Multiverses And Animes And Cartoons

In the multiverse could there be a cartoon universe?

Maybe. Who knows?

But Susskind and others have proposed other universes wherein the laws of physics are so strange that they seem like magic to us. One might have a time line that runs opposite in direction to what ours does for example.

There are about 20 constants of nature that make up our universe. Some of them are Planck's Constant, pi, the speed of light, the universal gravity constant, and so on. And change the value of one or more of them just a smidgen (which is smaller than an iota) and our universe could not exist as we know it. It'd be a totally different one with a different set of laws of physics.

Susskind [See source.] suggests there are 10^200 uniquely different possible universes; not one like our own. And each one is defined at birth (its big bang) by the values for its constants of nature. Perhaps there is a Terrytoon Universe out there, with its strange constants of nature.

What if the was an anime multiverse?

Of course, there already are many, the most popular one by far being the Type-Moon Multiverse, rife with magic, fantasy, romance and twisted plots.(God, Fate is making it's way into so many of my answers...)Excuse the moeblob art, but this was the only thing I could find with characters across all the Type-Moon Works. No, wait, the characters aren't drawn like this, actually!The multiverse encompasses the multitude of Fate/ titles across various forms of media. Predated by Fate/Stay Night, a Visual Novel first released in 2004, many popular works have followed, including an anime and a movie by Studio Deen, an anime adaptation of one of the routes of the VN by Ufotable, who also adapted Fate/Zero, originally a Light Novel. Fate/Stay NightAnd then, of course, follow the slew of other Fate works, including Fate/ Hollow Ataraxia, Fate/Apocrypha, Fate Grand Order, and so on, each of them feature new, recurring and alternate versions of characters.And the entire Fate universe itself, is just a component of a bigger system, including Tsukihime and the following Visual Novels and games, Kara No Kyokai, a set of light novels adapted brilliantly into movies, and so on...well, you get the idea.Heroines from Kara No Kyokai, Tsukihime and Fate

Are there multiple anime series set in one universe?

Tsubasa: Resevoir Chronicles and xxxHolic

Technically they're part of the same multiverse, but the idea is the same and the two series cross over a lot. Actually, most of CLAMP's works could be said to be set in the same universe or multiverse as it were. This can be seen most noticably in Tsubasa where a lot of their other characters are featured.

The only other series I can think of would be Accel World and Sword Art Online. Both were written by the same author and, while set at different times, share the same world.

Top 5 Strongest Anime Verses?

1. Tenchi Muyo - 4 multiverse busters and an omnipotent (an omnipotent has no restrictions and unlimited power. They can essentially do whatever they please)

2. Slayers - galaxy busters and a nigh omnipotent

3. Saint Seiya - the strongest characters can erase a universe with a wave of their hand

4. Demonbane - features a mech that is bigger than the universe and can summon infinite versions of itself

5. Tegan Toppa Gurren Lagann - the biggest mech in the show is capable of using galaxies like shurikens

Extra Dimensions in the Universe/Multiverse?

There does appear to be some 'gifted' people who are able to experience a different Universe to the rest of us.

They use words like 'God' and 'faith' as real things and whilst the rest of us are unable to 'see', 'experience' or in any way 'test' or 'measure' the existence of these things, they seem quite real to such 'gifted' people ...

... so I'm quite open to the suggestion that 'a spirit dimension' exists.

The 'problem', for me, is that there is no testable (i.e. scientific) Theory that 'explain' this dimension .. and until one is developed and experiments performed to confirm (or refute) it's existence I give it the same level of credence as Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster ...

Can anime exist in a parallel universe/multiverse?

Not necessarily.  It is a common misunderstanding that in a multiverse that there is a universe that could be found where some thing you can think of can happen.What the multiverse, and to a smaller extent an infinite universe, implies is that anything that can happen will happen.  For a finite universe you get the situation where even things that can happen will never happen.  If there is multiverse then there are probably some rules to how that multiverse works.  This will dictate how universes are created.  While there could be a vast number of combinations of universes spawned from a multiverse if there is a finite number of parameters then there is basically a finite number of different universes even if that number is very large.  If non of the parameters allow for the universe of cartoons then there can be no anime universe.  Could there be some aspect of an anime that could happen in one of these universe?  Sure but it would be dependant on what the parameters allow and what aspect you are talking about.   At best the answer is "We don't know" but realistically if you don't have a good reason to believe something then you should with hold judgement.  Unless we have a reason to believe some parameter of the multiverse could produce the aspect we are talking about then we shouldn't seriously consider it.

Can anime exist in a multiverse or in the afterlife?

I suppose you want to ask if "the soul continues to exist after death".The answer is yes.In addition, for the TTR theory the souls of all beings that give substance to all universes (1d-10d) are the "Particles of Existence".After death, your particle of existence (Soul) will randomly enter (attached to your personal 11-dimensional Point of Alef) another 3d universe (may be that one just leaved). While, in the meantime, the same your Particle of Existence is experimenting different existences with incremental dimensions from 1d-10d (always created by your personal Point of Alef, always randomly by entering or exiting from other universes with different dimensions).So, independently on what's happen to your particle of existence in this universe (apparent: birth, life, death), you, as sum of the other 9 status (in total are 10 version) of your particle of exisence, already are in the condition to be able to do every thought you could think about.For this, you can only think what your actual particle of existence can do, now that you are yet alive here, within the parallel universe with 10 dimension. To have just an infinitesimal idea, you can think about the difference between the Life prerogative versus the Thought one in our universe. If you now imagine the difference between Thought prerogative versus the additional one in 4 dimensional, 5 dimensional, ...., up to 10 dimensional universe, you can have, as I sayd before, a very infinitesimal Idea of ​​what that powerful prerogative can allow to you into 10 dimension universe where actually you are or will be soon.You can take a look at the Presentation of TTR theory and also at the first physical-mathematical result shown starting from its postulates.TTR THEORY PRESENTATION – YouTubeThe Particles of Existence (PE)

Anime Universe vs Marvel Universe?

The Marvel universe would decimate... pretty much any other universe. There are far more omnipotent & omniscient characters in marvel.

There are even those who are above omnipotence, like the marvel brother from the amalgam universe.