My Best Friend Turned Me On

My best friend turned on me?

Why would you want her back? Think about what you're asking. REALIZE that you are not wanted. You can see it everywhere in her message. For one, she said you and her are NOT friends. So, she doesn't consider you anything more than a stranger or no different than walking past you on the street. She also said she wants nothing to do with you. Absolutely NOTHING, and you have to respect that, because this is what she wants for herself. you cannot force people to like you, or come around, or do what you want them to do.

Also, her tone in the message was meant to hurt you, especially when she put the smiley faces at the end (as if this is funny and taken lightly), yet in the beginning, she said she wasn't trying to be mean. She was.

This is about what you truly deserve and your sense of self-respect. Be around people who actually want something to do with you and not take you for granted. Again, you cannot force a friendship to keep going if the other person doesn't. You gotta learn to let go.

Also, if you go at this silently and don't try to get her back or respond back, maybe in time, she's going to look and realize how poorly she handled this and might feel guilty. When you show her you're able to move on, she'll think she was nothing but a small obstacle you were able to overcome, and it might nudge her, because right now, she's expecting you to squirm and worry, and you're doing just that.

My best friend has turned into a *****?

Well, we have known each other for 10 years now... and i really adored her company.
We used to spend so much time together and were REALLY close.
But, over the holidays she started hanging out with these real bitches and they completely changed her. She npw refuses to talk to me and commonly makes rude remaks at me.
Although i am really angry for the way she has been treating me i cant help but miss the best friend i used to have. There is no way of being friends again but im just not sure how to cope seeing she is in my calsses at school and i see her frequently...
HELP plz
Ps. she is also very jellous of me and likes totell everyone that she is :S

My best friend turned out to be gay...what should i do? best friend told me that he is gay and he has strong feelings for me..even though he flirts a lot with girls....i told him to find a girlfriend and get on with life....

i feel somehow uncomfortable with it,but i dont want our friendship to end because of his sexual orientation.I used to discuss with him about my girlfriend and hot chicks..Now,i cant even talk to him because i feel disgusted...

Actually,prior to that,i started to sense that he is gay because he dosent talk about girls nor his crush.However,i kept telling myself maybe i am just too sensative.But,my worst nightmare had come true....he is really gay.

I am now totally shocked and would like to spend more time with my girlfriend.....
How should i face him in the future?

My best friend turns me on?,?

You mention that she is your best friend.So I think you love her and she too. But the question is what you need from your her?
Want to sex with her ? because she is your best friend or she is a lesbian? Listen love is a totally different part of our life but sex is too. If you love her and want to sex then go. Do what you want. In my personal opinion I would prefer love. Because everything is possible in love. So just be cool, keep your friend happy after that you both decide together what you need. Al the best.

My best friend turned to my sex mate ?

yea, he's using you. Think about it, not having a girlfriend means that he doesn't have to tend to your emotional needs, but he's there to have sex with you..which is a physical need for most likely himself. You should end it now before you get too deep. Let him know that you feel umcomfortable about the situation. Besides, you being too tall for him has nothing to do with the matter. If you're good enough to sleep with, why can you not be seen next to him as his lover/girlfriend in front of others...? So you see, you're being used....sever that sexual tie now while you can.

What did you do when your best friend turned foe?

Actually my best friend turned into a criticizing bitch, so she got beaten up by one of our female senior in school. I made it happen but never knew it would get this serious.It happened some years ago, I had a bestfriend who was the most beautiful girl of the school(She was just fair). I always supported her in her good and bad times and kept a loyal bond with her, At first she was very caring and sweet towards me.I loved her so much. But, I was an idiot, she had a habit of gossiping about everyone she knew and abused them(Including her mother).I never thought if she could gossip about everyone, she could even gossip about me too.(We are all innocent during our school time).I started learning guitar those days and formed my own band in school, somehow I started becoming popular, she taunted me a number of times that how I hindered her popularity with mine.She was still special for me.One day she confessed something hideous that she encouraged one of the junior to commit suicide for some personal issues(As she herself did that a number of times.)Let’s call the junior, X.I knew X and her family very well, Her sister was our senior, I couldn’t hold it in so I called X’s elder sister and told her everything.(I had to)The next day when I went to school, she was talking shit about me, calling me characterless and how big a liar I was. I came to know her new side, She was never a good person, only used people to share her dark deeds(She felt like a pro doing that).I ended my friendship with her finally.Some days later, X’s elder sis called me up to say thank you and narrated what happened the very next day when I told her about the suicidal thing.She said,”I went to her coaching and slapped her countless number of times infront of the staff and the students, And told everyone the reason, she was scared, I could see that on her face. ”We haven’t talked since then and she still keeps spreading rumors about me(I ignore her the way I ignore loki ki sabji):DHave a nice day!

If your best friend turns you down after you ask her out, what do you do next? Do you part ways or do you just pretend it never happened?

Thanks for the A2A.I have to say this has the potential to be one of the most complicated or least complicated situations. Attitude will determine all.Parting ways seems to be a logical step but it doesn't have to be permanent. If both parties are mature enough, you can talk about how taking this step will benefit both of you by giving each other some time and space to recover from negative emotions like guilt and rejection. This could restore balance in your relationship paving the way for a healthy friendship in the future.I wouldn't pretend that this never happened, but if both of us mutually decide after a talk to forget about it, I might be game for it.What do you say?

My best friend raped me after I turned him down why would he do this?

First off, if he did this, he isn’t deserving of being your friend anymore and perhaps he wasn’t in the first place…. I am so proud of you for talking about it, even if it is just here, it is a start. Bravo!!!! As to why he did it, I guess men love to feel the power they get, or he couldn’t handle being told no.. sigh….I don’t really know, but I do know you are doing the right thing by talking about it.. One of the first steps to healing is seeing the truth…. I urge you to keep up the talking, either with your parents, close family, friends, or even places like this… Talking and time and understanding the situation were tremendous factors in what helped me heal afterwards. Just because he was your friend don’t get scared to stand up against him for doing you wrong. He was wrong, not you. Never forget that. One last piece of advice… Keep on loving yourself, no matter what. xoxo