Medical Problem Ringworm

Ringworm problem?

I have taken my son to the doctor several times, different medications every trip we make and his ringworm gewts no better. Now it is just a mass of bumps which have been lingering for months. Please, please help

Can you die from ring worm?

"Ringworm" is tinea. It's a fungal infection and, no, you won't die but if left untreated it could spread.

How do I kill ringworm at its root?

I think i am the right person to answer this question as i have suffered from ringworm,jock itch from last 2.5 years and i could not tell you how frustrating it was,whenever i used to go out without shorts it was like a punishment it was more like torture,i could not sleep for nights,it used to itch so bad that sometimes blood started coming out after scratching the infected area .whole groin area legs all got infected even my face.I tried turmeric,ginger,olive,coconut oil garlic etc but all in vain and could not tell you how much i have wasted on medicines,tool tons of itraconazole(shit) works only till you take it and as soon as you leave it comes uninvited was like very annoying this were feeling apart you could not believe me how stressed i was,as i am a UPSC aspirant it was even more difficult for me to study,i was losing on my dreams.i went hospital to hospital doctors to doctors but nothing worked. it was like my soulmate not leaving me at any cost,i even gave it a name,(NAVEEN-my most irritating friend,no one can save themselves once naveen enters the room,its like i can shoot myself with a hand gun instead of meeting him) it was out of frustration and not out of love.NOW what saved me- i swear by good i don't like doing much social welfare but after feeling this pain i thought to share the remedy of this F***in disease.JUST GIVE IT A 10 DAYS TRY I CAN GUARANTEE IT WILL WORK.1-NO SWEETS ,SUGAR IS FOOD OF JOCK FUNGUS2-NO TEA AT MOST ONE, can have black coffee without sugar3-THE SOLUTION-:”””BRING ONE BOTTLE OF WHITE SYNTHETIC VINEGAR-COST(29 RUPEES) APPLY 3 TIMES A DAY ON INFECTED AREA DON'T WASH AFTER USE-will do wonders,you could see changes after 2 days4-CAUTION—don't panic if it irritates it just have acetic acid which will kill bacteria by changing PH of skin making impossible for fungus to survive,the area will look a bit red after use that mean its working the fungus is dying its crying you trying ok enough.MY friends these people out there took almost 30000 rupees from me in treating my infection and when i found the solution it was just for 29 rs can you believe how this business is flourishing on our pain,anyway you got a RAMBAN use it,AND bless me (for clearing UPSC)thanxi am anonymous like fungus like mucus and you are like my friends in circus(enough) :p

My ringworm is so itchy?

I had your same problem. My doctor kept diagnosing my situation as a different skin condition after every single visit. After a lot of wasted time and money, my friend in medical school noticed it and told me about this website that got rid of my cursed ring worm in 3 days. It was seriously the best investment I did in a long time.

Another long term solution would be to consult a dermatologist. Both methods are effective and I really wish you get cured, as I know those problems are the most annoying curse ever.

Does ringworm affect our medical tests for an air force officer post?


Will having ringworm be a cause of failure in the medical exam for Canadian immigration?

I can’t give a qualified answer as I do not know the medical issues that could/would disqualify an immigration application. But Ringworm is a fungal infection which I believe is the same fungus that causes toenail fungal infections. It is easily treated with medications etc. It is, however, easy to infect other people but is not uncommon in Canada.

. Alot, Sick?. birthmark. confused. ringworm.?

Ok... how do i begin?. I have an EXTREMELY large port whine birthmark, it begins on my face, covers my entire right side, my neck, chest, back, partial leg, ... it's a big one.! Even doctors gasp at the size, I've looked up the different types, sometimes i wonder if it could be a mix of some others. But this is the beginning,. I have a magnitude of medical problems that i have recently took notice too. My mom's a nurse and just wont seem to take me serious?. I have a case of ring worm that has been uncurable for eight months or so now,. I have infected tonsils that wont heal for about two or three years now, I have a constant cold, I am now having wierd heart irregulations., constant bladder infections, and no answer. My foot has currently gone numb, where my birthmark is, and my right arm ( Completely covered with the birthmark) goes numb all the time as well. I have Horrible issues with sleep, ... Sleep anxiety, sleep paralysis, insomnia. I just wish for an answer. I've seen doctors, ... but you know how that goes. Well just reaching out to the public here. :(

How should I handle a stray cat with ringworm (or any skin disease) to avoid getting infected?

Luckily, ringworm in humans isn’t serious; if you catch it from the cat, go to the pharmacy and buy some anti-fungal cream, which should clear it up. Ringworm can survive for some time in damp places; it’s notorious for hanging out in locker rooms. In humans, it looks like a circular, mildly itchy rash. The same type of fungal infection also causes athlete’s foot.To avoid catching it in the first place, wear gloves whenever you handle the cat. If you cuddle with the cat, wash your clothes in hot water afterwards. Keep the cat in a big dog crate. Cleaning should be done with bleach or a bleach-based cleaner. There’s no need to take any more than the usual precautions when cleaning the litter box.Because ringworm is somewhat of an opportunistic infection, attacking cats that are young, old, thin, or in poor health, your cat needs a proper vet check to make sure that whatever has made it vulnerable can be fixed. The cat may need nothing more than a warm place to sleep and a steady source of food to build up its immunity again. In cats, ringworm tends to resolve without treatment, but it can take a very long time, and during that time your cat will be contagious, so I recommend treatment.There are antifungal treatments for your cat; you can’t use human antifungal ointment because the cat will lick it off and get sick. Take the cat to the vet and explain the problem; get them to sell you some medication to help clear it up. Treatment will take a while until your kitty is ringworm-free, so you’ll need that big dog crate (buy one that’s sized for St. Bernards, so the cat can have some elbow room). A vet can check for ringworm under UV light.Whatever you do, don’t take the cat to a shelter that euthanizes “unadoptable” animals. Because ringworm takes a long time to treat and is relatively contagious, many shelters simply don’t have the resources to treat one cat with ringworm because that would mean turning away or euthanizing five healthy cats. If you want to help this cat, you’ll have to care for it at home, foster it until it’s healthy, and either adopt it yourself or find someone who wants a new kitty.Thank you for helping this stray. Good luck!