My Dad Always Hides My Stuff

My parents always hide stuff from me?

why do my parent's always hide stuff from me? like a few years ago when my grandfather had a heart attack they didn't tell me until the next day and he had it early in the day. my dad might get a job transfer or lose his job entirely, but neither of them will tell me anything about it. and when they do, they explain it to me like i'm 4 years old. i'm 16. i understand what is going on. i know they don't want me to worry, but i need to know if my life is going to change dramatically in the next year. we might have to move, but i don't know how likely it is that we will because they won't talk. yesteday my parents were looking at houses online and i asked if we were going to move. my mom said if my dad got a job transfer we might have to. and then i said i didn't want to have to move and she pretty much turned around what she said and said we won't have to and then told me not to worry and changed the subject. i could tell she was hiding something from me, she isn't a good lier at all. no one in my family is except me. i can tell her and my dad are both hiding the worst from me, and i need to know what is going on.

My dad hides (or more like steals) my stuff because he feels like it, what should i do?

I really feel bad for you. I'm assuming you're a minor and can't move out without their permission. Is there a close relative you could move in with? Or at least someone who would be willing to step and help? Your father definitely has issues, and honestly, I don't think you'll ever see your bracelet again. You need to hide anything and everything you don't want him to take from you, because I doubt his behavior will ever change. He obviously is a very controlling person, and your mother probably lets him get away with it because she's either afraid to stand up for herself (and you) or it's just easier for her to make waves.

All I can say is hang in there until you're 18 then move out as soon as you can. Start saving money any way you can and hide it so you can at least feel like you're doing proactive towards your future. I wish you well.

Here are some articles that may be of help:

My brother always uses my stuff!..?

i have a 17 year old brother (i'm 12) and he is always using my stuff! like he'll use my shampoo and conditioner, my body soap, my straightener, and even my razor! it's so annoying and when i ask him to stop, he just talks back and turns everything on me. i even bought him his own shampoo and stuff to use but he doesn't use it. i've tried hiding my stuff but he just took my ipod until i'd give my stuff to him.. bah! help!

Why does my dad always pawn r stuff n then say he'll never put it in again,but he does?! >;(?

im starting 2 really hate my dad because hes always pawning r stuff,mostly my stuff! he got me a wii n lost it in the pawn then got me another,so iv lost 2 wiis,an ipod n 2 ds's becuz of him in the past n recently he put my 3ds in the pawn so i dnt no if ill ever get tht bck :(. n wat makes me even madder n upset about this is tht my mum is the 1 who has 2 pay 2 get the stuff bck wen its hard enuff she has 2 pay for everything n he does nothing! all he does is sit around drink play games smoke cigarettes n weed n sumtimes pop pills ... like if my mum is sick my dad will say she should go 2 the doctor n wen she does go n coms bck my dad will ask if she got any medicine .. n if she doesnt he'll flip out. thts another thing,he flips out easy! if sum1 gets him mad he coms home n takes it out on us by yelling at us n calling us names! n also if sum1 says sumthing about him he has 2 bring sum1 else into it!.. uhh how do i say it..i guess u could say hes a subject changer? Ex: i said tht hes a liar cuz he said he'll never pawn anything again wen hes gona do it rite now.. then he started bringing up stuff tht i did! i was jus thinking wtF im talking about u n now ur trying 2 talk **** about me? ur supposed 2 be the mature n grownup 1... n im always blamed by him! like rite now i hear my mum downstairs yelling at him n hes saying y r u so mad about this now? u werent befor! ur only acting this way now becuz ur mad at her! (her is me) i dnt no wat catergory this goes in either..yea but u guys probably wnt read this all..i dnt even no wat it is im asking i guess i jus wantd 2 tell,well write/type this out cuz i hate him so much >;[

My dad threw my stuff away?

I understand what you're feeling. When my mom gets angry, she goes into my room and takes my collection of rocks that i put in a jar. But over the years, I've learned to keep some things in my closet, or hide it behind books. Hope this helps!

My dad always invades my privacy!!!?

he reads my diaries and personal journals, how matter where i try to hide them. he reads my texts and emails. he's really good with computers so he can see all my web history and everything. its' just so ANNOYING!!! he's invading MY personal space and i hate it. my mom died when i was young and i have no siblings. its just me and my dad alone in the house.
i used to be really close to him like a few years ago, but we just sorta fell apart. i want him out of my social and personal life but he just won't mind his own business.
i've tried talking to him about it but he claims he "just wants to know me better"
what should i do to get him to mind his own business?

I hate my dad. He always looks through my stuff. I’ve even gotten nightmares about him going through my things. I’m not trying to hide anything, it just scares me. What should I do?

Sorry kid… you got a lot of strange answers. Maybe I can help.The words hate and scare are perfectly valid emotions not to be ignored.Obviously SOMETHING is wrong here, or… no shit you would talk to mom or him.2 things you can do…Slowly start hiding or eliminating your belongings. Just slowly… stash things in the basement at a friend or relatives. Bring things to school put them in your locker.When he notices things are missing chances are he’ll yell at you.. let it happen you could get some important clues as to what he’s “looking for or hoping to find”.2nd see if you can’t set up a hidden camera… just let him do his thing.It sounds awful… but is he panty sniffing…? Is he just rummaging around until no one is looking.Unfortunately you’re going to have to play dumb fox a little bit.Tread carefully as I don’t think you’re dealing with a normal situation….I’m sorry you’re going through this.

Where do parents hide stuff they take away from you?

I cant find my xbox 360 remotes and my mom took them away and she said there out of the house but my moms too lazy to do that and we have a car with no insurence so i think there in there so i need an answer by june 5 (end of xbox live trial)

As a teenager, what are some of the best ways to hide secrets from parents?

I’m 16 years old, by the way.How did I hide my secrets? I wrote all my most private stuff down in a kinda diary. I had pages and pages of personal letters that got returned to me when myself and my girlfriend broke up.I had my most ‘taboo’ “toys”, along with those letters and stuff. All of it was kept in a wooden box that I made with my dad. The box is made from scrap wood that he uses too build kitchens with, so it was quite heavy. 20mm thick on each side, laminated, about 40cm² and a bigass padlock on the front.The only fault of that box was the lock. It was one of theseSo one day I get home from a weekend at dads… and my room is clean. I mean there’s almost nothing in there. It’s SUPER clean. Not bad, right? Just mum doing what she wants.But something was off.. my stuff was packed nicely under my shelf. And my storage boxed were gone..Then I saw my box, with the lock on the ground and the padlock busted off with a screwdriver. All my mail was opened and on my bed and there was all this paperwork stapled together.I told mums friend to fuck off (because I was really nervous they had found my weed). As I started to read this paperwork on my bed, I realised it was actually typed by mum, telling me how bad drugs are, how bad sugar is, and why I should stop before I ruin my life. That’s when I looked at my poor box..I opened it up and it was filled with my watches and bullet shells, which belong on my shelf and not in there. As I dug through it I was freaking out. My weed was gone, my letters were tidied into a little bundle, the blood stained rag that I used to clean my cuts with was gone, my bottle of vodka was gone, my condoms were packed neatly back into the slidey box they come in, and my toys were gone. Probably in a bin down the road..You know what that did to me? That was the day I really did consider suicide again. I was so close to just riding into the middle of the highway. Or going to hang myself. I dind’t care, never did.I didn’t talk to mum for a week after that and hardly ate a thing.So parents, do not go through your kids stuff. let them have privacy. People my age, buy a proper safe. I’ve now got one which cost $40 at Bunnings. It’s screwed to the floor beside my bed, and mum definitely knows about it but still hasn’t gone through it.*sigh*

My dad is always eager to check my phone and I am scared he might somehow find out that I have a boyfriend. How can I prevent my dad from getting to know about him?

Frankly speaking, it is a loop. You keep a secret, your father gets suspicious, he starts watching you. Then you get tense and start keeping more secrets, again moving away from you father. One day it will lead to something that will break the relation or spoil it. My advice, think about it. Try to figure the amount of trust factor you have with your father. Build it, by speaking to him often. Telling him things in your life. Taking his advice, listening to him, giving him advice. Nurture your relationship and let him know that you are not a small child anymore. You take responsible desicions, you respect and love him. When his confidence on you grows, he will not spy on you or you can confidently introduce your friend or friends. Regarding boyfriend, I think it will be wise to speak less, wait till you are confident enough to introduce him to your father. Don't be afraid of things. If you know you are doing something wrong, don't do it. If you have to do it, do it with courage and face the results. When you are confident about your deeds people will never doubt you.