Meaning Of My Dream Last Night

What is meaning of this weird dream last night?

You don't give much information. What is old? However the old guys must be younger than you.Given the little information I can only give you an idea.Given these older guys are chasing you, and wanting you, I think it may be important for you to reflect on your maturity. Are you not maturing? Are you not assuming age appropriate responsibility?  Are you not wanting to grow up? Do you pursue more mature goals?It just may be this is why the older guys are wanting you. Yet only you can decide if this fits your situation.When posting a dream it's important to state your gender and age, and give as much detail of the dream as possible.

Last night I had a very bad dream. Does it have some meaning?

Nightmares are common. Simply our brain stimulates various things which have happened or which can happen in our life.Many people claim that what they had seen in their dream was correct and that took place with them as it is. Or sometimes a situation may have occurred to us that what's happening right now had taken place earlier with us in past.For the dream coming true , it may be a coincidence or simply the stimulation of our brain came true. Or u know and hope for the same thing your brain projected it and it finally happened.The things which seem to be similar to the present situation is known as deja Vu. It's common .It doesn't indicate anything bad which can happen to you. It's also not a superhuman ability. It's merely the projection of our subconscious brain and it's imagination power.

What is the meaning of my dream from lastnight?

its all just high amounts of stress, and your worried about the scammer coming around since they have your address, all your dreams just show signs of being worried, and being scammed like that can worrie people but since they all came and left, held a gun at you but didnt pull the trigger, it could mean your unsure about the scam that has taken place and unsure what there intentions were. id just relax, and if your still unsure and abit worried :) get a dog, people who come in uninvited hate dogs :) and they usualy let ya know if its friend or foe at the door, people hear a dog bark they don't want to get bitten :)

What does "I had the most vivid dream last night" mean? My interpretation is “the dream I had last night. I can remember clearly now.”

What does "I had the most vivid dream last night" mean? My interpretation is “the dream I had last night. I can remember clearly now.”No, your interpretation is not justified by the statement “I had the most vivid dream last night.” The word “vivid” means “evoking a lifelike image within the mind; having the clarity and freshness of immediate experience; having striking color.”Your ability to remember the dream and its vividness may not be directly related. The dream’s vividness last night and your ability to remember it now, though seemingly related, in all probability do not have a causal relationship. It may be just coincidence that the dream’s vividness caused you to remember it clearly. It could be simply the dream’s contents, and not its vividness, that caused you to remember it so clearly.

I had a really weird dream last night. What is the meaning behind it?

Here is my answer to all questions about dreams:When we sleep, our brain produces a lot of random signals as it is sorting through and organizing information we dealt with during the day or in recent days. Sometimes this information can manifest itself in our dreams. Other times, our dreams have nothing to do with anything we've been thinking about and simply result from our brains making sense of the random signals they're producing.Sometimes dreams can indicate something you're thinking about, but the extent to which they reveal some hidden truth about your thoughts only goes as far as whether or not you think it's true. Your dreams aren't "telling you" anything. And they're definitely not predicting the future.That's pretty much the answer to every "Why did I dream about _____?" question in existence.

Last night, my dreams were in Java. What does this mean?

I think you maybe the One Serious answer:  dreams are just continuation of what your mind is immersed in most of the awake time / what comes up as a thought in mind,comes into the dream as a "scene". So your mind would have got reminded of Java and must have come into as a "scene" of your dream.

What could my weird dream last night possibly mean?

Firstly, recognize that dreams mean nothing.Your dreams are reflections of yourself and belong to you. While dream dictionaries and dream interpretation aids can be of some assistance in a very general way, the real nitty gritty of understanding what your dream means will always come down to you, your personal circumstances and the context of the dream and your waking life.“Scotch. Four fingers, please.”This is your brain spitting nonsense, literally. When you dream, your brain goes into an illogical dream state that doesn’t really need to follow the same logic that real life does. As politely as I can say this, your dream is BS. Nothing more, but maybe less.“They were DRINKING!”Maybe you had been thinking about drinking. Or maybe you watch people drink. Your explanation above is barely any information, to be very honest with you. I don’t get it. But there is a reason for it!It’s not like your brain just likes to think of alcohol for no reason — or maybe it does.It seems like you just had a messy dream.It’s extremely common.