Mind Feels Really Slow Help

Everything moves really slow but my mind is fast?

i don’t know how to explain it, but my body’s regular speed feels slow and everything in my mind is racing really fast and i feel like all the sounds around me are either too loud or too quiet and my body gets kind of heavy. like i feel detached??? idk how to explain it but if anyone knows what i’m talking about or has felt the same, please tell me what it is.

Feels like I'm slowly losing my mind??? A bit frightened!?

It sounds like you are developing psychosis. This is a disturbance in brain functioning. I am currently studying psychology and we talked about this. You seem like everyone is judging you, or you are always angry, or overwhelmed, paranoid, anxious, annoyed with life, depressed. This are all symptoms of psychosis. Pretty much all mood disorders pushed into one. There is treatment for this, and it starts with a visit to the doctor, and therapy. Don't worry, you have full control over your treatment, they don't pump you with pills, they help you get through your problems. I know a lot of people who have recovered from this, and are happy living their lives the way they want to. You are not alone, and you don't have to suffer in silence. Do this for yourself, it does get better. Trust me. You can't give up.

Why do I feel so slow in the head?

It sounds very much like depression. Depression has a way of slowing down all body processes. You cant think as well or understand as well. Losing pleasure in normal activities or losing hope that things will get better are signs of depression. Fifteen is a common age to begin feeling depression whether it be the blues or full clinical depression. You are never to young to seek help. Please do that for yourself.

Why do I feel like my brain has slowed down, I am 26 only and follow good diet and regime?

HiSo it really depends on your situation, I had like that feeling a few months ago. I found out, that the problem for me was, that I restricted my fat intake too much. So instead of having about 20–30% of my calories from fat, it was around 15%.If that isn’t the problem, than maybe your not getting your nutrition in, where fruits and vegetables, or supplements surely can help.Cheers

Anyone on SSRI's feel very slow/fuzzy/stupid in the mind b/c of the meds?

SSRI's need a few weeks to months for their optimum effect to be apparent, If you are taking citralopam (Celexa) for a chronic depressive disorder you need to know that it is no silver bullet and the depression needs to be also treated by concurrent psychotherapy to resolve bad negative thinking habits. According to wikipedia celexa is well tolerated and only a relatively few suffer moderate side effects like you described. If the symptoms you feel you are experiencing persist I would ask my physician to change to another SSRI. In any case do not stop taking them with out a physician's help in tapering off.

I take sertraline, an SSRI, which has no discernible side effects for me.

Good luck, good health, peace and love!

Slow motion feeling, mind rushing?

This used to happen a lot when I was younger (6-13) and hasn't happened but on slight occasion now (Im 18). Basically I feel like everything around me is going in slow motion, people around me, my body, etc. but my mind is going at an exponential rate. 3x 4x faster than normal. I have this feeling that i'm almost in a life or death situation and whatever i am doing really needs to get done as quick as possible but that i'm going in slow motion. This feeling usually last anywhere between 30 seconds to 10 minutes. any thoughts?