My Boyfriend Likes This Girl

My boyfriend says he likes other girls as well what do I do?

If you ever meet a man who says he does not like other girls, normally you should run for the hills and never look back at him.That type man, if he is being honest, is not subject to a normal sex drive, and you should be happy if your man is attracted to others. That’s normal. It’s what he does about it that counts.Perhaps a man who really does not find any other women attractive is telling the truth, in which case my dear you are dating a homosexual. If so, the truth of that will come out; leaving you mortified and having been used by someone who is only seeking a cover to satisfy social norms and/or his parent’s goals. This would be the worst possible explanation.Another possibility is that he is lying to you. This could be a very unpleasant thing, if you seek someone close enough to be truthful and bare his soul to you. Alternatively, some women prefer this type man (a liar) because it absolves them from blame because they prefer to lie to him about their inner feelings, without guilt. You may be custom made for a lying boyfriend.Alternatively he may be lying to you momentarily because his experiences are that it will turn you on sexually to think you are in so much control over him, in which case he is playing you for your sexual charge and reciprocity. Maybe you like this, but it will wear out in time. Enjoy that type man’s company, but don’t marry him.Whatever you may think, eventually you will come to the realization that there are no heterosexual men with decent sex drives who are not attracted to many woman. How many he actually chases or beds will depend upon other things, including his attraction, charm, ethics and upbringing. But understand who men are.Men are not all that different in their sexual desires and drives from women; so if you are honest with yourself about your own attraction to others, you will understand him much better than you apparently do.By the way, human sexual responses and attractions exist as they happen to really be; and no amount of social conditioning or religious training will ever change what goes on inside people’s minds or bodies. Adulthood involves coming to that realization, then deciding what you are going to do about it.

My boyfriend likes emo girls?

I found out that my boyfriend has always been attracted to emo girls, he said he loves their hair and clothing and whatnot, however i am the total opposite, i am a prep that wears hollister, abercrombie, american eagle, uggs ect. He told me he didnt want me to change and that he likes how i dress but that he has always found them attractive, this is really bothering me because i dont know if he finds me as attractive as i thought he did, we have been together for 2 and a half years and he tells me he thinks im pretty i just dont know what to do!! =[ help!

My boyfriend likes other girls?

what the F#$%

THATS your boyfrined.

which means he's not suppose to be LIKING other girls. unless its a casual dating thing..not a real relationship

but if it's a real relationship that's a problem, if he has feelings for you he would not like other women.

instead he would pay more attention to you and treat you like a queen.

My boyfriend likes pregnant girls?

I think pregnant ladies are VERY sexy, tho I tend to think most women are sexy, unless they have self esteem problems.

I don't know your fella, but I guess he (like most) just likes porn and is going through a "pregnant women are sexy" phase.. with him about it & consider yourself lucky that when you are cooking your baby, your fella will only have eyes for you rather than running after every bit of skinny skirt in a hundred mile radius...

...of course, if he only likes pregnant porn, then he's a freak!!!

My boyfriend likes pregnant girls?

So I found out my boyfriend likes pregnant girls. He had pregnant porn and nice pictures of pregnant girls on his computer. I feel like such an a$$. I am so embarassed right now. Why do you think he likes looking at this? Do you think he wants children? I am so confused and just don't know why he would look at this. I thought I was attractive enough for him not to have to look at this, guess I was wrong.

I am now kind of thinking about approaching him about us having a child. (I really want a child and have for quite a while.) Do you think this would be a good idea? Or do you think this would scare him?

My boyfriend likes skinny girls and i'm not ?

Here's the deal: I have been trying to lose weight seriously since the beginning of last year and I have lost 31.5 lbs since January of last year. I now weigh 177.5 and I am 5'6. My body is fairly proportioned so I don't look horrible or anything and I have a pretty face. I have been trying to lose weight so I haven't been feeling down on myself at all I am proud of the road I am on. Well I met my boyfriend in October, and as soon as I met him I ended up losing 10lbs in one month and started getting really serious about achieving my goal weight in a really healthy way. This is something we have talked about and he knows I obsess over counting calories and workout between 2-3 times a week and he knows how insecure I am about talking about the fact I need to lose weight and I am not skinny like the girls he has dated or wants. Anyway I have been losing a pound a week and I have been really happy, it's slow, but I am doing it right. Well ever since we met when he gets drunk he always comments on it. Not in a bad way really he just says he can tell i'm losing weight and tells me I will feel better about myself and blah blah blah. Well then this past weekend, he told me that he only dates skinny girls and he asked his mom for advice on how to tell me that he wants me to lose weight. He re-inforces that it isn't the determining factor of anything and he loves me for who I am and a lot of positive things, he is the sweetest guy I have ever met, but those two things along with the fact of him mentioning my weight everytime he gets drunk is making me feel like maybe I shouldn't be with him. It just hurts so bad. He said that he won't do it again and i'm the best thing that has ever happened to him, but I feel like the emotional damage is done. I don't want to feel this way, it doesn't just go away like that, but I am lost on how to try and work through it :(

I'm pretty sure my boyfriend likes another girl. What do I do?

Just be confident!! No one can help building that in you, only you can. No one has the right to judge you by your physical appearance, unless of course if you're attending a job interview or an arranged marriage session (prevalent in India) :p. And trust me on this,no guy was and ever will be worthy of all the tears that you've or will shed, so stop thinking and live for yourself. A guy in your life might be a beginning of a new story but his departure is not the end of one.Go ahead, write your own story,leave him cause if he's actually interested in her, chances are he's forcibly with you and he might leave you. So before he does that, talk it out and let him go,might be he never loved you as you loved him,just admit it. And life is beautiful when you love it,just let go and feel the happiness that's going to embrace you,you'll feel so lucky to have taken the decision, trust me on this :) :)

My boyfriend likes black girls..I'm white?

So me and my boyfriend have been together for a year and 9 months. As long as I've known him he's always mentioned thinking black girls like Beyonce and stuff are attractive. I don't have a racist bone in my body. I think every race is beautiful and I don't mind him thinking other girls are pretty as long as I'm his number one. I even think it's nice he appreciates the beauty in that race when a lot of guys don't. But here's my problem; he's never ever dated a white girl besides me. I didn't know that before recently. And I asked him why, I mean we live in an almost all white area with very few other races. His response was "I just don't find white girls pretty." That really hurt. I just kinda looked at him and then he quickly added "but I think you're gorgeous! You're my exception." Now I'm feeling really insecure. It makes sense, he's always asking me to tan and stuff and always thinks I look the best when I am a darker shade. I just thought he likes tan, but now I'm thinking he doesn't find me attractive because I'm white and is just with me for personality. I mean I'm glad he likes my personality but I want him to think I'm pretty too...of course he would never come out and say he doesn't find me attractive. I just don't know what to do. I feel really really insecure now and I've never had this problem. Guys usually think I'm pretty. We're both white btw. I'm
17 he's 18