35

A. The events "right thumb on top" and "male" are associated, because the probabilities are equal

B. The events "right thumb on top" and "male" are independent, because the probabilities are Not equal

C. The events "right thumb on top" and "male" are independent, because the probabilities are equal

D. A. The events "right thumb on top" and "male" are associated, because the probabilities are Not equal

Is it possible to quantify the odds that life exists elsewhere in the universe? What are the odds that life that is more intelligent than humans exists in the universe?

The odds are extremely high if you want to interpret the star map that was shown to Betty Hill by the alien leader who abducted her. On the star map, there was indicated five alien cultures that the aliens from Zeta Reticuli were trading with, they traded with one particular culture a great deal, according to the map. So just around the binary star system Zeta Reticuli, there were five other alien cultures who had space travel. Therefore, to me, the odds for intelligent life in the universe are much higher than we think. From that chart, we could say the odds of an intelligent culture are as high or higher than one in 500 stars, which is a conservative estimate. Wikipedia says there are 250 billion stars in our galaxy alone, giver or take 150 billion. OK, from what the aliens told us and from my rough estimate, there are 50,000 stars in our galaxy alone with intelligent life. From all of the accounts of reliable people and extraterrestrial contact, this may be a real figure. The latest MUFON Journal has an article where the U.S. government has 14 different types of alien remains. From all of the research I do, one of my conclusions is that space travel must be easter than we think because there are so many aliens doing it. Whatever the figure, and I’m just making a guess from Betty Hill’s star chart, there are many, many more intelligent creatures in our own galaxy than we think there are. There are many UFO sightings all over the world every day. You can go to the MUFON website and check out all of the official sightings for yourself.