My Boyfriend Spends All His Money On His Family

Boyfriend spends too much money on car?

He spent over $4,500 for his new car that he "had to have". it was way overpriced and didn't even run properly. Used close to $150 in gas for 2 weeks driving from home to work and occasionally out to see me and our daughter (he works pretty closeish to home).

He just spend $1,100 on fixing it in one day... while he owes more than that in child support (my mom wanted it, not me). He is always complaining about how we won't have enough saved up for us to move in together, but then he goes and does this.

Then when someone offered to buy it for $6,000, he didn't want to do that. even though that would buy the both of us WORKING cars.

maybe I'm just being selfish, but it really pisses me off because we aren't in the position to be spending that kind of money on a car.. or anything except our daughter and maybe save up for an apartment..

any advice?

My boyfriend spends all his money on his family?

So I'm 24 and my boyfriend is 24 as well
We been together for 3 years
And all his check goes to his family.
He pays 600 to his brother every month for rent and he doesn't even have a room to sleep in. And his other brother doesn't have a job so he is constantly asking him to buy him stuff.
I don't want his money .my issue is just that we can't ever go out because he is always broke!
I don't mind paying every once in a awhile but I feel like he should too.
When I take us out I try going outside the box and taking us to six flags or what not I'll pay for everything
And when it's his turn to take us out we'll just go to the movies cuz that's all he can afford.
He also doesn't have a car
He used to but his brother broke it down and never helped him pay to fix it.
I really love my boyfriend and I try to be understanding
But I don't know if I should confront him about it or not???
And if so how can I say it so he doesn't feel like I am being rude to him or his family ?

My boyfriend spends too much time and money at bars. Could he be an alcoholic?

My BF and I have been together for over 3 years and lived together most of that time. We just bought our first house together about 9 months ago. We are both in our early 30s and have no children. I work mornings and he works nights and we only have 1 day off together. He has a stressful job doing IT stuff and for the past few months he has been going to a local bar more and more (about 3-4 times a week now). He spends at least $40-$50 a night at this bar. I don't know if it's just job stress or if he's becoming an alcoholic. I have brought this up to him and he gets upset and acts like I'm nagging, but he actually owes me thousands of dollars when I supported him when he was out of a job for about 5 months last year. He has been decent at paying me back each paycheck, but not lately. He lives paycheck to paycheck and most of his money is spent at the bar. He has a ritual of going to the bar and then getting Jack in the Box fast food afterwards. It's driving me insane. About 2 months ago I gave him an ultimatum to go to the bar only once a week and spend $30 or less which he agreed to and did for about 2 weeks but now he is back spending his time at this same bar at least 3-4 times a week. What really upsets me is he spent almost $200 at this bar last night for a friends birthday (probably buying peoples drinks). I couldn't go because I had to get up for work early today, but I'm thinking I should have to babysit him and make sure he didn't spend to much $. My parents and I think he is at the beginning stages of alcoholism. I'm at the point where I just want to end the relationship because of this bar issue. Anyone else ever have a predicament like this or a solution? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

My boyfriend spends way too much money on me?

I have a boy who is my best friend and he spoils me too. He buys me food though. He always pays even if i say i want to pay. my situation is a bit different as he doesnt spend more than $20 usuaully but i still feel really bad accepting and not giving anything in return (especially since i have no job, no money to buy him anything.) the best thing to do is to let him know you appreciate it all and maybe ask him to stop because your feeling guilty. as long as you let him know, he'll know you arent that type of girl who leeches onto the guy for his money and uses him. keep complimenting him and telling him nice things. it'll be okay and just appreciate what you have. your a lucky girl. :) Good luck & hope i helped.

Am i the one wrong? boyfriend spends all my money?

I have been with my boyfriend for going on 7 years. I'm now pregnant and due very soon. I will be out of work soon and will only have what I have put up in savings... boyfriend gets paid every two weeks. He gets between 450 to 500 a check. With the first check he pays the rent which is 350 and the second check the lights water and phone.. Usually he still comes to me needing money to put with his to pay the bills because he has spent his money on pot (60 to 90 a WK on pot..) and god only knows what else he does with it. I get paid weekly about 230. I end up putting money on the bills buying his cigarettes giving him ten bucks a day for gas buying our food and drink for the week and him using my money on beer instead of bringing me back any change ever. I don't currently have a car so I rely on him to bring home what we need thus having to give him the money and not ever seeing any change. Yeah he pays the bills but I spend my entire check on him or he raises hell. I don't even have money after buying what we need for the house/ us to even buy a pair of jeans. I get so fed up and he acts like I'm a money hungry *****. He doesn't want to find a better job with more hours and bitches at me about going out of work soon because I'll be taking maternity leave (unpaid that's why I've been trying to save all I can) and I guess expects me to rush right back to work to continue and support him I feel like. I mean I really feel like I'm getting nothing out of this relationship. I can never go buy something I want or need because he 'needs' the money. When I try and explain how this makes me feel he says nothing unless it's something about he puts a roof over my head blah blah etc. Or that I'm just money hungry which is funny to me when I can't even spend 20 bucks without worrying will I have enough money to last til payday again. I just don't know what to do. I've told him when I go out of work I will have no money for him at all. He hasn't helped me save anything this entire pregnancy. What I've put back is what I've managed to hide and keep from him little by little...

Boyfriend spends a lot of money on his sister?

It may not necessarily be your place, but there is a point you could make to him, only if your motive is sincere. That point being, when someone always gives money, and things, to a loved one so that the loved one doesn't have to earn their own way, it's called enabling. Basically, they enable that individual to stay childish and immature because someone always takes care of their every whim and desire. So, in reality, though it may seem he's just a really generous guy, he's really hurting his sister by giving her anything she wants. Kind of like raising a child, and giving them anything they want, then wondering why they're spoiled brats.

So, looking at it realistically, what if something happened to him and he was no longer there to give to her money or pay her bills? Then, she's sort of up S*%# Creek without a paddle. She would then have to go through a, probably long, and painful period of trying to figure out how to live her life without his money.

So, that being said, you would have to approach him purely with his sister's goodwill as the motive, as opposed to, "Your sister's using you." A very delicate situation. So, if you're not sure if you can do it with the right motive, you're best off to leave it alone.

My boyfriend spends his money on beer and cigarettes.?

My boyfriend has been living with me at my parents house for almost half a year because he got kicked out of his and has no one else to go to. But the problem is whenever he does get some money (most of the time he is broke) the first thing he will buy is cigs or beer and it's so annoying!! Or he even gives some to his broke mom! (who kicked him out by the way) He could at least take me out to do something which we never do or he could save up or at least buy some new shoes or clothes or something he actually needs!! I don't know what to so but it frustrates me so much! I know it's his money but I can't stand to see him waste it on stupid things.

My boyfriend is always broke, but will spend any money he gets on weed?

Put on those walkin' boots now, forget that crap about enjoying it while he's in college.
Thats a load of bull, he started smoking it before than and he's certainly not about to stop after college when he's making money...Maybe?? but chances are he'll just smoke and drink more.

But if i were you, i would walk out right now, he has just told you in so many words and with his "in your face" behaviour that he has chosen dope and beer over you.
Leave him for the right reason "Selfish and selfcentred", the man may well be in love, but its not with you.
This is about him and what he wants, and it always will be, he's showing you his true self so look real dam good, this is about him and his life, you may follow along but he is really the one his life is all about, his satisfaction.
Look, your in for a world of heartache with this clown, anyone who cheat and uses his own mother, your gonna trust?, put your life and future in his hands?
Booze bad enough, but dope sucks money worse than any vacum does dirt, it also adds to one selfishness.
It kills one's drive and ambitions, so take a good hard look at the looser your about to choose as a partner.
You know the one thing women never get over, never stop kicking their a*ss over once a relationship breaks up??
It's the time, the years you never get back, the time you wasted on a guy when you knew deep down he wouldn't change.
Warning #2- the average 24yr old male has the maturity level of a 17yr old girl and 26yrs old is the new 21 for men, so don't be expecting him to grow up...anytime soon.