My Crush Found Out That I Like Him What Should I Do

So my crush found out that I like her, should I still tell her that I like her or should I not?

Does she know that you know that she knows you like her? If so it's probably too late, but you still might as well.It's really unattractive to be told by some random person that I am liked by someone else, so your first mistake was telling someone. So now that she knows you like her, does she know that you have found out that someone told her?Your answer actually doesn't so much matter, because the action you should take is the same either way. Just tell her smoothly and naturally and see what happens.

My crush found out I like him.?

my crush has a girlfriend but she doesnt like him anymore and he doesnt know it. today my crush and his so called girlfriend found out I like him by my best friend.Now my crush knows and I am scared to be near him.he sits right beside me and we flirt sometimes.He still kinda likes his girlfriend,but he stares at me sometimes and I dont know if it is a good way or bad way.anyways I am too scared to be near him because I know he found out.Can someone please tell me what should I do?(I dont want to give him up either)

My crush found out I like him?

I've liked this guy for a while and I told one of my best friends that I like him but today I found out from some people that my best friend told my crush, even though I told my friend not to tell anyone :/
It hurts that my best friend would do something like that, but I digress. I was going to wait until the time felt right and tell him I like him myself but my best friend had to go and do that...
Someone asked my crush if he was gonna ask me out and he said "I don't know, maybe." Which is kinda better than a "no" but I still am very confused by that answer :/
I'm so embarrassed that he found out that I feel awkward and shy and I'm too scared to talk to him again. Do you think he could like me back based on his answer? and what should I do now? Thank you very much.

What would happen if my crush found out I don't like him any more?

do he know about the crush thing at all, if not then I can't see how that affects him, and then if he knows and later find out your not into him anymore, I think he will survive, everyone have had their heart broken from time to time, it's not like this is no one's go through, everyone goes through multiple big heartbreaks in life, this is a pretty small one, and is only true if he really likes you back.On the other hand, if this is just something you make up to make him consider you more, then you are a hell of a vicious girl, not in a bad way in my eyes though, but if you can give would mind to make it more detailed, then I don't have to guess so much.

My crush found out that i like him. Why did he laugh and why is he acting nervous?

I found out that my crush found out from his friends that i liked him. it must somehow leaked out to his friends. now my crush ISNT a jerk. when they told him that i liked him he laughed and i do know that he have guessed that i maybe like him because i gave him hints and my crush friend asked me why i were looking at my crush and him and i said that i look at everyone. my crush also seem nervous/akward when im around after he found out and keep looking at me sometimes to see if i look at him. my friend told me that he found out. i dont know how long he have known and i asked my friend and she told me to ask him. ive never really had a real convo with him only simple questions about school before i actually crushed him. Im not ugly or super pretty, im actually an avarange looking girl. and girls dont often find my crush good looking what i know. we are both 14 years old and we are classmates.
My best friend told me that he maybe is flattered deep inside. Do you guys think that he IS flattered? why is he nervous/akward when im around? why did he laugh? should i talk to him about this?
I know he dont like me back also my friend asked him why he dont and he replied with "i dont like (my name)" and i was in the same room. AKWARD.

My crush found out I liked him. Help?

I know the usual advice: he finds out, he ignores you, he's not the man for you, move on. It's not like that though, we work together, we talk, he is like a friend to me. I had a crush on him when I first met him and sure, those feelings have always been there sort of I guess since then, but our current relationship, our friendship I guess, means more to me then that. I like talking to him, I feel like he gets me. I don't want to lose that. He basically found out when someone who used to be really great friends with me, and who I love although we aren't as close anymore, shared a sober driver after a party. She was talking with him, I came up because I'm a mutual friend, and she was calling me cool and stuff and told him I had a little crush on him back before high school or at the beginning of high school (when me and him first met). I found this whole situation out from him, except he wouldn't tell me what she said, he was kind of teasing me about it but wouldn't tell me, and then when I asked if he would tell me over text and texted him he told me that the past was in the past. So I asked her (my other friend) who filled in the blanks. I'm cool with it, I laughed at first. And actually I am loving this because it has given me a chance to reconnect with her. He was his normal self with me today, but now that I know he knows, and that he is gonna know I know soon most likely, I'm scared that will make things awkward and make him difficult to communicate and work with. Help.

What should I do if I'm gay and my straight crush found out that I like him?

What should I do if I'm gay and my straight crush found out that I like him?“Nothing” is an option. So what if you have a crush on a straight guy? That's nothing to be ashamed of. If the subject ever comes up just say yeah, you have a crush on him and you can't help the way you feel, but you understand it's a one-way feeling and would never do anything about it nor expect him to do anything about it either.

My crush found out that I like him, but he hasn't done or said anything. What do I do?

Ok first of All, Thank you for answering my question! and now I will answer yours.

first off WHY would you aplogize to him! its not your fault if you like him. Dont be embarassed, if he already knows then at least you have it out in the open. He probably is the one who is embarassed, most guys act like their tough and everything but really its just for show. What you should do is confront him about out and ask him Whats going on? if he likes you then hes just shy and wants you to make the first move. So go for it girl! it makes things much much easier if he likes you back :)

I Found Out My Crush Likes Me....Now What?

I just found out that my crush for the last year likes me too but we are both scared to do anything about it. Its completely obvious but she wont make an move and neither will i. It's just I'm too scared that i would ruin something so good. I just dont think i could handle being one on one with her all the time, i choke up when im around her one on one, like sometimes we can just talk and talk but then sometimes i cant think of anything. So im curious as to how you guys/girls keep your relationships going rather its what you do together or what you talk about. Also whats i good place for a 1st date, I know the movies but you dont talk at all during movies, i could do dinner but i dont talk much when i eat =P any other suggestions?

My crush found out I liked him and I have been avoiding him. Someone asked him if he liked me and he said a straight no. What do I do?

Show him you’re confident and his rejection doesn’t define you as worthless. The best thing you can do is just go about your friendship as if it never happened.I completely understand the rejection part of it tearing you, but rejection isn’t failure. You are going to find someone who likes you back and it will be glorious. Don’t penalize him for not having the same feelings as you and cut him off because you’re embarrassed. He’s going to forget about it in a week anyway.