Mom Keeps Eating A Lot

My mom keeps forcing me to eat?!?

Alright, so I was in a treatment center a few weeks ago.. and I don't think I'm getting any better. Anyways, she will punish me if I don't eat. I want to refuse so badly because I'm trying to lose weight. I don't care if people call me skinny, because I don't think I am. I'm 5''1 and 95 pounds. I was trying to get down to 75, and before I was 86! I can't see how much I weigh, and it's killing me. I also have suicidal thoughts, and they're getting worse because of this. Sometimes I think I might ACTUALLY runaway. I got put into a hospital for suicidal thoughts, and stopped eating there, so then they sent me to a treatment center. I don't know what to do anymore! I'd rather die then eat a lot. I feel like they're fattening me up :'[ and btw, my parents are normal size not fat so ....
What should I do? Runaway? I can't get over it.

My mom gets mad at me for eating?

I think she thinks this is going to make me skinny or something. Im overweight but not like really fat just kind of chubby . Im 13 and weigh around 140 pounds. I wake up around 11 cuz its summer and i dont have breakfast and then for lunch there is literally no food in the house. Everyday i eat whole wheat bread and avacadoe and nothing else until dinner. My mom is extremely reluctant to give me food and when im eating dinner she will be like "Oh my god! How much are you going to eat!!" altough i barely have anything. My sister ahppens to be skinny and my mom gives her lots of food. I dont have a problem with my weight and my mom keeps saying stuff like "Why don't you clean your room? All you do all day is eat" and i tell her I barely eat anything and shes like thats good - you dont need to eat your body already has so much fat stored in it?" how can I get her to give me more food? And btw this wont make me skinnier because your metabolism goes to survival mode when you don't eat and when you start eating again you gain even more weight and i've told her this and she just won't listen.

My mom keeps forcing me to eat?

Star, you are a fine weight for your height and age, if not underweight. Please don't worry about your weight!

I can see why you feel you need to lose weight as your sisters are over weight, and you don't want to be like them.

300 calories is certainly not enough to keep you going, and sometimes eating less, not eating the foods that are 'bad' will make you crave things like cakes and crisps etc even more. It's better do to it the healthy way, balance things out, don't cut anything out completely, just have less. Not as low as 300 calories, you need atleast 1200 per day, you need them to keep you alive and grow!

Exercise too! Not to the point of over exercising.

You don't need to lose weight, and trust me you don't want anorexia or bulimia, they're both terrible eating disorders that are really hard to get out of. Both of these mental illness can come with devistating consequnces also, such as in-fertility, bone weakness, your teeth can rot (from the acid in sick) etc.

Your mum is only forcing you to eat because she cares about you, she doesn't want you so thin you have to have a feeding tube in hospital, people die from anorexia/ bulimia.

Just say to your mum you want to eat more healthily, but I can't stress enough, you really don't need to lose weight!

Hope that helped!

My mom keeps making me eat more and it's making me panic!?

I'm a recovering bulimic (no binge, just really controlled eating and when i think i ate too much i throw up)

im 5"5 and 112 pounds. i'm NOT underweight, i certainly don't LOOK underweight. i'm grotesque. I AM seeing a counselor and my mom knows it. She's been nagging me about the body dysmorphic disorder and stuff and today she told me she's ''determined to make me eat''.. this is because i haven't been getting my periods for a month or so now but still! i KNOW i'm fine, im the biggest nutrition nut there is and i KNOW im getting enough with what i already eat. she's totally overreacting, she even brought up infertility...honestly! what the hell!

Tonight, she kind of 'decided' that she'd make me 'eat more from now on'... she made me this soup thing with huge fatty bits of pork so i said i don't want the pork, she got mad but got over it... i still had to eat the omelette and a bowl of rice with the soup without the pork... what do i do? i'm starting to lie to her about what i ate at school so that she doesn't make me eat as much at home...

i'm KNOW this is going to make me gain weight and i'm going on a school trip abroad soon, it's going to be a blast and i want to effing look good for it, not like a huge pig in the photos and stuff... im in a huge panic state right now what do i do................!!!!!

My mom keeping yelling at me about my weight?

That's my life too... I know it's hard but just ignore what she says... I've tried to talk to my mom but she said "If you want me to stop talking then lose weight!"
I'm currently 17 years old 5'6'' and 182 pounds and very proud. I stopped listening to my mom long ago and that did wonders for me :) I'm currently happier than i have ever been because I am okay with myself

Keep your spirits up and don't be upset about how you look because remember, We big girls are beautiful ;]

I wasn't motivated either (still am not) about losing weight, so I'm taking it easy. I have lost weight just by controlling the amount of food i eat, and what I eat. I love to eat, and also eat when i' anxious, so instead of candy and fat stuff i eat a bowl of mashed bananas and granola. It offers nutrients and lowers the amount of sugar and trans fat on my 'regular diet'. It usually keeps me full for the rest of the day :]
Exercise: I don't exercise because i simply don't like it. I can't keep a routine, so instead I just go out with friends, go swimming (for fun), go ride my bike with my brother, dance frantically in my room like there's no tomorrow. just daily activities that keep me up and going :] No formal excercise

How long do mother dogs eat their puppies poo?

Depends on the bit ch. Some will eat it until the puppies are placed, some until they start on solids, and some less than that. My current litter is 4.5 weeks and the bit ch is happily cleaning up after them. I had another one that decided at three weeks her job was DONE as far as that went.

**My bit ch will still eat it outside too. I put the pups out in the x-pen right after they are fed their mash and she goes right out with them and cleans up after them then too.

***IT is normal to sometimes see a "spot" where poop was. It might happen now and again, and sometimes there might be some that she doesn't get. The poop also firms up as they start solids. When nursing it is more of a very soft "rope" looking thing that is pretty soft. As it gets firmer, it is easier for her to clean up without leaving "evidence". The more puppies, the more chance you will see some poop. There is just more of it. If they are eating, playing and sleeping, then you can be sure they are pooping and she is cleaning it up. Enjoy it, because you never know when it will stop and become your job.