Math Trigonometry Ask ^^

Maths trigonometry extra exercise?

I have been asked by the teacher to do some extra maths work, but none of it is making sense to me. I hope the Yahoo community will be able to help me out.

1. (Without calc) Find value of cos137cos133 - sin137sin133

2. Prove that: cos(x - Pi/3) = 1/2 (sqrt3 sinx + cosx)

3. Solve 10sinx = 8sin2x for 0
4. Solve cos2x - cosx + 1 = 0 for 0

Trigonometry question for maths, help please?

the diagonal and longest side form a right angled triangle with angle of 37 degrees in between

As the longest side is the adjacent side to the angle

cosine 37 = longest side / diagonal [or hypotenuse]

cosine 37 x 16.3 = length of longest side

length of longest side = 13.02 = 13 cms to nearest cm

How many questions of trigonometry are asked on the JEE?

If the question is based on pure trigonometry, it will be 2–3(including both papers) and tough.. Otherwise if the problem involves multiple concepts, the trigonometric aspect will not be very conceptual or time taking.

Does GRE ask questions related to trigonometry?

No, GRE does not include questions related to trigonometry as GRE does not include very high level mathematics and mainly focuses on basic mathematical skills.For further information please visit our website IELTS Coaching Classes in Pune| GRE Preparation in Pune|

What type of trigonometry questions are asked by the ICSE?

See, they can ask you anything out of blue. Now what is important is to be clear with the concepts and know well how to apply that knowledge of concept.Refer to previous year questions so that you can get an idea of the type of questions asked. Mostly it is proving an identity and finding the inclination or the height or the distance as far as applications of trigonometry is concerned.Hope it helps.Thanks!!!!!

Should i take plane trigonometry or finite math with applications?

Both classes can be tough. But of the two you named, one is definitely better than the other based on what you are asking for. Finite math is the better course for someone who will take the fewest math courses they can. It is more interesting, because it changes topics from time to time. It covers some probability and statistics, some linear equations, some finance equations, other basic algebra. It won't be easy, but when you take a course like that you don't catch yourself asking "why do I have to do this stuff?" All of it is stuff an adult can use to understand the world in which they live and work.

Trig, on the other hand, is a much more narrow subject aimed at people who will take more math classes to round out their education.

Finite math -- a great survey math course.

Teaching yourself trigonometry?

Read books on trigonometry.

Go through math websites that you feel can really help you in the topic.

Be dedicated to the subject. Don't pause midway if you find you don't like the subject. Decide if you really want to go ahead with trigonometry. It looks easy at first glance but there are some intricacies involved that have made many give up after some time as they found it too tough.

If you find a problem hard to do or there is a solution you can't understand, please ask someone. Self-learning does not mean you must do everything yourself and not take the help of others. The Answers Mathematicians are always there for you.

What are some math trigonometric problems that find use in real life?

The Pythagorean Theorum finds common usage in everyday construction from metal fabrication to carpentry.The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the two sides. (A•A+B•B)=(C•C)This formula yields what tradesmen call the 3–4–5 triangle. The insure two straight things (walls, structural steel etc.) are square to each other a mark is placed 4 units from the corner on one leg and another mark is placed 3 units from the corner on the other or adjacent leg.A measure of the diagonal between the marks will be exactly 5 units long if the two legs are square to each other. This relationship is used constantly in the trades.