My Birthmark Grew Back

My birthmark grew back?

Okay, I did the stupidest thing. Just a warning.
I had a birthmark on my left cheek, it was pretty big but it wasn't HUGE. Probably the size of a little stud earring, or like a pencil eraser.
It was BLACK, and very noticeable without makeup.
So I put Compound W (wart remover) on it.. a couple days later it fell off.
There was still a little on my cheek from where I didn't get the cream on.. but not much.
It's been a little over a week, and it's completely back! It's not black like it used to be, but it's very thin and light brown.
Is it gonna grow back darker? Or bigger? Why did it even grow back to begin with?
I'm 15 & having a birthmark dead center of your cheek isn't fun.

Can you grow a birthmark?

I'm 14 years old, turning 15 this June. I don't have a birthmark, I've looked and looked and found none. And my parents have confirmed that I do not have a birthmark. But today, I was looking at my back and I found a patch of darker shaded skin! It's probably the size of a quarter. I don't go tanning or anything, so that's not it. And it's not a burn or anything of that sort. So can you maybe grow a birthmark? Or can it be something else? I'm a girl, if that has anything to do with this! Please help! Thanks!!

Scratched my birthmark off?

lmaoo why would you do thatt :P
that wasnt very smart. you were born with that for a reason lol.
but anyways back to your qquestion. ..
No it will not come back, cuz they do not randomly grow back., & buut you may and probably will have a scar now, all depeneds on how deep you cut it .
well hope i helped you , goooooodluckk ! :)

Do you know anyone with a green/bluish-green birthmark?

I have a green/green-blue birthmark on the upper part of my left arm and I want to know if this occurance is common. Everyone thinks it's just a bruise but it's actually the color of my skin.
I've had a cut through my birth mark and the skin that grew back was still green-blue. I don't know anyone else with this THING... although I like it because it makes me unique, I'm wondering if it's linked to something medical. Do you know anyone with this kind of birthmark?

Mole growing back?

A little over a month ago I had a mole on my neck removed using the "shaving" method. It was covered by insurance so I didn't have to pay anything. I fear that its growing back now because where the mole used to be, the skin is colored and its dark red around the area. My brother told me it looks like its growing back. What should I do? Will the dermatologist remove the mole again if it grows back? They tested the mole that was removed and it was fine. But I'm still worried about this mole growing back, and I don't like it!

I accidentally pulled off a mole on my face, will it grow back?

First of all, most people will think that I don't want it there, but I do. I think that mole made me look beautiful and I'm hoping that it will grow back.

A few months ago I got a pimple where the mole was, popped it and after a few days it went away. Well a few days ago I got another pimple where the mole is and popped it, but kept messing with it. It ended up scabbing over and I deciding to leave it alone for a day or two and then pick off the scab and put some neosporin on it to heal it properly...but I picked off the scab and my mole came off with it! :(

My mom says I'm overreacting but I've always had that mole and I really like it. It's high on my cheek bone, near my left eye.

What do you think?

How do you treat a pimple that's under a mole?

Its was a normal mole on the right cheek which was noted as a birthmark for identification, however at the age of 29, i got a pimple under it.As i have a habit of pinching out any mole which rarely appears on my face , and after i squeezed out a brown or black fluid it started to ooze out few drops of blood and then i stopped. I got surprised a bit since the discharge squeezed out was brownish black instead of expected semi- solid white content.After two days, today i plucked off the newly formed debris and a small blackish layer pealed off. Now i am worried whether the birthmark will appear back since it was the identification mark i gave in many places.So i checked in the internet, after one or two sites that gave information about the possiblity of cancerous atypical cells, i got here to hear you all saying the same cancerous waiting in line to see the doctor...will be continued..