My Body Is Not Hot But I Have 38.9 C Fever

What’s better during a fever: a hot bath or a cold bath?

Neither in fact. The best is a tepid bath. Comfortable to get in to but not too warm. Remember that the purpose of a fever is to kill infection, if you cool the body too much, you are reducing it’s kill the bug action that is the reason it has raised the temperature. The body would probably rather like you to put up with the fever but of course this is not very comfortable for you so by having the bath you are meeting it mid way, giving you some relief from the fever but keeping the body fighting at the same time.

My 4 yr old has a 102 fever, what should I do?

My daughter hasn't been sick since she was 2 years old so I don't know about what to do at this age. It's the third day of this. Fever spikes in afternoon and breaks in the middle of the night. She is keeping down fluids after vomiting on the first day. I have heard that a fever is the bodies way of fighting viruses but should I still give a fever reducer or just let it ride it's course? She doesn't complain of sore throat or have any rashes, but she does have a dry cough. Thanks in advance for any advice you have. We really want to avoid taking her to the doctor and exposing her to more germs while she is less tolerant.

What is a normal body temperature?

normal body temp is 37 C, it is possible to have 40 C with a fever.. but you cant really go past 43. You typically would be brain dead by then.

My 10 month old has a fever of 103.1?

My infant is sick he woke up crying and was burning up. When I took his temp, it was 103. I immediately started to panic and pack him up for the ER. So when is a fever an emergency? hes 10 months

Why do I feel so cold when I have a fever?

It does not make any Sense I am 102 degrees and yet I am under 2 blankets shivering like I am stranded in a blizzard. When I touch snow it feels cold fire feels hot. My body is 103 and I feel cold WHY?

Can you feel a fever coming on?

LOL! Like the movie comment.

Yes, a simple cold or other viral infection can sometimes cause a high fever (102 - 104 °F, or 38.9 - 40 °C). This does not usually mean you have a serious problem. Some serious infections may cause no fever or even a very low body temperatures. Usually, I feel my skin crawl and feel very cold then hot. Mostly feel cold where I can't warm up.
Best to rest and not go to the gym though. You should drink plenty of fluids. Water, popsicles, soup, gelatin, all good choices. Avoid sports drinks. The most common treatment for fever is acetaminophen, such Tylenol, following directions, get rest, watch Saturday Night Fever, and get your proper fluids..You should be feeling fine real soon.
While eating foods with a fever is fine if hungry, foods should not be forced. If symptoms worsen and you feel you need to see a dr. then you probably do. Best to take care of yourself. Wishing you well soon.