Muscle Building Is Now Become Too Much Easy.

How many push ups is best for building chest muscle?

6-10 pushups isn't going to do anything. The 6-10 reps for muscle building thing is only relevant if you are working with around 60-90% of your MAX lift potential. If you are doing something extremely easy (like pushups), then you're going to want to do as many as possible, every set. And when that becomes easy, do them with your legs elevated (put your feet up on a bench). But seriously, if you're trying to actually build muscle, start bench-pressing. Push-ups and other bodyweight lifting exercises are only really good for toning/endurance.

Best way to gain muscle at the gym?

Eat. Contrary to popular belief, in order to gain muscle you have to put on a bit of weight, eat fatty and protein-latent food such as meats. Don't be scared to go in for second helpings.

Then, work out, if you're working out in school and they have weightlifting machines and stations, lift weights and doing muscle-building exercises. Keep lifting those weights/doing push-ups/doing muscle-building exercises until it feels easy to do what you're currently doing. Then increase the resistance or weights.

For instance, if you're bench-pressing 150 lbs. for a majority of the time, and at first it feels hard to do 3 sets of 15 reps (Which means lifting the weights 15 times, at 3 different intervals with like a 5-10 min. rest in between the "sets"). After a while, being able to do those sets will become easy, so in order to build muscle you have to increase the weight a little so it becomes hard again, so now you'll be doing 175 lbs instead of 150 lbs.

Long story short, eat a lot, work out a lot. When the workout you're doing becomes too easy, increase the stress or weight of the workout until it's hard again for you. You'll gain muscle that way.

Running is a cardiovascular exercise by the way, running makes you lose weight, not gain muscle :)

How long does it take to get muscle?

im an 18 year old women and i am 120 5'7 . if i am doing arm, ab, and leg workouts everyday. doing as much as i can each time and increasing when it gets easy, how long would it take to get visible muscle on my abs. like indents, not too much just like oohh nice little crease in the middle thingy maybe.

the minimum time?

Fastest ways to build muscle without steroids?

Sheesh you're where I want to be. (weight wise anyway :P)

If you can afford supplements take them, not steroids.

Protein to helping your muscles to recovery. Creatine is a GREAT supplement for short bursts of energy and really helps to build muscle and it's safe. and a daily multi-vitamin. If you lift heavy take some l-glutamine. arginine and leucine are also proven amino acids to help build.. but anyways.

I work out daily for 1.5 hours Monday - Saturday. I do a different body part each day
Monday - Chest
Tuesday - Arms
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - Cardio
Saturday - Deadlifts

Recently I've started doing HIIT cardio on M,W,F and Ab/Core excercises on T/Th/S. Most people say an hour lifting is plenty, some say never go over two hours.

I work out Moderate to heavy and at a steady pace. Make sure you change your routine every 4-6 weeks to 'shock' your muscles.
And do NOT repeat the same excerises every day. Your body needs 1-2 days rest per muscle that you work to recover, over-training just leads to being hurt.

It also depends on what you're wanting to build, I'm working entire body, so i work everything. One of the best total body STRENGTH routines is a dead-lift, but that is a VERY hard exercise and dangerous when it gets heavy. Research it before you attempt it.

Also like I said, when you work out, go for Strength and Power. Strength is slow and steady, power is speed. Your body builds muscle on BOTH. you have a slow and fast twitch fiber :)

Lifting dumbells is great, but how are you lifting them? There's plenty of curls to do. Preacher Curls, Hammer Curls, Concentration Outer, Concentration Inner, Cable Curls etc. If you want more info lemme know

Good Luck

Which is more difficult: losing weight or gaining muscle?

I’ve done both at different times so I have a pretty good perspective on this.Mentally, weight loss take the cake. When you have to lose weight, you are forced to make some major lifestyle changes. Bad habits are why we become overweight and breaking any bad habit takes much mental fortitude.Physically, building muscle is way harder.For starters, the actual workout has to be high intensity. Honestly it hurts, it burns, and you’re sore all the time. It’s a pretty uncomfortable physical thing. You can’t just go to the gym and throw weights around and come out with muscles, you have to really shock your muscles into growth and that means destroying them.And you have to repeat that process again and again and again and again. Muscle growth takes time. . . and a lot of it. Because it’s so much more dense than fat, it takes a lot of it before you can see growth in the mirror. You could work your ass off for months and, depending on your goal, it would only be the beginning of your journey.Eating for muscle growth is a job all by itself. Contrary to popular money driven beliefs, weight loss can be achieved by simply eating healthy (I’ve lost 70lbs by doing this myself). No special diets are necessary. Muscle on the other hand has to be fed correctly in order to grow. Maybe you get lucky with good genetics, but you’ll eventually be spinning your wheels if you don’t have the correct diet. For some this wall comes sooner than others.I will quote a young man who once described what it’s like when people tell him to back off the weights“Don’t get too big!!!”“BRUH I’ve been trying to get ‘too big’ for like 2 f**** years it ain’t easy like that s*** doesn’t magically happen”I’ve was lucky enough to experience both sides. When I was losing weight I couldn’t wait for the day when I could finally say “I did it.” Now, sometimes I miss the process of weight loss (I jokingly refer to it as “rookie gains”) but I enjoy the work ethic I have developed on the quest for muscle.The grass is always greener.