Ms Fsx Error 1722. How Do I Fix This

Microsoft flight stimulator x:accelaration error problem?? am having DELUXE version?

I bought the FSX Deluxe version. I try to install the Acceleration Pack, but as soon as begin the installation, I get a message that says: "Flight Simulator X must be activated before you can install Flight Simulator X: Acceleration. Activate Flight simulator X and then run the setup again." and what to do next........

Flight Simulator X Deluxe Error 1305. dem0701.bgl how to fix?

In FSX Deluxe, the 1305 Error indicates that FSX can't find and read a particular file or that a particular file didn't install properly when FSX was your case, the dem0701.bgl file. Most people solve this by cleaning the FSX DVD discs and then and then inserting the discs in the DVD drive and running the repair function. It may also help to clean your DVD drive before running the repair.

If you have any further questions or comments about FSX, you might consider joining the free Yahoo Flight Simulator Group at:


What is the role of civil engineers in digital India?

A lot buddy!We’ve got a large area, with lots of possibilities for hazards. GIS is in the scope of Civil. Getting the data, and doing the layers, fixing the problem is a huge task. People are being recruited, it’ll be a big sector soon. This data will help people to know what and whereabouts of the location for a huge number of parameters. The parameters being direct or calculated and put together. The answer might be simple but the work is not.Probable Hazard due to Earthquakes, with respect to Liquefaction, Land Sliding, Amplification, Sand boils, historic events, magnitudes, Zone factors, and a lot more. This is for Earthquake alone.I got few friends who are working on Road networking , growth of traffic with same digitalizing . Hope, I’ve answered enough.

Is years of unhealthy eating reversible?

Yes, of course. I had same problem till I was 23. I ate fast food, consumed lots of beverages, drinks, sweets and stuff from vending machines.. I used to eat when I had time or felt very hungry and a lot of food at once. Skipping breakfast, eating late hours and etc. I was skinny and never gained weight. My health/physical condition got worse. I was 156 lbs and 6'1. All changed once I decided to start cycling. I started having breakfast regularly, drink lots of water!!! Avoided fast food, fat food and fried food. Mostly veggies, fruits and meats.. I started following Paleo diet. Always try to eat organic food. After 3 years of healthy diet with scheduled meals, 4 times a day I felt much better. Breakfast, pre lunch (fruits), lunch, early dinner, no food after 7pm. I gained weight, healthy weight - muscles (186 lbs). My physical condition improved, 150 push ups non-stop, 40-50 pull-ups, 10 mile run.. It takes time and effort. Dedication is the key! Look up online there are tons of healthy life style plans and diets. Pick the one which suits you the best! See if it works for you, keep records of your meals, workouts, diet, weight and etc.. MS Excel is great tool to use for records. Good luck!

Will an additional Msc in statistics degree after my PhD in economics make me look good or bad for a recruiter/hiring manager? I had one year experience as a quant but I felt inadequate so I want to further pursue a stats program. Does it make sense?

It can make hiring managers wonder if there is a problem, but it is on balance mildly positive. More stats skills are always useful and if you feel you have a hole in your skill set then fix it.Model this as an investment. For a cost of X and time Y what is the best allocation to improve your capital value under some coherent risk measure ?Stats look good for this, you increase your attractiveness by upping your buzzword count, you are more able to answer interview questions and odds are it helps you do the job better.Compare Stats education with programming, AI/Data Science, product knowledge etc. See which fits.A major risk factor in careers is unemployment which breaks down into endogenous and exogenous parts. Endogenous is the fear in the heart of your employer if you leave, each manager cutting staff will choose to loose those whose loss hurts his group less. If you can do something others in your team can’t, your survival chances go up. Also running a team is a complex portfolio, he needs to get X,Y,Z work done, so may feel that having a genius at X is less good than someone who can just about do everything, so the broader your skill set the better. Ironically this may be the opposite for getting hired where genius at X, is more useful than broad competency.The Exogenous risk is the random crap that falls out of the sky which you can’t predict or protect against, your firm hitting bad times, the products you know going out of fashion, being banned from working in the country you want. Then risk is the inability to get a new job, again I like stats for this.However…You need to do the Stats course well. Saying you’ve just done a coure means they will ask hard questions about Stats, which is mostly good, but it sets a higher expectation which you need to meet.